Chapter 1-The Beginning


Big Mike

This is my very first story, so go easy on me with the reviews. I didn't know how to rate it so any advise on that would be appreciated. Well I think that's enough of me rambling on. Time for the show. And I own no pony characters. But the human characters are my property.

There was heavy panting as the two figures ran through the castle. Dodging guards as they went. Both knowing what they had to do.

" Come on! We need to keep moving." A woman shouted behind her.

" I know! I'm moving as fast as I can. You know it takes twenty four hours for my healing spell to take full effect. Until then I have to deal with these injuries." he replied.

Finally they reached their destination. It was a large room the size of most houses. It had nothing in it except a large pool in the center. It was painted white, and had only one window which was straight above the pool.

The two locked the door and ran up to the pool. The women knelt down and started to chant. After a minute there was banging on the door as the guards tried to open it. The woman continued to chant.

All of a sudden there was a flash of light. She stood up and said, "Alright, the transportation spell is ready."

"Where will it take me?" Was all he could say.

"I don't know. We don't have time to pick a specific destination... It's random where it could send you. Now jump. It only has another minute left." she said frantically.

"Alright. I promise I'll never forget you." he said with a sad face.

"Just shut up and go. I'll hold them off." she said grabbing her bow, and loading an arrow into it.

Jericho stands at the edge of the pool and stairs in. "Rose. I love you." He jumps in as the doors broke open.

"I wonder where this storm came from? The pegasi didn't schedule anything today." said an orange pony with a blond mane, looking out the window. She turned and saw her sister sound asleep on the floor using the storybook as a pillow.

She smiled and said, "Oh Applebloom. What am I gonna do with ya?"

She put her sister on her back and started walking upstairs. Granny was already asleep, and Big Mac was out in the storm tending the trees. She stayed behind to keep her family, and the farmhouse, safe.

She placed her sister in bed, and went downstairs.

She waited for her brother for about 20 minutes before he came in through the door, shaking off the water from his coat. Applejack walked up to him and asked, "Are the apples alright?"

He replied, "Eeyup."

"Anything happen?"

He thought for a moment and said, "Couple bolt a lightning hit pretty close."

"Well at least yer alright." she said with a relieved face. She continued, "We should get ta bed. We'll have a lot a work tomorrow cleaning everything up."

"Eeyup." he said following his sister upstairs. But he had a feeling he should have looked in that hole the lightning made. Mostly because he was sure he heard something in it. He shrugged it off and went to his room.

Applejack woke up to her brother shaking her. "Applejack. Applejack, wake up. We have to go tend the farm."

"I'm up. I'm up." she said rubbing her head. She got up and followed Big Mac downstairs. He had her breakfast all ready for her and on the table. She sat down and started eating. It didn't take long to finish, but then she asked, "Where's Applebloom?" looking around for her sister. "She went off to play with her friends." he said. And they left it at that.

The damage wasn't too bad. Aside from a few apples and a couple trees. But what caught their attention was the big hole in the ground. They approached it with caution, because they didn't know if it would collapse. However, when they got there they were in shock at what they saw.

At the bottom of the pit was a figure. And not a pony figure, but the figure of a creature they never saw before. Applejack spoke up, "I should go get Twilight and the others. Big Mac, stay here and watch... it." he nodded, and she was off.

Twilight was doing the same thing she always does in the morning, reading. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Spike! Can you get that?" she said, then realized he was away on royal business until tomorrow. She stood up and walked to the door. When she opened it she was met by a heavily panting Applejack.

"Hey A.J. How's it going?" she said with a smile.

Applejack on the other hoof wasn't as enthusiastic. "Last night during the storm some lightning hit the ground and made a big hole. Me and Big Mac went to check it out and at the bottom we found this... thing." she said in one go.

Twilight looked at her and asked with curiosity, "What is it?"

"There's no time to explain. I already told the others to meet us at the house. Now come on." she said and then ran off Twilight following close behind.

They raced up the road to house where they saw the others waiting. As soon as they got there Applejack turned and ran for the fields saying, "Follow me!" They all followed her. It didn't take long to reach the hole. Big Macintosh was still there as they ran up to him. "Is it still there?" asked Applejack. "Eeyup."

They all looked into the hole and froze at what they saw. They looked from it to Fluttershy. She realized they were all looking at her and she backed away saying, "I've never seen a creature like that before."

Suddenly Rainbow Dash said, "Girls. I think it's waking up."

They were at the hole in time to see the creature start moving. As it got up they were amazed at how tall it is. Almost twice Big Mac's height.

It looked around for a second and saw it was in a hole. It walked to the edge and with one good jump launched itself twenty feet in the air, and landed ten feet from them. They were all amazed at his leg power.

He had his back to them so he didn't see them. He looked around for a second and then stretched his arms out.

They weren't looking at him know. They were looking at the huge sword on his back. It was single edged, and almost as tall as he was. It was two to three inches thick on one side and razor sharp on the other, and one and a half feet wide. He was wearing armor, a black cloak, and his hair was a bright red.

He was looking around again. He suddenly realized they were there. He turned around quickly turned around, putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

They all jumped when he did this. Not knowing if he was going to attack or not, they just stood there, except Fluttershy who was on the ground shaking. They all just stood there, no one moved a muscle.

Then they heard three voices all but he recognized, "I'll get you two!" said one. "No you won't!" replied the other two. They kept talking back and forth, but he never took his eyes off the seven in front of him.

"Oh yeah well- Applebloom, Sweetie Belle! Look out!" They both collided with the back of his legs.

He then turned round and drew his sword. He looked around and saw a small, orange horse with a purple mane and...wings. He looked down and saw two other ones about the same size, but different colors.

After rubbing their heads they looked up to him. As soon as they saw him they started to shake like leaves, curling themselves up into balls. They looked and saw Twilight and the others standing there.

"Rarity, I'm scared." said Sweetie Belle.

"It's alright Sweetie. Your sister's here." she replied.

"Applejack, Big Mac."

"Don't worry Applebloom. Just stay still." she turned to Twilight and asked, "What do we do now?"

"I don't know. But first we need to get those two away from... him?" she said tilting her head.

"Alright, back off two legs before I come over there and make you!"

"Rainbow Dash! This isn't the time for that."

He looked back at the group behind him, then back to the ones at his feet.

Well, if they want them, I mind as well give them to them.

He put his sword back in his sheath. Then he focused on the two small ones. His hands started to glow. He knelt down to them.

"I warned you!" Rainbow Dash shouted and then charged at him.

"Rainbow, wait!" but it was too late. She was already speeding towards him. Her wings were flapping harder than they ever did. Her only thought was getting this thing away from the girls.

He looked back and saw the blue one coming at him. He stood up and turned just as she got to him. He opened his arms and as she made contact he wrapped his arms around her.

Okay. She's restrained for now. I'll have to take care of her first.

He closed his eyes and focused. Still holding his grip, his hands started to glow. He put his hands on her forehead, and in a puff of smoke, she was gone. A second later she was on the ground next to her friends. The white one sneezed a couple times because of the smoke.

"How did you get here?" A shocked Applejack asked.

"I don't know."

"Maybe... Maybe he knows magic!" said Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay!" said Scootaloo running up to her.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Hmm. I have an idea. Lets just watch what he does this time. I suggest it because, well, he could have killed Rainbow but he didn't. So, maybe he's not bad"

They looked at Twilight and then at each other. They all nodded because they had no other options, except Rainbow who still thought she could take him, but she agreed anyway.

He turned his attention back to the two small ones, who were crying at this point. He knelt down in front of them. Using the same spell he just did, he touched them both on their foreheads. They shook when he touched them. But in a puff of smoke they were both in front of the others.

"Sweetie Belle!" yelled Rarity, seeing her sister safe.

"Rarity!" yelled Sweetie Belle.

They hugged, both shedding a few tears.

"Applebloom!" They shouted in unison.

"Applejack! Big Mac!" she said hugging them both.

Twilight smiled at the sight. She then turned her attention back to the thing. But when she looked he was gone. She looked around and saw him leaving ."Come on. Let's follow him. Big Mac take the girls back to the house." she said, then ran after him.

Well, now that that's done, I should find someplace to stay for awhile. I do have to admit, those little horses were kind of cute. Oh well, that blue one attacked me, and that gives me an idea of the reception I'll get here.

He was looking for a place to lay low for awhile. Suddenly his stomach growled.

I haven't eaten in almost a day either.

He was halfway to the forest when he heard a voice behind him yell, "Wait!"

This was the first of this species ever seen in Equestria and Twilight wasn't going to let it get away. He was facing her now, and she could hear the others behind her.

As she approached he crossed his arms. She wasn't afraid of him so she walked right up to him.

"Um... I know we got off on the wrong hoof, but maybe we could start off fresh? My name is Twilight Sparkle by the way." she said putting her hoof out to him.

What is she saying? I wonder why she put her hoof out.

Realizing he wasn't going to take it she put her hoof down. "Well... What's your name?... Can you talk?... Can you understand me?..." she said worriedly.

I've had enough of this. I better get my translator out.

He took off his cloak and through it in the air. It would have fallen to the ground except it hung in mid air in front of him, completely flat like paper. He reached for it, but instead of grabbing it, he reached inside it like it was a window. And then his head and entire upper body was in it. Like he was looking for something.

Twilight was speechless. Her friends had joined her and when they saw this they were speechless too... except Pinkie Pie.

"Ohohoh. What is that? Is it a window? Maybe it's a room full of-" was as far as she got before Rainbow Dash put her hoof in Pinkies mouth, stopping her for the moment.

Where are you you, stupid thing? Oh there you are.

He came out wearing a jewel on a string around his neck. "That's better."

They all jumped when he spoke.

"Well, that answers if he can talk or not." said a startled Twilight. Everyone else was still a bit weary, so they didn't get as close. Fluttershy was not crying anymore. "What is that exactly?"

"It's my portal cloak. I use it to hold all of my things. Speaking of which." He took a few steps back, then ran straight for his cloak. And with no warning he jumped straight in.

They could hear noises coming from the inside, but none approached it. Suddenly they saw his head and he started to climb out, holding a bird cage. He set it on the ground and took his cloak, gave it a shake, and put it on.

Now everyone was curious, especially Fluttershy. The cage was covered so they couldn't see inside it, but they could hear noises coming from inside. He knelt down and opened a door. He stepped back and as soon as he pulled the cloth back something red flew out, straight for them.

They were about to move when it stopped. It was a bird with bright red feathers. You could mistake it for a phoenix, except it was shorter, and bigger. It actually looked more like a falcon then anything.

Jericho whistled and instantly the bird was on his arm. "That's a good boy. Yeah. That's a good boy." he said patting him on the head. "Okay, after being cooped up for two days, I guess you earned a good fly. Just be back here in one hour, and if I'm not here then you know how to get my attention." With that the bird was in the air, flying at top speed.

"What was that?" Everyone but Jericho jumped. They forgot Fluttershy was there.

Jericho looked back to them and said, "That is a fire falcon. It's what you get when you cross breed a falcon, and a phoenix." They all looked at him bewildered, except Fluttershy who looked amazed.

"You mean you crossbred a falcon and a phoenix?" she said with glee.

"Actually, he was wild but I found him hurt one day, and took him to my home with me. I let him stay until his wing was better, but when I took him outside to let him go, he just stayed right on my arm. We've been friends ever since. And you could say that he's not exactly mine. We're more like, two living things that take care of each other."

"Enough talk, who are you and what are you doing here." shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Of course. How rude of me. My name is Jericho. And as for what I'm doing here," his face fell for a second then he continued, "Is none of your business." he said in a serious tone.

"What's that supposed to mean!" she asked.

" Exactly what I said. I'm here for personal reasons, and those reasons are none of your business." he replied.

"But then why did you choose Equestria?" asked Twilight.

"Well... I didn't choose to come here. All I knew was that I was going to be in a different world, I didn't have a clue I was going to end up here." he said while scratching his neck.

"So yer not here to cause trouble or anything?"

"Well... Trouble usually has a way of finding me whether I'm looking for it or not, so I can't really say no." his voice was calm and unreadable.

"Well then we don't want you here. So pack your bags and leave."

"Fine. I know when I'm not wanted. I'll find someplace that doesn't mind a refugee hanging around." he started to walk away.

"Wait. You're a refugee?" Twilight asked.

"Yes I am."

"Wait, what's a refugee?" asked Rainbow.

"It's someone that lost their home."

"Trust me, I've lost more than that. But yes, I lost my home." He fell silent for a second, "But, if you don't want me here, I guess I'll leave."

They all looked at him for a few seconds as he walked away. But it was Rainbow Dash that spoke up, with a hint of guilt, "Wait. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was like that. If... If you want to stay it's fine by me."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up because of me. You didn't know, so who cares." he said.

"Well, if you're going to stay. Then where are you going to stay?" said Rarity.

"He could always stay with one of us for now." said Pinkie.

"Hold it. Before we decide where I'm going to stay, can I get your names?"

"Well I guess it's our turn to be rude. My name is Twilight Sparkle. These are my friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie." she said pointing to each one of them.

"Well you all know my name, so I guess introductions are done."

"Well now that that is settled... Where do we put you?"

"Well my and Rarity's place is out. He scared our sisters half to death."

"Yeah... Sorry about that."

"It's fine. I could tell you didn't mean any harm. Especially when Rainbow attacked you and you didn't fight back."

"That reminds me. Was that magic you used?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I've just never seen a spell like that before. I mean I've seen teleportation spells before, but nothing like that."

"It is pretty high level magic. It took me a week to master it. And I usually only take five days to master a spell. But, I was sick with the flu for a few days before, so my magic wasn't as good as usual." he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well anyway, it's almost noon. So we need to get going. I guess you could stay with me for awhile. I need to let the princess know you're here anyway."

"Oh great. Just what I need, more royalty."

"What do you mean?"

He let out a deep sigh and said, "Me and my clan have crossed paths with royalty on several occasions. And it never turns out good."

"How not good are we talking?"

"Can we not get into this. It's not something I like to talk about."

They looked at each other and agreed that it was probably best they not get into it. At least not until he was ready.

"Well lets go then." said Twilight.

The trip didn't take long, and soon they were at the entrance to town. Applejack and Rarity stayed behind to comfort their sisters, and explain everything to Big Mac. So with Jericho and Twilight walking up front, Rainbow flying overhead, and Pinkie and Fluttershy were behind them.

"Wait. How are we going to get you into my house?"

"I was thinking the front door. Why? What did you have in mind?"

"No. I mean, how do we get you there without anypony seeing you?"

"Well. That is your problem. I don't intend on being kept a secret." And with that he started straight for Ponyville.

"What! But you don't know how they'll react to you!"

"Which is why I'm doing this. Best to get these things out of the way now rather than later. Besides they'll find out about me sooner or later, so why bother hiding?"

Twilight admitted he had a point. They would find out sooner or later. "Alright. Just try to make a good first impression." She hoped to Celestia she wasn't making a mistake.

Even if she thought this was a mistake, it was too late to back out now. They were already in town. "Alright, I'm going to get everypony ready to see you." With that she walked out and got everyone's attention, and started to explain the situation, that they had a guest from another 'country' and that he's a bit different, but he's nice all the same. And that he would be staying with them for a few days.

She stepped aside and let him come out. When they saw him their eyes were wide as dinner plates. Some looked afraid. Others were curious more than anything.


They all turned and saw a filly hanging from a tree. She lost her grip, and before they could do anything Jericho was there in a puff of smoke and caught her just in time.

"You should be more careful. You could get hurt like that." She looked up at him and started to cry, and then latched on to him. He had no idea what to do so he let his paternal instinct take over. He sat down and started to rock back and forth trying to comfort her.

When everyone else got there they couldn't believe what they were seeing. This thing was trying, and succeeding, to comfort a filly that just had the scare of her life.


"Mommy!" She started to squirm, and Jericho let her go instantly. He saw her run up to a grey pegasus with a yellow mane, and notably eyes that faced two different directions. They ran up to each other and embraced. "Are you alright Dinky?"

"I'm fine."

She looked over to Jericho who was standing and talking to Twilight. She got up and walked over to them. "Um... thank you. I'm Ditzy Doo." was all she said.

He looked straight at her and said, "You're welcome. And nice to meet you." She walked away, but she saw something in his eyes as she left. A caring, fatherly stare, that said he didn't want Dinky to get hurt. Somehow, she knew she could trust him.

"How was that for first impressions?" he asked.

"Not bad actually. At least now they know you're not going to hurt anypony. Well, we should get going." She started to walk towards a large tree, which upon further inspection was actually a house.

"Well, this is it. It's the town's library, but it serves as my home."

"I should call for Gabriel while I'm out here." With that his hands started to glow, and with one thrust upward a fireball shot out of his hand.

"What was that, and who's Gabriel?" she asked watching the ball explode.

"Gabriel is my falcon. And that was just me letting him know where I am. He won't come back until I send a blue one up though." As he said this a large bird flew by exactly where the fireball was.

"I thought you said he wouldn't come back."

"Did you see him stop?"

"Oh, I see." she said, then realized, "Pinkie, you haven't said anything this whole time. I figured you'd be saying how we need a party to celebrate having someone new in town."

With a grin she said, "I already did that last night. My Pinkie Sense told me that we would be making a new friend. Soooo, I spent all last night getting a party ready. The parties at six." With that she bounced off.

Don't ask Jericho. If my guess on that one is right. It'll save me a big headache if I don't ask.

"Does anything slip by her?" asked Rainbow as she flew down to them.

"No. I don't think so."

"Well, I got to go. I missed a lot of practice this morning." With that she flew off.

"Um." Came a small voice.

"Fluttershy. I forgot you were there. Anything I can help you with?"

"Well I was going to ask Jericho if I could see Gabriel. I mean if it's okay with you. It's fine if it's not." Threw all that she was backing away slowly.

"Sure, he loves the attention." He was about to cast a spell when he realized, "Do you have any small animals in your house?"

"Yes I do. I care for all the animals around here. Why do you ask?"

"Because, what do you think falcons eat? It would probably be best if you saw him here." he said casting a spell, and a blue fireball shot into the air.

"You're right. I don't want any of my friends getting hurt." Remembering falcons main food source is small animals.

"He'll be here in a second." And right on schedule, a large, red bird flew down and perched on his shoulder. "Gabriel, this is Fluttershy. She wants to spend some time with you. Now I want you on your best behavior. Got it?"

Gabriel gave off a small noise.

"Good. He's all yours." Gabriel flew from his shoulder and landed on her back. Fluttershy winced, waiting for the pain of his claws to dig in. But it didn't come. She looked back and saw him there but he wasn't digging in, just sitting there. "I trained him well didn't I?"

"Yes you did."

With that the three of them walked inside. He wasn't surprised at all the books, since Twilight told him her home was also the town library.

This is amazing. The tree is hollow, but it's still alive.

"Well, uh... Mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Go ahead."

She levitated a piece of parchment and a quill to herself.

She asked him questions for a few hours. When she looked up at the clock it was 5:48.

"We better get going. Don't want to miss Pinkies party." She got up and headed to the door. Jericho, who was now wearing a red robe instead of his armor, followed her. "You coming Fluttershy?"

"I'm fine."

"Alright see you later." She walked out the door into the cool evening. Looking back to make sure he was there, and when she saw he was, she started to walk towards Sugar Cube Corner.

It didn't take long to get there. When they opened the door the lights were off. They both went in, and when they were in the center of the room the lights came on.


Twilight was startled and jumped back.

"Pinkie, don't do that." she said. But then she saw everybody chuckling, and giggling to themselves. She turned her head when she realized what they were giggling at.

"Can I help you?" was all Jericho said.

She quickly took her arms from behind his head as he set her down. She was visibly blushing, but Jericho wasn't. She was about to say she was sorry, but Pinkie got to them.

"This is your party. Doyoulikeit? Doyoulikeit? Doyoulikeit?" She said it so fast you could hardly understand her.

"Well. I don't usually go to parties, so don't ask me."

She stopped bouncing for a second, then picked back up and said, "Okay dokey lokey. Follow me."

Reluctantly he followed her. And all the others followed them. She took him to a large table, and pulled out a chair to sit on.

"I hope you don't mind, but some ponies have some questions for you." she said as he sat.

"Sure. Why not?"

Well, I think this was a good beginning. If you do to, or don't, please tell me.