Chapter 1-August 17, 2010

Kyoya Ohtori sat in his office, looking at the television critically. The news was playing. Kyoya had no interest in whatever was on the news at the moment, but he had no other things to occupy himself with.

He sighed, putting his head in his hands. He was starting high school the next day and wasn't entirely looking forward to it. He drifted off into a doze when energetic music began emitting from the television. Kyoya's eyes opened, peering at the television. Tsukiko-san, the lead reporter, was telling the news with an excited voice.

"The case that made the Los Angeles police stall with the sheer difficulty has finally been solved! The Los Angeles Wara Ningyo murders are solved!"

Kyoya perked up in interest, knowing that one of his Ohtori relatives worked with the Los Angeles police. He was the best detective they had, but the reporter was saying that the police found it extremely difficult. That was preposterous. If the Ohtori detective didn't solve the case, then who did?

"The detective is a new one brought upon the scene, known only to the police as a black Old English letter L on a white background. Throughout the entire case, no-one saw his face. Nobody knows who the mysterious L is, but whoever he is, he is good."

The picture of this new detective's insignia burned itself into Kyoya's mind as he felt an unexpected pang of jealously. There was no way some guy behind a screen was able to outshine the Los Angeles police. The story turned to something regarding the space program, and Kyoya turned the television off.

"You did good, L," Quillish Whammy congratulated. L sighed.

"It was my fault all of it happened," she said. "Beyond was too caught up in trying to surpass me." L turned to Whammy with a frown.

"Still. It couldn't have been helped. A simple schoolyard rivalry turned into a detective war of sorts, but it wasn't your fault. I know that you and him were close friends, and I know how hard it was to bring him to justice."

L sighed again, looking at her hands. It was such a simple start. Attending the school at Whammy's orphanage, meeting Beyond Birthday, an eccentric and aloof boy her age. L always had the top scores in the school, with Beyond being second every time. Things flowed together and ended up with Beyond going to Los Angeles and killing three people, before attempting to kill himself. L admitted, without FBI agent Naomi Misora's help, she wouldn't have been able to stop it. He would have succeeded in creating the 'unsolvable' case he wanted. L was growing increasingly more worried when she witnessed the new top students of Whammy's House: Near and Mello. Their relationship was similar to hers and Beyonds, except that Mello and Near were never friends, and probably wouldn't be.

"I've finished filling out your enrollment papers for Higashi Middle School," Whammy told her. "Is there any reason why you are going to school when your intellect has you out of college already? It would be much too dull."

"Interesting things happen at school, Whammy. I may be able to find more leads to cases now that I've made my detective debut," L answered, standing up, slightly hunched.

"I see. There are a few more things to take care of. You need a guardian figure, other than me. I have to go back to Winchester to supervise the orphanage. There is a very close friend of mine who has agreed to take the role of father-figure to you."

L looked at Whammy curiously. "Who?"

"His name is Ryoji Fujioka. He is quite competent, and a very good actor. I'm certain that he will do well for your likings."

"I see. I suppose my alias must use 'Fujioka', then?"

"That would be correct."

L ran her hand through her long hair. "Very well. Thank you, Whammy."

"Ah, ma'am. One more thing. What is your alias going to be?"

L thought for a moment. "I am rather fond of the springtime, as you may know, Whammy. So I will call myself 'spring day'; Haruhi Fujioka."

Whammy smiled. "Good choice. Now I will be back in a few hours."

L nodded and sat in her unusual fashion on the the chair, staring at her computer for more potential cases. Seeing one in Canada that got her attention, she began to work, letting her impeccable sense of justice lead the way.

AN: Hello! I've started this story because I'm almost finished with my first one! This idea has been lurking in my imagination for quite some time, so I decided to let the world see! Hope you enjoy it!