
An Avengers/Justice League Fanfic by SouthernImagineer/ecto1B and b4tmans

Chapter One

"Dark night, that from the eye his function takes,

The ear more quick of apprehension makes.

Wherein it doth impair the seeing sense,

It pays the hearing double recompense.

Thou art not by mine eye, Lysander, found.

Mine ear, I thank it, brought me to thy sound.

But why unkindly didst thou leave me so?"

- William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"

It was a mingling of two polar entities, a clash ridden with revenge and sore motives. It was a trembling of the lips provoking a fainting of the breath, a euphemism disguising a caustic remark, a terse observation. It was a narrative twined with fate, laced with serendipity, fused with harmony, unhinged and set free to ravage and inflame those unfortunate enough to be caught in the crossfire.

He, the knight, was with her, the dreamer.

He, the soldier, was with her, the seeker.

It began as it ended. Touch, taste. Fingers twining. Fists clenching, meeting walls, digging through plaster. Nails biting skin, pricking, opening wounds to expose blood. Bodies colliding, violence stirring. Sweat meeting sweat. Heated emotions, veins boiling, soon searing hot, molten liquid. Teeth gritting, eyes shutting, languid motions paired with aggressive stances.



A theater of warfare. A vendetta of sorts. A joining of precocious minds, indifferent. A mission of utmost importance, gravity of existential ideas, of transcendental, quixotic thoughts. A transformation of forms, a mesh of traditions. One target, ringed in fire, in liberty. One hero, not needed, but deserved. One objective, effortlessly seen, painfully secured. Darkness, measured. Caustic brushes, bruises, inflicted upon those against it.

And what was to be gained from this? What sycophantic message had driven itself through the boundaries of three locales, splitting them evenly and opening each up to damage and danger?

Perhaps the cause would never be determined, but what resulted was a sort of accidental exodus.

Three worlds conflicting.

Two teams uniting.

One grave mistake.

"If it be aught toward the general good,

Set honor in one eye and death i' th' other,

And I will look on both indifferently,

For let the gods so speed me as I love

The name of honor more than I fear death."

- William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar"