DISCLAIMER: Sadly, I will admit that Q and Picard belong to Gene Roddenberry. However, they are mine to play with upon this wonderful website.

Jean-Luc suppressed a yawn as he read his morning Star Fleet news report. He was in the thick of one of his episodic cycles of insomnia. As familiar as he was with his own sleep patterns, he didn't expect his mental inability to let himself relax into full restful sleep to persist long enough to interfere with his capability to perform his duties as captain of the Enterprise D. Hell he'd been through these periods of subconsciously self-imposed sleep deprivation for what, the past twenty years or more? While he had a fleeting thought of asking Dr. Crusher for a sleep aid, he told himself that since the issue was bound to resolve itself he needn't unnecessarily worry her. And he knew telling her would only worry her.

He nursed a cup of coffee with a triple shot of espresso. He allowed himself a modicum of hope that the day ahead would be business as usual. He smiled ruefully into his cup. Small chance of that.

The beeping of his tele-com roused him from his thoughts. He pressed the talk button on the screen, quickly forcing himself to be alert and professional.

"Picard, here." he said, snatching another sip of liberally caffeinated coffee.

"Captain Picard, this is Admiral Ignacius reporting from Starbase 133. I have an urgent task for the Enterprise."

Of course you do, Picard told himself, his hopes of a normal day dashed to a million pieces.

"What can I do for you, Admiral?"

"The moon of Braelle IV is falling out of orbit. As you are the closest galaxy class Federation vessel to the planet. We urge you to change your present heading and make haste to Braelle IV to see if there is anything you can do to stabilize the moon. As the Enterprise-D has the most powerful tractor beams of any class of Federation starship, hopefully you can utilize them to cancel out the gravitational pull presently being exerted upon this singular celestial body."

"I understand and will do everything within my power to successfully restore Braelle IV's moon to stable orbit."

"You and your crew have my thanks, Picard. Kindly keep my staff updated on the progress of your attempt."

"Of course. Expect to hear from me within the next two hours."

"Very good, Captain Picard."

Turning off his telecom speaker, Jean-Luc blew out a long sigh. He drained the rest of his cup and stood up from his desk. He dismally wished he'd gotten even an hour's worth of solid sleep.

Ah well, you're never afforded that kind of luxury when you're the captain of a galaxy class Federation star ship, he supposed. He quickly made his way to the bridge.

"Mister Data, I've received word from Starbase 133 that we are to divert our heading to Baelle IV. If I am correct, we should reach the planet in 20 minutes with warp factor four on mark 12."

Data turned around in his seat to meet his gaze.

"Seventeen minutes and 49.4 seconds."

Jean-Luc didn't stop his urge to roll his eyes.

"Yes, thank you, Data."

Jean-Luc made an ensign go to the replicator and procure him a second cup of coffee. If the start of the morning was anything to go on, he was going to need it in order to get through the day. He was half-way or so through his second coffee when it happened. In the seconds before it occurred he remembered thinking that the very worst thing that could happen then would be Q showing up on his ship. Yet as his brain processed the information as his eyes took it in he knew that wasn't true.

The very worst thing that could have happened was for Q to show up on his bridge, completely and utterly stark naked.

Oh God, he thought as his stomach lurched in discomfort. This can't be happening.

A/N: OK, I know really short prologues are evil, but all I can say is that more is coming soon. Be forewarned though this is going to contain very explicit Q/Picard sexual content. If that squicks you in any way please go to the (shudders) Dr. Crusher/Picard section.