*Hi! Wow I haven't written anything in a LONG TIME! I've been busy with things, such as me just turning 18, going to summer school unfortunately and with me just doing nothing over my summer vacation!

I've checked my stories and I've decided that I should do a Young Justice story, since I love the series and I've never done anything like this! However, there will be some elements of some anime such as Panty & Stocking and other anime that will be mentioned do to my OC being a nerd!

*This show and the elements that I use such as anime references and my OC's transformation clothing from Panty & Stocking are not mine!*

Now Enjoy, "The Angel Unknown To Heaven"!

The air was crisp and dry as Happy Harbor was being attacked by Firefly, using a machine to cause most of the air in the city to get dry as people began to pass out from the intense heat.

"I will rule this city; Then the world!" He exclaimed, fighting off the Justice League with ease. All the Justice League were on the ground, their energy drained from the extreme heat as Firefly held a gun in his hands, ready to kill all of the heroes. "Is there anyone here that think they can stop me?"


Firefly was suddenly kicked down to the concrete ground, a crater under him as a girl in a cape and spandex came into view.

"You won't harm these people anymore, hoodlum!" Katherine Morse exclaimed heroically, grabbing Firefly by the collar as she crushed his flamethrower and gun. The heat in the sky softened, people cheering as the extreme heat wave was over. The Justice League came over to Katherine, Superman smiling towards her as Wonder Woman took Firefly to the police.

"You did a heroic deed here Katherine. Would you be willing to join the Justice League, and help us defend Earth?" Katherine gave a huge grin, looking at Superman as she spoke happily.



An alarm clock suddenly rang loudly, signaling that t was the dawn of morning. Rustling was heard as a girl squirmed out of bed, dark circles under her eyes as she groaned. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she then reached at her nightstand, grabbing her black rimmed glasses, slowly putting them on.

"Why now," She groaned tiredly, "It was just getting to the good part too." Her name was Katherine Morse, 10th grader at Happy Harbor High School and was currently a freshman. It did seem strange for a girl so young as 14, she was quite smart. A somewhat average girl, she had a somewhat...interesting passion.

"Off to school we go then. Why can't I be like Robin or Superman, not having to go to school and help people..." Katherine trailed off, getting up slowly as she went into her closet. Right when she was about to get dressed, her room door suddenly slammed open.

"Katherine! Are you awake?" An older woman exclaimed, around her 30's with short blonde hair and in a business suit. Katherine sighed, rubbing her eyes as she looked at the woman.

"Aunt Melissa, do you have to do that every morning? You're going to wake up the others-"

"I need your help pronto! My superhero fanfiction needs revising and I need your advise on how I should fix it! Please help me!" Her aunt exclaimed, on her hands and knees over her sporadic episodes. Katherine sighed, looking at her aunt as she gave a small smile.

"Ok I'll help you." Katherine said, then sighed once more as she gave an annoyed look. "But can I just get dressed first; I still have school you know."

"Right, right! I'll leave you to that and then you can help me with my fanfiction!" Katherine's aunt exclaimed, standing up as she then ran out of her niece's room. "Also, breakfast is ready so make sure that Ross and Caroline get up." Aunt Melissa then ran down stairs to get food as Katherine got ready, looking around her room. All she could see was her collection of occult memorabilia like ghost catchers and good luck charms, as well as her posters and figures of cartoons and heroes alike that she idolized. Superman, Batman, The Green Lanterns, Wonder Woman, Aqua-man; they made her believe that anything was possible, but it wasn't always that easy for the little guys.

"Let's get everyone up then." Katherine then proceeded to wake all of the other tenants in the small dormitory like apartment building.

Everyone was finally at the table; Katherine, Aunt Melissa, Ross and Caroline. These woman lived in their apartment building, so far not having any new tenants due to the appearance of the building.

"So Caroline, how was your art class yesterday?" Aunt Melissa asked, looking at the woman next to her.

"It was great! I was able to get some really nice art pencils and some sketch paper for my next comic book." Caroline said, smiling as she ate some ham and bacon. Caroline was a young woman, around her mid 20's whose passion was to draw and write comic books for a living. She seemed to only have friends in the comic book stores and art classes that she took, but she was content with her position.

"Ross, were you able to get all the DVDs you were looking for?" Katherine asked Ross, looking at the young girl. Ross nodded, looking up as she thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I got all I needed! I was able to get all my new figures and the limited edition of Code Geass!" Ross was a shy girl, that usually kept to herself. She only talked to others when instructed, but when she'd get back to the apartment, she's be the chatter box that wouldn't shut up for hours. Aunt Melissa laughed, drinking the last of her orange juice before she got out of her chair, looking at the table.

"Well I'm off! Have to get to the news station early if I want to get a good story out to the presses; Katherine, hurry up or you'll be late!" Katherine nodded, having a worried look on her face, but then quickly changed it to a smile.

"Right." Katherine then quickly ran up stairs, grabbing her bag and walkman quickly as she bolted down the stairs, her glasses almost flying off her face. "Bye guys, I'll see you later!" Katherine quickly got in the car, Aunt Melissa smiling as she then started to drive towards Happy Harbor High School. The drive there was pretty quiet, the two in silence when Aunt Melissa sighed, a worrisome look on her face. She looked in the car mirror, seeing Katherine looking out the window with a depressed look.

"You know Kathy," Aunt Melissa started as she used her niece's nickname, "You can talk to me about your problems at school. I was just like you when I was your age; the geek of the school that was always picked on-"

"Well things have changed." Katherine said, looking at her lap as she wiped the lenses of her glasses, "Teenagers are more violent then ever now, especially to nerd girl with no friends and skipped a grade because she's a smart Alec." Aunt Melissa looked at Katherine, and sighed once more with a guilty expression.

"I just wish...forget it." Aunt Melissa then became quiet as she stopped at the school's entrance. Katherine then got out of the car, grabbing her bag as she shut the door. "I love you like my own daughter you know; if my sister were still here-"

"If my mom was still here...my life would be much different." Katherine then ran to the school's entrance, not bothering to look back at her Aunt.

The day started off as any other day; AP Science, AP Math, Honors English and then lunch for Katherine. Because of her good grades, she was always able to leave the school early after lunch ended; but that was always the biggest obstacle of the day, everyday.

"Hey Nerd Girl! Written any bad comics lately?" The popular kids laughed at her as Katherine was in the line to get lunch. She sighed, trying to not look at them as she continued on with her life, trying to ignore the comments that would go on everyday.

"What's the matter? Gone quiet on us all of a sudden?"

"She probably has, with her nails, hair, ugly eyebrows and clothes, I bet nobody ever wants to her hear dumb voice ever again!" More laughter could be heard as Katherine toughened it out as best as possible, finally getting her food when it was suddenly snatched from her hands.

"H-Hey, give that back!" Katherine exclaimed, trying to reach for her food tray, unfortunately one of the many tall jocks just had to have it in his hand.

"Come on! Maybe I'll give it to you if you jump for it!" Katherine glared, even getting on her tippy toes in order to reach but it was no use. Katherine was about to yell at the guy when she was forcefully knocked over, her hair now tangled as well as her glasses flying off her face. Katherine was looking down, her eyes brimming with tears as her hair covered her face.

"I can't take this!" Katherine yelled in her head. "I just wish I had powers so I could teach these bullies what I'm made of!"

Katherine suddenly yelped, feeling spaghetti and other foods being spilled on her as she heard laughter throughout the entire cafeteria hall. "Hey, don't dump too much on her or else she'll get fatter then she already is!" One of the cheerleaders exclaimed, howling in laughter as people stared, laughed and pointed at the odd girl out; Katherine Morse. Katherine started to shake uncontrollably, and with her last ounce of dignity she had left, she threw the food of her, took her backpack and glasses and ran out of the school. Tears were streaming down her face, having her feet carry her as fast as she could. After a few minutes she stopped, wiping the tears off her face as fast as she could; trying not to feel weak.

"Is this all worth it? Being a minion to society while others poke fun at the smaller guys?" Katherine thought, walking along the sidewalk as noon became apparent through the sky's shades of yellow and pink. Katherine held her bag when she looked to her left, seeing a block of small shops; a swap market. "Maybe this will give me something to use against them." Katherine said to herself, walking along as she looked at all the shops, hands in her pockets as she sighed. Nothing seemed to catch her when suddenly a voice called to her.

"I see that you have been having a rough day dear." Katherine turned, seeing an old woman with a cane, sitting in a chair next to a small table full of trinkets and good luck charms.

"You could say that again; It's like this everyday for me." Katherine said, walking over to the old woman with a dejected look.

"If you would like, maybe one of my good luck charms could help you make your days happier. Who knows, maybe one of them may even help you grant your wish." Katherine's brown eyes looked at the old woman, feeling a bit out of place once again.

"I'm not sure any good luck would still work on me." Katherine said as she scanned the table then looked at the ground. The old woman looked at Katherine as she then gave a kind, gentle smile towards the young teenager.

"You know, I do have one that I've been saving for many years. I've had it for so long, because I believed that I needed to give it to someone that truly deserved it, and I believe that you are the girl that it's been looking for." The old woman explained, taking out an old pine box from under her table as she handed it to Katherine. "It's even said that this necklace was owned by angel that came to Earth to bless it to a girl most common in heart with her." Katherine looked at the old woman with an unsure look, but the woman gave her a nod as the young girl slowly took the box, opening it to show a simple necklace with a heart with wings attached to the back. Katherine took the necklace slowly in her hands, smiling softly.

"Thanks; I'm feeling a bit better now thanks to you." Katherine said as she adjusted her glasses to get a better look of the piece of jewelry.

"Your very welcome Katherine; I hope that it grants your wish and gives you wings to fly on." The old woman said, giving Katherine one last smile. Katherine smiled back, holding the necklace in her hand as she started to walk away when she stopped for a moment.

"Wait, I didn't tell you my name-" Katherine turned to look back at the woman, but she was gone; table and all. Katherine looked around, but saw no sign of the old woman, as if she was never there. Katherine looked at the necklace in her hand, then held it tightly as she walked back to the apartment where the others would be waiting for her to come home.

After dinner with the girls, as well as a bit of gossip on some super heros and their heroics, Katherine had decided to go up stairs to her room. She lied down on her bed for a good 12 minutes, sighing most of the time as she would glance every few seconds at the necklace on her desk.

"Does it really grant wishes? Or am I just wasting my time?" Katherine thought in her head, her eyes half lidded as she looked at the trinket. "Guess I have no other choice." With it set in her mind, she got to her feet as she sat in her desk chair, fingering with the necklace. "So, what exactly am I supposed to do?" The necklace was light weight, and was pretty, but it didn't seem like it could do much, or even help her for that matter. "Maybe I was right; being a superhero is just a dream that'll never come true." She suddenly felt tears falling down once more as her eyes got red and puffy as she tried to wipe them away. She sighed, more tears falling as she didn't even try to hide them anymore; maybe just letting them all out would help her figure out what exactly she was going to do for the rest of her life. One last tear fell off her cheek, as it fell in air to the small necklace below on her desk. It hit the heart dead on as it suddenly began to shake and glow a white light that got brighter and brighter. Katherine suddenly looked up as she took the necklace in her hands, eyes widening as the floor below and the things in her room began to clatter like there was an earthquake. Katherine slowly started to stumble, regaining her balance on her wall mirror as the light grew brighter and brighter until everything suddenly stopped; the shaking, the light and the panic inside Katherine's heart. She suddenly coughed, her eyes closed due to the fear that she had held with all that went down. She opened her eyes however, to find that her vision had become blurry, despite wearing her glasses. She hesitantly took her hand on the rim of her glasses as she slowly took them off, revealing that her vision was now clear. She dropped her glasses to the ground as she gasped. Her appearance, her hair, her eyebrows, her weight and her clothes; they'd all changed. Her hair was a darker brown and it was much longer then she had grown it out to be, as well as her complexion being spot on and her weight was as thin as she had wished she could be.

"What the hell's going on?" Katherine yelled in her mind as her hands went to her hair, pulling on it in frustration on what had happened, and if she was crazy. Katherine took a deep breath, looking at herself in the mirror, touching her hair and her face. "It's me, it really is me." Katherine then looked to see that the necklace was on her outfit, melded in the costume as if like a symbol.

"I'm a super hero..."

*Well that's it for chapter 1! I hope you enjoyed it and next chapter, when I get to it, will be Katherine trying to figure out what exactly is going on and how to use her new found powers! Please Read and Review and I would really like to know if you like the story! After chapter 2, I will be asking reviews and readers what they would like to see in the next chapters to come, so review and tell me what you would like to see in chapter 3, when I finish number 2! Thank you! Also a side note, her transformation outfit is Panty's Angel Form outfit!*