
Author: Luthorin

Pairing: Glorfindel/Erestor

Disclaimer: The characters, places, song, etc. are not mine.

Warning: AU, Slash

Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama

Rated: PG-13

Summary: He saw shadows of his deceased lover everywhere he went. Until the day there were shadows no more, but the fresh and blood of the reborn warrior with little memory of his past live.

A/N: English is not my first language. I apologize in advance for any mistakes you may find in this story.
Italic = thought / song lyric

Chapter 1: Galadriel's Mirror

I see shadows everywhere that I go

It's you, reminding me, of how we were, of how it was.

I see shadows everywhere they follow

It's you and memories, of how we loved

I've had enough of your shadows

Your shadows


'It hurts.'

'It hurts so much.'

The flame spread over his arm, and left the scar on his skin and in his heart.

The creature tore his soul when it grabbed his lover and pulled him to the abysm with it.

His golden warrior died that day.

And the dark elf died with him.








Erestor bolted up right from his bed, sweats soaked his body.

It was a nightmare. Again. He always dreamt of that day, the day he lost his love and his soul, the day of the fall of Gondolin.

But this time it's different. He did not know how, but he felt something. He felt the present of his love.

No. It was not possible. He countered. He knew he always saw the shadows of his love everywhere he went, their memories together, even though their relationship was a very brief one, but it's very strong. He knew he could not give his heart to anybody else because he already lost it on the day his love die.

Why? Why this feeling was so strong. The feeling of that he would be able to love again. Why?








Erestor felt the call. And he knew what to do, more precisely, where to go.

He grabbed his black rope and wore it over his bare chest and loose pant. Then he climbed the ladder from his flat to the destination.

Galadriel's Mirror.

This was the last night he would spend in the golden wood. He had escorted Lady Celebrian and her twin sons to Loth Lorian a couple months ago. He did not want to come here, but Elrond insisted that he trusted no one except Erestor to protect his family like he always did with his father and himself. Erestor knew that the true reason Elrond wanted him to come to the golden wood was to let him taking a break from his none-stop works. He would go back to lmladris tomorrow. He wondered what mess Elrond would make without him there.

His bare feet let him to the most important part of the golden wood, Galadriel's Mirror.

Lady Galadriel had waited for him there. Her beautiful face was serene. Her grey eyes showed something he could not comprehend.

"My Lady" Erestor bowed his head.

"My Lord" Galadriel greeted him back politely.

"You summoned me here." He stated bluntly.

"I need to talk to you."

They knew that they could get to the point of what they wanted. Nothing could be hinder from them both. Erestor always respected the lady for her intellect and Galadriel for his intelligence.

"You seem uneasy." Galadriel started. "What's bothering you, old friend?" She padded a space next to her signaling him to sit with her.

Erestor sat on the bench and sighed.

"I feel something. I don't know what it is, but it's a very strong feeling."

"What do you feel?"

"I feel my soul."

Galadriel smiled, a knowing smile, which made Erestor even more uncomfortable.

"You know something." He glared at her, which make her smiled even brighter.

"Yes, I do" She turned to grab a vase of water nearby and asked. "Would you like to see what I saw?"

"From the bird-bath?" Galadriel glared at him when he called her precious mirror a bird-bath. Erestor ignored her glare. "No, I don't want to see anything from that mirror of yours."

"Well… you must face what awaited you in Imladris without warning then."

"What's awaited me in Imladris?" Erestor mumbled. When he saw the sparkle in Galadriel's eyes, he sighed again. "No. We both know how your bird-bath works. Thank you very much."

"Few can resist my 'Mirror'." Galadriel laughed. "Only you rejected every time I offered, and insulted it to be just a bird-bath."

"You must have someone who does not spoil you." Erestor smiled.


They sat there in companionable silent, until Galadriel started the conversation again.

"You are unrest."

"I always feel unrest."

"Have you ever gotten a well sleep?"

"Since Gondolin, no."

"Eru helps you." She padded his back slowly in sympathy. "Come," She pulled him to rest his head on her laps. "Sleep. I will be here with you."

Erestor drifted off to sleep immediately when his head touched her laps. Galadriel sighed intensely. She hoped her dear friend would found happiness he deserved so much, and she knew he would found it soon

"I've never seen him sleep that peacefully."

Galadriel looked up to see her adopted son and march-warden, Haldir.

"He has a lot in his mind." Galadriel said.

"I want to help him lift that burden of his."

"You are not destined to do that, and you know it, my dear"

"I love him. I have loved him for so long. But he can give me just sympathy. Even when we spent the night together, he's never had me in his heart."

"Erestor does not want to hurt you, but he can not love another." Galadriel really felt sorry for her son, but she had to tell the truth.

"Does he have a lover? Why I've never known that?"

"He had a lover, but his lover die long time ago."

Haldir was shocked with the lady's answer.

"How can I compete with the dead one? It's unfair." He mumbled.

"What you can do best is to support him in everything he does, every decision he makes. Promise me you will do just that."

"Yes, my lady, I promise."

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