I'm graced with both Angela and Alice after class. As soon as they set their sights on me, the questions begin.

"Did you really punch Tanya in the face? I mean she deserves it—"

"What happened?"

"Want me to bash her? I will—"

"I heard that she saw you having sex with Edward in his car and that-"

"Did she really pull out some of your hair?"

When Alice actually starts to lift my hair up searching for a missing chunk I decide that I've had enough. "Give it a rest guys. You know none of that actually happened."

I can't help but notice that there seems to be a mob following us to our next class, trying to hear some gossip first hand apparently.

"Yeah…" Alice says dejectedly. "But it sure would be cool if it had happened."

I laugh at her sudden exuberance at the end.

I relay to them what happened in a loud voice, hoping that the eavesdroppers around me would spread the truth. I'm pretty sure that they won't but I figured that it was worth a try.

Alice and Angela still thought it was pretty kick-ass.

We part ways with Angela so that she can get to her next class, and Alice and I make our way to the three seat table where Edward is waiting for me. Like last time, I sit next to him with Alice on my other side.

"Sooooo," he says, drawing the word out dramatically.

I bite my lip, hoping that he doesn't take what happened the wrong way.

"I can't keep my hands off you, aye?"

I groan out loud. Of course. I'd been hoping that he'd heard one of the more ridiculous theories that didn't mention him at all, but with Jasper sitting right there, of course he would have told Edward exactly how it all went down.

"It seemed like a good thing to say at the time," I say slowly, but when I look into his so-very-green eyes I see that he's just having a laugh at my expense and not truly angry.

I let out a relieved breath. I wasn't aware of how much his opinion of me mattered until that moment when I thought I might have tarnished it.

His lips curve into that breath-taking lopsided grin of his. "From what Jazz said, it was the perfect thing to say… and kinda hot."

I let out a laugh. "Oh yeah? You like crazy-eyed possessive chicks?"

The laughter in his eyes dies down and he suddenly turns serious. "Your eyes could never be considered crazy. Beautiful, deep, expressive... but never crazy," he whispers so softly that I have to strain to make out his words.

When they do register, I have to fight down a shiver.

I'm so caught off guard by his comment that I blurt out the next thought that crosses my mind. "Do you know someone that works at EM Manufacturing?"

He turns startled eyes to me.

AN; How bout we hear from Edward next time, yeah? Thanks for reading and reviewing. You guys rock :)