AN; WARNING! This is a drabble fic, which means lots of short chapters. You've been warned. With that said, enjoy :)

He won't stop staring at me. I've been here for three hours now, and he's only spoken exactly three words to me. "Hi. Isabella? Charlie." After that he wordlessly showed me around my new 'home,' all the while stealing not-so-covert glances at me. Now we were sitting across from each other at the table.

I can understand his demeanour towards me. He's known about me for twenty seven hours.

I am his long lost daughter.

My biological mother left him after she found out she was pregnant with me, and then she put me up for adoption. While I've always known that I was adopted, he never even knew I existed.

"Do you like your room?" That's the most he's ever said to me.

I nod, taking in his deep gravelly voice. It matches his lightly tanned skin, dark brown hair and thick moustache. He's my biological father, but apart from the hair, we look nothing alike.

"You can change it if you like…"

He's trying. I know that I should respond, but I find my mouth staying shut. I don't know this man, yet I'm expected to live with him?

Don't get me wrong, I'm more than grateful. If he hadn't of decided to take me in, I would've been thrown into the system. I would've been stuck at some girls home for a year until I'm legally old enough to be on my own.

"Purple is my favourite colour," I say, deciding to meet him halfway.

He smiles. It makes him look ten years younger despite the small crinkles at the corners of his eyes. "The lady at the store picked it out."

The only purple thing in my room is a comforter. It's nice. My room is small and plain, with bare walls, a closet and a desk. I like it.

"Do you want to go shopping? You didn't bring much stuff," he says.

He only knows that my parents are dead, not how. "That's all that's left of my things," I state. I should tell him why, but I don't think I can talk about that yet.

"Oh… Well, I'll take you to Port Angeles after school tomorrow." He doesn't look too thrilled about having to do that.

School. Tomorrow. Great.

Yeah, I don't know what to say. I probably shouldn't be starting a new story, but this one just wouldn't leave me alone.