"Why don't you just run then? Why do you continue to stay if you know one day they will kill you?" the small voice spoke.

"I can't... I've always been like this...they are no different than me.." my eyes stared down to the dusty floor where the wind seemed to be more noticeable.

My hands were tucked into my jacket pocket as my feet kicked at invisible objects on the ground.

"How so?" the small voice got a little quieter but the curiosity was present.

I dared looking up and with a started intake of breath I took a step backwards. Staring back at me with a smirk was my own reflection. The mirror that stood before me was cracked, but I could still make out my image. The shaggy sandy auburn hair was placed in different places as the crack distorted my golden eyes. I glanced at the ground to the sound of dripping. Seeing red dots on the ground I look up towards my hand and see the open gash that was now bleeding.

"Looks like you've got another scratch, I guess it will match the ones down your back. Or better yet what about the one in your heart? That one is a lot deeper than what you recognize it for." the reflection smirked back at me as it held it's hand towards the chest pointing into the area of my heart.

It seemed as though right when my reflection pointed out the gaping gash within me, it stung just a tiny bit, reminding me that it was still there.

"What they hell do you want with me?! I can't give you anything! So just leave me alone!" I shouted as I stepped towards the wall that locked me in this nightmare.

I felt the sweat drip down from my forehead as my eyes dashed from side to side, sliding down the wall I hugged my knees close to my chest. I buried my heads within my knees and prayed that this hell would soon perish. The sound of my own voice spoke up and made me fear looking up towards the fake image of myself.

"Oh? But I believe you can give me something...Something that is very valuable.." the golden eyes that I saw, soon changed into a deep blue mixed with a red.

"why don't you give me yourself? The life that you have lived would be a good price to pay...but possibly even better, would be your soul. The one thing that would let you go to the heaven your beloved would get to go to, yes that sounds just wonderful!" the image in the mirror soon disappeared, and the mirror of which its form was founded, turned to dust as though it was never there.

As I scan the room I slowly make my way up using the wall as support, but as soon as I got on my feet, I am faced with the same image except the mirror was no where to be seen, and my body was standing right in front of my eyes. Startled I run towards the side as continue to look for a way out.

"Lets make a deal. You get to live, but when you die...you will spend the afterlife damned to the flames of hell never knowing the wonderful life in the clouds, that which all your loved ones will follow. And in return of such a lovely trade I will give you the power to slay those who have done you wrong. The night shall be your best friend...so, what do you say? Yes or no...Ritsu?" the hand of the imposter slowly guided its way up towards my cheek as it ran its fingers through my hair.

Standing there in silence I shut my eyes and hope that when I open them this dream will stop and that I could forget about this incident.

"well? Im waiting for your answer." the figure spoke as I felt the gaze on me.

Opening my eyes I look straight into my own and replied.

"I already am damned to hell, for my actions of which I have done, and the beast that is locked into my chest and body was here before you ever were. So I guess I will have to decline for you have nothing for me." my eyes were cold as my golden irises shimmered in the darkness.

Throwing it's hands in the air it shakes it's head and slowly backs away.

"Looks like you will do just fine, but remember the truth is better said soon than later..." and as the figure said its last words it disappeared into the shadows. Letting out a huge sigh, I lean against the wall but instead of feeling the stiff support I fall through the wall and into a black abyss that swallowed me whole. Screaming I throw my hands up for one last attempt to grab a hold of something.

My body was jolted awake as sweat poured down my face. I opened my eyes and saw a worried mio leaning over my body. Sighing in relief, I try to calm my erratic breathing and heartbeat.

I saw that her mouth was moving but the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat, I stared at her trying to understand what she was saying. Furrowing my brow I concentrate a little more, and soon I could make out bits and pieces of what she was saying.

"Are...Alright...Ritsu..?" the words blanked in and out, but I really didn't want to know about what she was saying.

I was just glad that the nightmare that I was stuck in ended. Bringing my hand up I place it on my chest and thought about the dream. I felt a wet line run across my face, blinking in surprise I bring my hand up towards my eyes and found out that I was indeed crying. Quickly wiping them away I stared at Mio, and gave her a light smile.

"Sorry...It was just a bad dream that's all." I reached my hand towards Mio's bangs and slid them back behind her ear as I slowly leaned up into a sitting position.

I leaned closer to her and circled my arms around her waist as I drew her closer towards me. I sniffed the lovely scent and let out a content sigh, as I felt my body relax. I felt Mio's soft hand run through my hair as she hummed as soft melody into my ear. I smiled warmly as I slowly pulled away.

"This is a perfect heaven just for me..I don't think we need to go anywhere else to find a happily ever after..." I glanced towards the window and looked out into the nicely lit sky.

"Just you watch, when I find you, you will be going down.. and I wont need anyone's help doing so."

Hey guys! it's been so long since i last updated... I'm sorry for that one. But i have a good reason why! i broke my computer and i had to get a new one but i needed to work to save up for one. so after some time i managed to get a nice little computer. this is as you can see the 5th chapter so far and this one is pretty dramatic but hey every story needs a little drama. ;) welp i don't have much to say but thank you all for reading and if you liked it give this a favorite and don't forget to leave a review i love it when you guys do so. alright well im out of here! hope you enjoyed and see you next time with a new chapter!