Hi! It's the hetalian ducky here, and this is my first fic! Numero uno! This is just a little idea that came to me while I was extremely bored on a four hour plane ride! It kept growing and growing until it wasn't too little anymore and was now this fully developed story. (*sniff* They grow up so fast. *WAAAH*) I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: In case you didn't notice, Hetalia is in Japanese. I speak English only (and the Spanish you saw in the author's note above). I'll let you draw your own conclusions on my Hetalia ownership from there.

Japan put his hand on his back as he reached down and picked up another piece of laminated paper. He really was getting to old for this, but he currently had bigger problems. Or a bigger problem, he thought. It's really just one... but whatever. Anyways, his bigger problem was exactly what his laminated posters were advertising- Comic Con was coming soon. And just like every year before, Kiku already knew exactly what was going to happen.

In five days, the huge event would drive everyone, even his closet otakus, out of their homes and to the Comic Con. And, due to his people's obsession with anime and manga, it literally was everyone... or almost everyone, atleast. They would go crazy, as they had been dreaming and waiting for this event all year. Things had to be set up perfectly to reflect everything that everyone had imagined the event to be. And, sadly, every year, without fail, they would imagine their favorite characters getting together.

So, he knew, his calm, sane demeanor would disappear, making way for a crazy fangirl- sorry, fanman- that he could normally suppress, but would always escape during Comic Con. You could hardly blame him for succumbing to his inner... fanman.. but if your whole population is getting fangirled-up for Comic Con, he couldn't help but feel the same.

So crazy Japan would come out.

And possibly harm the other nations into getting together.

Just a little bit.

And, just like last year and all the years before, his alter ego would be desperate for a little yaoi. Preferably USUK and GerIta. His insane side thought it was just helping his friends out (and letting destiny take hold), while his normal side knew that it was intruding and disrupting the personal affairs of the nations. But sadly, his inner fang- man would never listen, and there was no way to stop him and nothing he could do about it. This... alter ego of his... would go crazy until things were just the way he wanted. Nothing could possibly stop him until his couples got a cliché kiss and a completely unoriginal ending. Because he was crazy.

The more he thought about it, the sicker he felt. I hate pushing my ideas on them (no matter how good they are?, his inner fan man questioned) but I guess I can't really help it when I become him. These thoughts plauged the mind of sane Kiku for the next five days, as his crazy side grew stronger as the opening day approached. It slowly took over, forcing the normal Japan out of the way and off to the side, and prepared himself for some hard work in getting his friends together. Oh well. Atleast the day after Comic Con ends, things would go back to normal. These were Japan's last thoughts before crazy him broke free, ready for the twelve days he had to do whatever it took to get his favorite couples together.

"Haha!" crazy Japan shouted at the sky. "This year things will go right! I know it will be hard, but I have the stats right here, and all the inevitable really needs is a little bit of preparation!" He started to mumble to himself exactly what said preperation would entail as he finished his job on the posters."Yes, preparation. First, Germany and Italy, easy, difficulty level 3. Then Britain and America, medium, difficulty level 6. Then it will be complete!" He cackled as he made his way to his lofty apartment in the busy Kyoto.

This was obviously going to be a fun week for the currently oblivious nations.

You like it? Hate it? Don't even know how you feel? Review please and tell me how I'm doing or to point out any mistakes my beta (the lovely mizamoomoo who actually knows nothing about Hetalia but knows 'everything' about grammar) has made ('cause it's obviously not my fault). Get ready for the GerIta chapter next and prepare yourself for some fluff!

(Last I checked, you people are people, not dragons. No flames please! (But critism is nice. Sometimes my writing really needs a kick in the pants.))