-Chapter Five-

Agravaine stood before Morgana who sat in one of her wooden chairs. They were in her hovel, a small, dirty place that looked as if it could have been made by beavers. He had just given her a report on the recent week's event's, including their search for the missing girl. Agravaine had watched that sly smile grace Morgana's pale face. He loved to see it because it reminded him of the girl she had once been.

"And no one in Camelot even suspects that you were the one to pay that slave trader to take her away?" Morgana asked.

"No, my Lady. There were no witnesses to that event except for Gwaine, but he was drunk at the time. I doubt he even knows what he saw." Agravaine replied.

Rising from her chair, Morgana started to pace around her hovel. Everything was falling in to place. Susanna wouldn't be able to resist Kilan's charms; she would convert and if they all played their cards right they would be able to convince her to attack Camelot with them. Two sorceresses were more powerful than just one and with Susanna and Morgana working as a team, surely they would be enough to take on anyone, including Emrys. That was why Morgana wanted Susanna in the first place. Morgana had fought against Emrys before and she had almost been killed. He was powerful that much was clear, and the Cailleach had warned her that he would be her destiny and her doom. That knowledge had caused her many sleepless nights ever since the Veil had been torn.

"Things go well then?" Agravaine asked. He had absolutely no idea how things were fairing on the other front. He hoped they were right on schedule but only Morgana would know that for sure.

"Things are going perfectly. Within a month we should be ready to attack." Morgana said.

All they had to do was keep Camelot in the dark until the last minute. She wanted to be present to see the look on both Arthur and Merlin's faces when they realize who had finally brought their beloved Camelot to its knees and if everything went according to plan she would be!


Susanna poured over the book of spells that Kilan had provided her with. On each page there was a spell, the words to conjure it as well as what the spell was supposed to do. Kilan had told her that when it came to conjuring the spell that she had to say it with feeling and with meaning; and also pronouncing it right was a must. The book was really interesting and all of the spells that she had tried so far she had been able to do with relative ease.

Of course all of the spells she had tried so far had been easy ones like lifting small items, to causing a small fireball to lift from her hand. She had been training with Kilan and his men for over three weeks now and every day she felt herself growing stronger. Kilan was right; her previous teacher had done nothing but hold her back. It was clear to see that now and that knowledge upset her greatly.

It was hard to believe that all Merlin had been trying to do was hold her back, keep her weak in her knowledge of magic while he got all of the 'glory' so to speak. Not any more! No, she had decided that she would return to Camelot and show the young warlock exactly what she could do…when she was ready that is.

"You are doing well."

Susanna looked up as Kilan entered the cave. Kilan was still wearing his black cloak and in his arms he had what looked to be a brand new black cloak.

"Try it on." He offered, handing the cloak to her. The material was soft to the touch; soft yet warm. Unfolding the cloak Susanna slipped in to it. The sleeves themselves were long, going to just past her hands. When she put the hood over her face, it completely engulfed her head. No one would be able to see who was in the cloak which was just how she wanted it.

"Thank you." Susanna said, lowering the hood and reclaiming her seat. Her seat was nothing more than a large, smooth boulder but it worked! "I never knew conjuring spells could be this easy." She said, turning the page on the book.

"Sometimes it is, but sometimes in the heat of battle your mind can go blank and then no amount of knowledge is going to help you; only your skill with a blade can help you then." Kilan said.

"Everyone back in Camelot was better at swordplay than I was…even Merlin." Susanna muttered. Arthur had taught Merlin how to use a sword and even Gwen knew how to fight with a sword, which is one thing that did anger Susanna greatly. Everyone knew how to defend themselves with a weapon and she was left out in the dark.

"Come on, practice." Kilan said, gesturing that Susanna should follow him outside. Sighing she rose up from her seat and followed him outside in to the misty rain. Picking up a sword Kilan tossed it to her. It was easy enough to grab out of the air and once she had grabbed it she flipped it a few times before getting in to a fighting stance.

"You need to learn to think on your feet; to do the unexpected. Only then can you hope to gain the upper hand." Kilan said.

"Unexpected…" Susanna murmured. Spying a piece of rope that was behind Kilan, Susanna concentrated, saying a spell in her mind.

All of a sudden the rope coiled like a snake and rose up in the air. Slowly it floated up behind Kilan before the 'head' of the rope struck him in the neck Kilan jumped and whirled around but even as he did so Susanna said another spell in her mind which jerked his sword out of his hands. Kilan's sword flew up in the air only to be caught by Susanna moment's later.

"Like that?" Susanna asked, getting in to another fighting stance with both swords in her hands. Kilan chuckled when he saw the rope suddenly drop to the ground.

"That was very good." He said.

All of a sudden two metal pots were flying in the air towards Susanna. Almost immediately Susanna ducked and flipped forward before reaching behind her to knock the pots to the ground.

"You are going to have to do better than that!" Susanna taunted, twirling her sword in her left hand.

Kilan smirked before sending a large tree trunk at her. At the last second Susanna ducked and ran forward, running under the trunk before it hit the ground.

Even as it hit the ground Susanna murmured a spell and seconds later the trunk burst in to flames.

Kilan folded his arms, watching Susanna work. He was gauging her effectiveness and her attitude towards the situation. Her powers were growing he was just not sure she was emotionally ready to take on Camelot. It wouldn't do to have her falter at the first sight of Arthur or his manservant.

"I told you what you were capable of becoming." Kilan said. Stepping away from the burning trunk, Susanna walked over to the man and handed him back his sword.

"I never wanted to believe but…you were right. He was just holding me back." Susanna said.

Kilan knew the 'he' she was referring to; her former teacher. While she had never provided a name, Kilan had seen the emotion in her eyes when she had talked about him.

"You need to show him that you are strong now, that you can do anything." Kilan said.

"But how?" Susanna asked.

"I think you know what has to be done." Kilan replied.

"Camelot is an impregnable fortress; not easy to get in to let alone out of." Susanna said.

"True enough but wouldn't it prove to your teacher what you can achieve if you could get in and out undetected; perhaps even participate in a mock attack of the city? You could show your teacher how powerful you have become if you could actually take over the city." Kilan said.

"One person taking over the city of Camelot…yeah that's impossible. It could never be done." Susanna said.

"I am not talking about one person. I am talking about an army. If I could provide you with an army as well as some extra help would you even dare to attack the all mighty Camelot? Think of what a victory it would be to bring the city to its knees! All magic folk would then be free; you would be free to live out your life the way you see fit without being scared of being found out!" Kilan said.

Susanna thought about what he said. He did have some very good points but attacking Camelot? She supposed it all came down to how she felt about its people. She had loved that city; Arthur, Merlin and the rest but…Merlin had changed her views on that. So…why was she still hesitant to attack the city?

"Okay…let's do it." Susanna said after a moment. "I've been avoiding Camelot for too long; it's time to stop running and face my fear. Camelot needs to be burned to the ground."

Kilan smiled. "I think I know someone who can help with that. Follow me." He said, leading Susanna towards the horses. Curiously Susanna followed after him having no idea that he was going to take her to Morgana.