A/N: The Final Chapter! I never finished a story before so this is super exciting!

Chapter 9 Friends in High Places

Mabel continued along the trail with Gideon. Her mind elsewhere as Gideon rambled on.

"Marshmallow why are you wearing that God awful hat," he suddenly asked.

This brought Mabel back to Earth.

"What?" she asked with disbelief.

"Why are you wearing that stupid hat?" Gideon asked.

Mabel snapped.

"Well maybe because it belonged to my brother!" she snapped seizing Gideon by the collar.

"Marshmallow what's gotten into you," Gideon whimpered terrified.

"I will never be your marshmallow!" Mabel screamed, "You're a murderer and I hate you!"

She shoved him to the ground, "I'm done with you!"

"You'll pay for this, Mabel," Gideon spat as he stood up, "Your entire family will pay!"

Gideon raised his hand, "Goodbye Marshmallow, it was a pleasure knowing-"

An unforeseen force knocked him to ground. As Gideon rolled on the ground Dipper stood before him.

"That's the last time you'll use me as a pawn!" Dipper yelled.

"Dipper you're alive!" Mabel screamed wrapping her arms around him.

Gideon rose to his feet. His eye twitched.

"You'll both pay!" Gideon screeched.

He snatched a book out of his jacket.

"Wait what is that?" Dipper asked shocked.

"This is how I find all my powers," Gideon laughed manically as he revealed the Book 2.

"NO WAY!" Mabel shouted.

Dipper grabbed Book 3 of out of his vest.

"What?" Gideon freaked out, "You have the third?"

"You have the second?" Dipper yelled.

"Well it looks like you won't have the third for very long," Gideon cackled, "Once I destroy you I'll be the most powerful person in Gravity Falls! Goodbye Pines!"

As Gideon was about to finish them off a big black creature swept down and scooped him up. He screamed as the creature flew him away.

"What was that?" Mabel asked shakily.

"I don't know, but let's get out of here before it comes back," Dipper said.

The two Pines began to run when their path was suddenly blocked by two more of the big black creatures. They were giant vampire bats.

"Good grief," Mabel whispered.

"Run!" Dipper shouted as he and Mabel began to run.

"Whoa whoa," said one of the bats blocking their path with one of its wing, "We're not going to hurt you."

"You're not?" Mabel asked.

"Of course not," the bat scoffed, "We noticed you could use some help, so we offered some assistance."

"Most of the time we don't associate with humans, but after we saw that little twit's insulting model of us; we couldn't just sit around," said the other bat.

"Uh thank you," Dipper stuttered.

"No problem," the first one said.

At that moment the bat that took Gideon away returned.

"Hey Bon Jovi did you take care of that creep?" asked the first bat.

"Oh yeah," Bon Jovi responded as he landed, "You won't have to deal with him anymore."

"Thanks," Dipper said, "I'm Dipper and this is my twin Mabel."

"You're vampire bats," she squealed.

"Yes, yes we are," the first one chuckled, "You've met Bon Jovi, I'm Mercury, and the other is Bowie."

"Nice to meet you guys and thank you," Dipper said gratefully.

"You're welcome and anytime," Bowie said as he took off.

Mercury and Bon Jovi quickly followed.

"It helps to have friends in high places," Mercury called.

"See you around," Mabel called back, "What nice bats."

"Yeah they are," Dipper agreed.

"Here's your hat back bro," Mabel said as she took it off her head and handed it back to him.

"Thanks sis."

"Oh Dipper," Mercury called suddenly flying over head again.

"Yeah Mercury," he called back.

"Bon Jovi gave me this to give to you," he said dropping an object.

Dipper caught it as Mercury flew off again.

"What is it?" Mabel asked.

Dipper revealed the object.

It was Book 2.

A/N: Okay before you kill me, at least let me hide first. (Hides in a new fandom) Okay I'm good. I may or may not write a sequel to this story. It's all up to you, I have a poll on my profile to see if you all want a sequel. If you vote yes just note that it might be awhile before I write it. I have few ideas for other fanfics from various fandoms. Now that we got that over with: I want to thank all my readers for their support. You are th ones who made finishing my first multi- chapter fanfic possible. Pleased stayed tuned for my next fanfic. I have a poll for that one too. Hope you enjoyed this story and I'll see you soon.

xx TrulyTruffla xx