The Avengers were in Stark Tower. Clint had no idea how the game started. You had to reveal something embarrassing and so far the results had been kinda funny. Tasha had never had orange juice, Rogers didn't know what Twitter was and Banner didn't understand how to work Facebook. Stark was being an arsehole so Clint had stopped listening to him.

"Go on Barton!" urged Stark.

Clint sighed. "I can't cry."

That got everyone's attention. He could remember people pointing at him at Phil's funeral. Everyone else was crying, even Fury had been spotted wiping his eye. Clint was the only one that didn't need a tissue, needed nothing to stop the non-existent tears.

Banner asked, "How come?"

Clint replied, "My eyes got damaged when I was younger."

"Yeah right. The world's greatest marksman has damaged eyes? Pur-lease." Joked Stark.

Clint shrugged. "When I was 18 someone injected potassium chloride solution into my eyes and it screwed up my tear ducts."

Thor asked what potassium chloride was so Banner was forced to explain. Nobody else said anything and Clint ignored them.

Potts broke the silence by asking, "How old were you when you joined S.H.I.E.L.D.?"


She frowned and Clint could see everyone had assumed it had happened as torture during a mission. Well, it had been torture, just not with S.H.I.E.L.D. Tasha stroked the back of his neck and Clint got to his feet.

"I'm goin' bed. I have to be up early tomorrow. Stark, can I borrow a car?"

Stark shrugged. "Yeah. I'll leave the keys on the table. Where are you going?"

Clint pretended he didn't hear and headed into his room.