Ello! Last chapter! *confetti falls, kids cheering is heard* Ahem… onwards!

Translation-nez fabuleux=fabulous nose – the rest should be self explanatory

DISCLAIMER: I will own Hetalia the day Sealand is voted MVN

Japan sat up in bed and blinked at the light streaming through his windows. "Urg" He grunted as he wiped his eyes. "What happened?" He had a splitting headache and cameras were spread out around him on the bed. As for appearances, his hair was sticking up in odd places and his breath tasted horrible.

Slowly, he forced himself out of bed and into his joint kitchen. He opened up the cupboard and pulled out his pill box, finding that throughout the whole last week, he didn't take his daily pills. After making a glass of water, he downed his daily pills and headed back to his bedroom.

Japan was dressed and fed when his phone rang. The shrill ring filled his ears and apartment for twenty seconds or so before he got to pick it up. The caller I.D. read France, and Japan briefly wondered when he became acquainted with France of all people. Comic Con was last week wasn't it? So that meant…


"Bonjour Monsieur! I trust you slept well last night?" France purred through the phone, startling Japan out of his thoughts.

"Well actually France, I didn't." Japan replied back bluntly. Over the line, Japan could hear the yelling of a woman and France shushing her. "I apologize, but I must leave now. We shall talk more at the World Meeting. It is at your place, non? Au revior! I shall see you there!" France hung up before Japan had a chance to ask when, exactly, this meeting was.

Luckily, a brief check on his calendar informed him the meeting was in one hour at a place thirty minutes away. So, to have a comfortable window of time to get there including traffic, he left once he knew the address.

He never did have time to look at the cameras or find out what he did while he was crazy. It was going to be a surprise, definitely.


Japan walked in to the conference room to be welcomed by the sight of America and Britain together. Just talking, not even yelling. And after observing a while, when America leaned forward and pecked Britain on the cheek, neither of them even found it odd and just kept on with a playful banter.

And when they finally spied Japan in the doorway, America immediately jumped out of his seat to hug Japan. "Dude, where have you been? I called your phone like, twenty times or something and you didn't pick up! I wanted to tell you about me and Britain!"

"It's Britain and I." England interjected, feeling the need to correct America's grammar.

"Yeah, yeah, but him and I are like, totally a thing now!" America looped his arm around Britain's shoulders, pulling him closer. "It's an Ameracle! Haha, get it? Like America and miracle! I'm so funny!" America laughed at his own pun and nudged Britain with his hip.

"It wasn't you, it was the bloody frog! Who is literally going to be bloody when I'm done with him." England said with a glint in his eye. But the dark look was gone and replaced with a happy one when he tilted his head to rest on America's broad shoulders.

"Arigato, but I must leave now. I need to check on… Italy and Germany! Check that Germany isn't harming him." Japan fibbed as he backed out slowly. He couldn't help but feel as though he interrupted a moment between the two. But at least he found out the new couple early, his usual couple amount was one or two. Unless of course, he worked in a trio or something. But that would be crazy, he thought.

His mind was wrapped up in thoughts, so he almost didn't notice Prussia and Canada in the hall together kissing. He would have missed them if he hadn't bumped into the couple in the middle of the walkway.

Prussia scared Japan a little bit so he only exchanged "how do you do's" with Canada and went on his way. At least he found couple number two, why he picked them, he had no idea.

Japan still had yet to find out why he and France were acquainted though, so he went on his way to find him.

On the way, he passed an (seemingly) empty room, which wasn't out of the ordinary. Until certain sounds were emitted from the walls. That sounds like Germany and Italy. Japan thought, speeding up his pace. Three couples, a new record.

Finally, he spotted France in an empty conference room, talking on his cell phone. When he saw Japan standing in the doorway, he hung up and went over to Japan with arms spread wide, as if expecting a hug.

"Oh, mon ami! Who shall we work with today?" France came closer with his arms spread wide and closed in for a hug when he was close enough. Japan stepped out of arms length, thoroughly confused. Work with? Did France hug him a lot when he was in his other mind set?

"France, what do you mean work with? I'm sorry; I don't remember much from last week." Japan explained, backing up once again from France's grasp.

"Oh, I get it now. Your festival has ended, I suppose. So our fun is done now?" France seemed disappointed that Comic Con was over and they couldn't have anymore 'fun'.

What did I do with France when I was like that?! If I let him hug me, what else did I let him do? What the hell does he mean?

"France, what was this… fun?" Japan asked, crossing his fingers. Nothing bad. Nothing bad. Nothing bad. Please be nothing bad!

"We got couples together, of course! We got Angleterre and Amerique together, then Espange and the feisty little one, of course Prusse and Mathieu, and lastly Russie and Chine." France said, calming Japan's nerves. Nothing too bad, but could it really hurt France to speak English sometimes?

"Could you tell me the couples, English though?" Japan asked.

"Fine, but I do not see why we cannot all speak my beautiful language. They were America and Britain, Spain and Romano, Prussia and Canada, and Russia and China. Though I do think that you got Germany and Italy together on your own before you started working with me." France informed, miraculously French free.

"How are five couples even possible?" Japan thought out loud,"Were we really that good?" And to himself, didn't I get Russia and China together some years ago? Better not question it.

"Well, we were working with that demon girl, who made me break my nez fabuleux!" France slipped back into his mother tongue, shaking his head back and forth.

"Thanks for the information France, but I must go now." Japan backed out of a room awkwardly for the second time that day. Once out of France's line of sight, he bolted into the hall. Leaning up against the wall, he thought over what had happened so far today.

First, he had woken up with a migraine and no recollection of the days before. Next, he had headed to something that would turn out to be a crazy meeting, no doubt. Then, he had walked into two new couples, heard one, and was told about two others.

It was shaping up to be quite interesting, only to get odder when Hungary ran up to him with a scrapbook.

And not one of those family trip ones that are thin and spiral bound, but no, a leather bound, thick, kill-your-dog-if-it-falls kind of scrapbooks. It had little tabs on the side indicating the pairings. And the last one said "Yaoi Trio" in dark ink.

"Japan, Japan! I finally scrapbooked it all! And I made copies of the copies so you can make one also and hang stuff on the wall and catalog it and sell it and why aren't you standing up and bouncing with me?" Hungary rambled, stopping her bobbing up and down.

"Hungary, I-"Japan started, only to be interrupted by Hungary, now with an understanding look on her face.

"Your festival ended, didn't it? Crap, now we can't do any GiriPan!" Hungary stomped her foot and pouted, tucking the book back under her arm.

"Yes, it did end. But can I see the book?" Japan asked, rocking from left to right on the sides of his feet. He knew what GiriPan was, even in his calm state, and tried not to think about it. His headache had just been getting better and the last thing he needed was another thing to mess with it.

"Sure thing, just be careful!" Hungary was back to being chipper and handed him the book, sliding down the wall to sit next to him.

Japan flipped through the book, pictures of various levels of passion. There was kissing, hugging, crying, fear, laughter, and calmness, all with their own people.

When Japan got to the tab called Yaoi Trio, he stopped his flipping. The first picture was of him, France, and Hungary all together with their arms slung carelessly across each other's shoulders. Japan was in the middle, leaning forward slightly with a smile on his face. Hungary was to his right, laughing and holding something in front of her. Presumably the camera, as that was the view he was getting. France was to his left, looking straight into the camera and blowing a kiss with one eye closed.

And that was just the first picture. Hungary seemed to have taken a lot of pictures of the three of them. One was of solely Japan, whose backdrop seemed suspiciously like the inside of a bush and his hair had a few leaves sticking out of it. Another was of France smiling proudly in front of the control pad of a helicopter.

In another, there was Hungary holding the camera in front of her again with her arm slung across Japan's shoulders again. Japan had one hand on a mysterious figure's shoulder and the other by his side. The other figure in the picture seemed to be France, but Japan couldn't tell. The stranger had on skates and a sweatshirt, but a small bit of bright blue cloth was poking out from underneath the hoodie.

Japan went through several pictures of this likeness, him being around Hungary and France and having a seemingly good time. Photographic evidence that yes, Japan was going to need ten more showers and no, Japan could not be trusted in otaku form.

But mostly, he believed that even people in the most unlikely of all places can help you be productive, and even more so, they can become your best friends.

Guess who totally pulled off friendly fluff and didn't make it sound tacky! Not me, this was pretty damn tacky! Oh well, if you clicked on this story and didn't expect fluffy goodness, you musta been really surprised! Alright, onto the beef now, I guess. Being that this is the last chapter of my first story, I really want to thank some people.

First of all, whether you are in Japan, Indonesia, Germany, the United States, or anywhere in between, thank you for clicking on the link and reading this story! Secondly, anyone who favorited or followed this story (or me), thanks so much!

And most of all, the reviewers. Thank you, SaySaeri, spkdog, monochromerainbow15, FrostyTheBookLover, Silent Phantom gal, seqka711, Eurterupe'sDaughter13, Prussian Sinister, Akirafanatic, Dawnstar10K, ncalkins, ghostslushie, Arkxy-chan, Alfred F. Jones Luvs Arthur, and Iamundefined. Ya'll made my day with little "KAWAII"s and Call Me Maybe spoofs. Keep reviewing, whether it is for me or some other lucky author.

I loved writing this story, and I hope you liked reading it just as much! Review please! (cause even though this is the last one, you gotta know I friggin love reviews!) –The hetalian ducky- Sorry bout the long note… though I'm really only half sorry…