Hunger Games: Love Trials

Chapter 30, the final chapter of my Hunger Games AU story, enjoy.


Hungergamesfan015: Here's the final chapter, sorry but no all that stuff won't work out.
beachlover0805: Yup, read on to see the end.
Katniss901: Here's the last chapter, enjoy.
jess obsessed 04: Thanks, glad you are enjoying it.
HGFan1213: Yup he did, no, this is the last chapter.
Cato4ever: Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
Smiles1998: Thanks and yes, here it is :)

Now onto the story.

Disclaimer: Hunger Games belongs to Suzanne Collins.

Chapter 30: Epilogue


Nine years had passed; Katniss and I were now twenty-six. We had agreed that, while engaged we would go through senior year and at least a year or two of college before actually getting married. However seven years ago something happened which caused us to put the wedding on hold, but also drew us closer together. Katniss became pregnant and later gave birth to a baby girl who we named Sara. A year after Sara was born our wedding went ahead as planned and we were soon a very happy family that, four years ago, grew in size as Katniss was pregnant again. This time she gave birth to a boy who we named Marcus. Katniss was worried that Sara would be jealous of the attention we gave Marcus due to his needs as a baby, but I told her not to worry. I was proven right as Sara absolutely adored her little brother and probably spent more time with him than Katniss and me put together. We were sitting on a park bench watching our kids play together happily. Sara had inherited my hair colour and facial features but had her mother's eyes. Marcus was the reverse with Katniss black hair but my blue eyes. A quiet family outing, made better by the fact that after so long, all Katniss shame and fear from her past attack were completely gone. It was as if she was transformed.

"Can't believe it's been so long." Katniss said gently as she smiled over towards the kids. I nodded, "Yeah, time flies. Look at us now huh, compared to how we first met."

Katniss laughed, "Yeah, we've come so far, now we're a happy family, this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Two amazing kids and the perfect husband."

She kissed me as she said the last part and I smiled.

"Likewise for me," I replied, "Two amazing kids and the perfect wife."

We both sat back in the bench and continued to watch Sara and Marcus play. To think that nine years ago I would be putting on the Capitol High uniform for the first time and boarding the train to go there, unaware that I would soon meet the one person who would change my life forever. Sometimes I felt like I was living a dream but one thing always reminded me that I wasn't and I was grateful for it; Katniss love for me was real and always would be.

End of chapter and of story, hope you enjoyed it, read and review please.