Disclaimer: the original idea of Ao no Exorcist belongs to Kozue Kato. I just own my Oc.

Location: True cross academy

Time: Afternoon.

A girl was wandering aimlessly on the school grounds. She was fixated on the music that was filling her ears through the white earphones while her curious eyes looked at the different buildings and gardens surrounding her.

"This place is seriously huge for a school." The girl thought, taking out the cherry lollipop of her mouth.

She felt a soft tap on her shoulder and when she turned around what she found was a man in his early thirties with purplish hair, dark-green eyes and devious smirk wearing a white outfit with a white top hat. When the man noticed she was looking at him intently and he started to talk, but the girl didn't hear him at all because of her earphones. She sighed lightly and took the little things off her ears.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" she said with a blank expression, before inserting the candy in her mouth again.

The man blinked several times before burst in laugh. "Silly me I didn't notice you had those...thingies on you! Anyway I was asking if I could help you."

"No, I'm just looking around while I wait for someone."

"May I know, who are you waiting?"

She looked at him warily and replied. "Someone named Mephisto or something like that."

"Oh what a coincidence! My name is Mephisto Pheles and I'm also waiting for a girl with your physical description as well." he said sardonic, his grin widening. The girl was bewildered.

"That means you're the principal of this school. My name's Kirishi-"

"Kirishima Chise, fifteen years old, Taurus." he replied nonchalantly.

"Are you mocking me?" she muttered annoyed.

"Of course not! Well, shall we go? Your class is almost starting and you should be excited to meet your new classmates." she nodded and rummaged through her navy blue messenger bag until she found a black and white mp3 and turned it off before she followed the strange man.

They walked with Mephisto doing mainly the conversation. Suddenly he turned around to face her and startling her a little.

"I almost forgot. Take this." the purplish haired man threw her a golden key that she took with ease.

"What's this?"

"It's a magic key. It'll allow you to arrive to the cram school by whatever door, for example that over there." he pointed to a metallic door of an old shed at her left. She approached it and saw a notice that said 'cleaning depot' with bold, red letters.

The girl introduced the key on the doorknob and opened the door. To her surprise it worked.

"What are you waiting? Come on, get inside." Mephisto rushed her, pushing her hurriedly.

When she stepped inside she found herself in a long and old corridor with several wood doors in both sides. Mephisto walked ahead of her and leaded her to her respective classroom. She stated to bite the lollipop of nervousness.

"Here we are. This is your classroom." Mephisto announced, pointing at the wooden door with a gloved hand.

"Okay calm down, it's just another school. Nothing to worry about, right?" she thought with her hand on the doorknob.

"Are you feeling uneasy?" the man asked her.

The girl shook her head denying his statement. "How could I be? They're just a bunch of ignorants aiming to become exorcists, nothing to be worried about."

"Oh the irony, aren't you aiming for that too?"

The girl cringed inwardly at his comment and turned her head to the other side. "It's different. I'm different." she mumbled coldly, making him grin wider.

"This girl..." Mephisto thought amused.

"By the way, this is the direction of the dormitory you're going to live." He gave her a little piece of paper before transforming into a white dog and walking away.

"That was...random." she thought dumbfounded, blinking twice.

Inside the classroom Okumura Yukio, a young teacher with brown hair, emerald eyes and glasses, was about to start his lecture when he remembered something.

"Please guys sit down." he said placing his belongings on the desk and adjusting his glasses. The exwire students did as they were told. "Today we're receiving a transfer student. Please come in." he said the last part a little more loudly. Everyone's looked at the door expectantly.

The door got open and a girl with mid-length dark brown wavy hair eating a lollipop came in. The girl walked to the front of the class with confident strides. She was using the pink skirt and button down white shirt of the uniform but instead of the beige sweater, ribbon and shoes she was wearing an aquamarine hoddie, the school's tie and light gray boots, also she had a dark blue belt tied in the middle of her left thigh.

"My name is Okumura Yukio. I'm gonna be your teacher of demonic pharmacology; please introduce yourself to the class." Yukio said kindly looking at her.

The girl took the lollipop stick out of her mouth and threw it at the trashcan. "My name is Kirishima Chise. I came here for reasons I'm not going to explain, I'm aiming to become a meister knight. Nice to meet you all." she said monotonous. Her violet blue eyes looked sharply at her classmates.

"Kirishima-san was attending to the American Cram School and is already an exwire, but she might feel a little loose in classes so please help her in all you can." Yukio said placing a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder.

"That won't be necessary professor Okumura. I can handle myself just fine. May I sit now?" Chise said calmly shoving her teacher's hand away from her.

Yukio was astound by her blunt answer and action but replied calmly. "Yes, take a seat wherever you want."

She felt all the gazes over her, however she paid them no attention. She denied herself to show any awkwardness, shyness or weakness towards this people, mainly because she didn't know wait kind of persons they were and also because her father told her that the first impression was always the most important and she didn't want to appears as a weakling or clumsy little girl.

Chise looked around the room for an empty seat and when she found it she walked towards it. It was the last seat of the middle row. She walked silently without looking at her classmates until she caught the gaze of a boy with black hair and cobalt eyes, he was sitting beside a girl with short blonde hair.

The new student stared at him for a moment before he asked unsure. "wh-what? did you need something?"

She looked into his eyes intrigued a little more. She could see something flickering inside them, It was as if the blue of his eyes reflected fire.

"You are..." the girl mumbled almost inaudible, but halted in mid-sentence and just walked to her seat, left her bag over the table and sat quietly.

The blonde girl tapped the boy beside her and asked. "Hey Rin, did you know her?"

"Huh? No, why?" Rin said confused with her question.

"Well she talked to you, so I thought that you might know her." she replied nonchalant.

Rin negated with his head and added. "I don't know her, but she's seems somewhat odd, don't you think?."

"Okumura-kun, Moriyama-san. Keep silence and pay attention." the teacher said with his eyes glued at the book he was holding. Both teens nodded and returned their attention to the book in front of them.

Class started and finished as usual. During the lessons, the rest of the students kept shitting sporadic glances at the brown-haired girl, although she didn't mind and kept her attention to the books and notes she was taking. When the last teacher of the day dismissed the class allowing them to return to the dormitories and left the classroom rather fast the group of exwires took their belongings and prepared to leave too, except for the newcomer who stayed in her seat rummaging the insides of her bag.

"Where the hell my mp3 is?! My bag couldn't have eaten it, can it?"

"Hello there...Chise-chan, right?" Someone said, siting beside her.

Chise lifted her face and found a pink-haired boy grinning lazily at her. Behind him were standing a small boy with his head shaved and wearing a pair glasses and a tall boy with a stern expression and a streak of blond hair running in between brown hair. She nodded, looked at them with the same bored expression she had when she introduced herself.

"Yeah, and you are...?"

"The name's Renzou, Shima Renzou." he replied with a cheesy grin. "And they're Koneko-san and Bon."

"Miwa Konekomaru, nice to meet you." The shaved boy said, smiling shyly at her. She nodded.

"Suguro Ryugi." The tall boy said curtly.

"Yes and what do you want?" Chise asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Well I was wondering why a cute girl like you got transfer to our class?" Renzou said kind of flirtatious and leaning towards her. Chise leaned backwards.

"I'm afraid that's none of your business." She replied politely, grabbing her bag and standing up abruptly. "Now if you excuse me, I have to go."

The brunette walked towards the door without looking at the pink haired boy or any other of her classmates.

"What's up with her?" A short girl with long purplish hair combed in pigtails thought annoyed.

Chise was walking through the corridors with her messenger bag hanging on her right shoulder and her earphones securely plugged into her ears.

"What a boredom, but at least it's not as bad as my other school plus she's not here. That's right, this time Mika isn't here." A small smile appeared on her lips.

The girl left the cram school building and took out the folded piece of paper that Mephisto gave her earlier. She read it and headed to the direction written on it. Soon after, she was in front of a big, old and somewhat creepy looking building.

"Okay if my sense of orientation is correct this is the right place, maybe?" she thought before re-reading the little piece of paper in her hand.

"Kirishima-san? What are you doing here?" the brunette turned around and found her pharmacology teacher and the black haired boy from her class walking a few meters behind her.

"Why is she here?" the black haired boy thought curious shoving his hands on his pockets.

"I was looking for my dormitory, but it seems that I arrived to the wrong place." Chise said walking towards Yukio.

"I see. Where is your dormitory located? Maybe we can help you find it." the green eyed boy said with a gentle smile. She looked at him unsure, handing him the piece of paper. After Yukio read it his expression was confound. "It seems that you're in the correct place."

"Really?" Rin and Chise exclaimed in unison then looked at each other with odd expressions before both looked at Yukio again.

"Yeah, though this is a male's dormitory. Who gave you this paper?"

"Mephi-I mean principal Faust." she corrected herself. The fact that Johann Faust V was the name Mephisto used in public confused her some times.

"Well if he assigned you a room here there's nothing we can do. Anyway let's get inside."

Yukio and Rin walked inside the building. Chise sighed heavily and walked behind them.

"What the hell is thinking Mephisto? I'm a girl and he put me in a dormitory full of boys." she thought annoyed.

Yukio sent Rin to get cover and a pillow to a storage closet while he and Chise went upstairs to show her a room. They walked through various hallways in silence until they arrived to a wooden door.

"This will be your room from now on." Yukio opened the creaking wooden door and both teens got inside it.

Chise looked around, clutching her navy blue bag. "This place is covered in dust" she thought and sighed.

The room wasn't big but it wasn't small either. There was a wood escritoire in the middle of the wall in front of her, two beds - one in the right wall and the other in the left wall -, a window near the bed on the right wall and two small wardrobes at the foot of both beds.

"Sorry if it's dirty, but I wasn't expecting anyone to live here besides my older brother and me." Yukio gave her an apologetic smile.

"It's okay, I'll clean it later. Wait, your brother...?"

As if on cue, Rin appeared on the door frame. He was holding in his hands the covers and pillow that his brother asked to bring.

"Where do I put this, Yukio?"

"Speaking of the devil." Yukio chucked much to the girl's surprise. "Leave it there, Nii-san." the boy pointed one of the beds with his thumb. The black haired boy did what he was told.

"Well, I have a mission tonight so please help Kirishima-san to settle in." Yukio said before leaving Rin and Chise alone.

"That four eyes! Leaving me all the work while he's monopolizing all the fun." Rin muttered, glaring to the spot where his brother was.

Chise who heard this snorted with laughter. She covered her mouth with her hands trying to suffocate the laugh, but it was useless.

"What's so funny?" Rin asked her annoyed.

She breathed a few times to calm herself before reply. "Are you sure you're the older brother?"

"Huh? What are you insinuating?" Rin glared at her clearly offended with her question.

"I'm not insinuating anything. It's just that you act the way a younger brother would do and Yukio act like an older brother would do."

"Whatever." Rin said turning around to leave the room. "Where are the rest of your things?"

"They'll arrive in a few day, maybe."

"You're a strange girl." He said before left the room.

"I know." Chise replied nonchalant and close the door. "Now, let's get the bed ready. I really need to sleep." she mumbled to herself starting to work.

A/N: okay let me explain something, this story starts after the Exwire Exam. Also this is just an idea that popped in the mind of a friend and my own while we watched the anime so if it's random forgive me. I think that's all, thank you for reading it and please review :3