And here it finally is! The final chapter of this wonderful story, after two years! Holy shit, I don't know why it took me so long. Thank you to all who followed from beginning to end. You made this story possible. Much gratitude. Now, read on.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Smallville or any of its characters. Unfortunately.

Chloe walked into the barn and immediately her ears picked up on giggles coming from the hayloft. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth curved into a playful smirk. Being as quiet as possible, she crept up the stairs to the loft and upon reaching the last step, the sight of Lois and Clark met her eyes. He was laying on his back on the couch with Lois lying against him, their legs entwined and their hands winding together. Both were sporting huge grins as they played with each other's fingers.

"Well, well. Never seen you two smile like that before," she teased.

The two in question turned to look at the blonde standing by the stairs. "Smile like what?" Lois feigned ignorance as she rolled away from Clark and onto the floor.

"Don't play me, cuz. You've done quite enough of that already." Chloe moved to sit on the table in front of them.

"Hey, I said I was sorry," Lois raised her palms up to Chloe in surrender.

"You won't be living this down for a while," the blonde retorted.

"Any specific reason you're up here? Or than to bust my chops?"

"Yes," Chloe rolled her eyes. "Everyone is wondering where you two are. You're missing the party."

"We're having our own party up here," Lois said.

"Well, I'm glad it's a 'pants on' party."

"For now."

"Lois," Clark warned.


"Our pants are staying on."

"I can work with that," Lois smirked.

"You're unbelievable."

"Isn't that why you love me?"

"We're not having this conversation again," he grumbled.

"Why? Because I can overpower you?"

Clark turned onto his side, facing the girls, to stare her down. "You only overpower me because I let you."

"Psh, whatever, Smallville. Keep telling yourself that."

Chloe stood up from the table. "Okay, guys. Why don't you come downstairs and bicker."

"Sounds like a plan," Lois said.

"Or we could push aside this petty argument and go have fun," suggested Clark.

"Oh, but, Smallville, arguing with you is fun," Lois winked, then gave him a kiss. She grinned. It felt really good to do that whenever she wanted. He smiled back at her.

Chloe made a face. "Okay, you're starting to gross me out with your lovey-doveyness."

Her friends laughed as they followed her down the steps to where everyone now congregated in the barn. Oliver came in from their left and pecked Chloe on the lips to which she blushed at. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, Chloe-licious!" came Bart's voice across the barn.

"We're gonna have issues, Speedy," Oliver replied in a playful warning tone.

"Sorry, dude."

"Alright, we're all here," Dinah said, raising her cup filled with pepsi soda. "Let's see the loser pay up."

A cheer of "yeahs" resonated in the barn and Lois turned to the blonde standing by Chloe. "Have at it, Ollie."

"What? No, you lost, Lois, not me."

"You cheated, so by default, you lose."

"No, that's not how it works. I got the confession. That was the bet."

"But, you-"

Lex stepped up. "Actually. You both lose." The two in question turned confused stares onto him. "Lois, you didn't get a confession first, Oliver did. Therefore, he won. However, since he did cheat, you won. So both of you need to pay up and do your respective dares."

Lois and Oliver glared at each other. Lois let out a grumbled, "Fine," and walked over to Lana. The whole room went silent. The petite brunette held her breath as Lois stood before her. She took a deep breath and said, "Last year, while you and Clark were in the process of getting back together, I dragged him to a party one night. We were basically spending the night in a corner with a crap load of alcohol. So, Clark and I got to talking about a lot of things and we both had a lot to drink."

"Lois," whispered Lana. "Tell me you didn't."

"We were both so far gone that we weren't really thinking. It got a little out of hand. There was a lot of kissing, but nothing else. We stopped before it got too heated."

"Lois," Clark choked. She turned to look at him guiltily. "You told me nothing happened. You told me I just passed out."

"I figured since you didn't remember the next morning, there was no reason to tell you. You were getting back with Lana and I wasn't going to ruin that." She turned back to Lana. "I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but Clark loved you and I didn't want to hurt you."

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised. Clark has had feelings for you for a long time, even back then. That's actually why we didn't work the second time around. He was already falling for you."

Lois smiled. "I'm so glad we can put this behind us."

"All's forgiven. Clark and I are truly over. We were actually talking about that when we were locked in the school yesterday. I had teased him about how upset you were that I showed up."

"Oh, no. I wasn't upset-"

"Lois, please. You were shooting daggers. But it's okay. I had reminded him, the way you two were, that the best ones always start that way." Lana smiled. "He told me how in love he was and I could see it, too."

"Thanks," Lois smiled. Then she turned to Oliver with a full blown grin. "My end of the deal is done. Your turn."

He shook his head once. "Just so you know, you're seriously twisted and I will get you back for this."

"I'd like to see you try."

He squared his shoulders and stepped over to Lex. "Don't tell me you're gonna reveal some shady secret of your own," the bald billionaire chuckled.

Oliver pressed his lips firmly together briefly. "I wish." Then he grabbed him by the face and pressed a hard kiss to his lips. Everyone gasped and laughter filled the barn. He held still for three seconds before pushing away from the man. While everyone was applauding and giggling, Oliver wiped his mouth clean. He was smiling, though.

"I had no idea, Oliver," Lex taunted, waggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up. It was the bet."

"Sure it was," AC joked. "I knew you two were packing heat."

"You know, you guys do make a cute couple," came Dinah's retort.

"I always knew there was a spark," Victor shrugged.

"You all are hilarious," Oliver grumbled.

Chloe laughed and wrapped an arm around her boyfriend. "I don't think I'll be forgetting this for a while."

"Thank you, Lois, so very much," Oliver grinned sarcastically.

"You are so welcome," she grinned in return.

"Okay, now that that's all over, let's enjoy the rest of our night. Cheers." Clark raised his cup and everyone followed suit with a round of "cheers."

"Hey, Ollie. Let's go up to the loft for a bit and you can reveal to me all your dirty secrets," Chloe waggled her eyebrows at him and took his hand, gently pulling him toward the stairs. He had no objections.

Lois felt an arm go around her waist. "Can I talk to you?" She turned to look up at her boyfriend. She nodded and followed him out of the barn. They stood just outside the door where the light washed softly over their figures. Lois lazily pressed her back against the wall of the barn and Clark towered over her, barely a foot of distance between them. He was staring down at her, his face blank, but in his eyes was a brood of questions.

"Smallville?" she whispered.

"Why did you lie?"

She pressed her lips together, her head ducking down in shame. "It wasn't important. You were trying to patch things up with Lana and we were both slammed. It was a 'heat of the moment' type thing. I didn't want to ruin anything between the two of you because vodka sodas were overruling our bodies. It was a stupid slip, Clark."

"It was a slip that involved lots of kissing between us, apparently."

"It was a mistake."

"But it shouldn't have been!" He exclaimed. "Regardless if I was drunk or not, I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want to."

Lois shrugged. "People do mindless things when their intoxicated."

"No, I know what it's like to be intoxicated, whatever the factor may be. You do things you really want to do, without inhibition. I wanted to kiss you. And I did."

"Clark, what does it matter? It's in the past. You tried to make it work with Lana, it didn't, and you moved on. And the bonus, we're together now. That's all that matters, okay? Not what happened a year ago between two friends who got drunk and made out." He was silent for a moment, just staring at her. "Smallville, please. Don't worry about that. It happened a long time ago and it doesn't change anything now. We're all okay now. You, me, Lana…we're fine." She ran a hand through his hair gently.

A smile slowly spread across his face. He wrapped an arm around her waist, stepping to her and pulling her into him. "You're right. It's just that it made me realize how much I wanted you even then, when I was questioning what I felt. It kinda puts things into perspective." He brushed some hair away from her eyes. "I love you."

Lois grinned, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. "I love you." She leaned up and kissed him heatedly. He pressed her into the barn wall, letting his body crowd her and hold her in place. She fisted the back of his shirt, her body responding thoroughly to his advances. She pulled away reluctantly. "We should get back."

"Yeah," he breathed. "We probably should."

Lois laughed and playfully pushed at his chest. "Simmer down, lover boy."

"You're one to talk."

"I always like to talk."

"Yes, we all know," Clark rolled his eyes, which earned him a smack in the shoulder.

"Watch it, Smallville."

"Always am, Lois. Always am." She gave him a wink and hand-in-hand, they went back into the barn to rejoin their friends.

Thank you all for reading this story and giving it great love. I am very grateful. I hope to share with you all more stories. Thanks again.