Ahahaha yeah, remember when I said I would uplode more? Yeah sorry to keep you all waiting, my laptop broke.^_^;;

But here it is the next chapie! With... ISSUN! YEA! Oh yeah I kinda leftt it off on a kinda dramatic note so



"Waka- I can't… go… any farther…" Ammy gasped, panting heavily.

"You needn't go any farther, sister."

(Recap end)

Time seemed to freeze the moment the voice met their ears; Ammy looked up. Two tall figures materialized from the swirling snow storm.

"I didn't expect you to come to a place so cold sister, how are you?" one of the men said, robe and hair so white they made the snow look gray.

Amaterasu striated up. "I'm fine, thank you for asking Gekigami."

Gekigami grin, fanglike canines glinting menacingly. "Why so formal sister? Not happy to see me?" the young tiger god's yellowish eyes flashing.

"Honestly, I'm not that thrilled." She tried to make her voice sound cold but her eyes must have betrayed how scared she was. "Who do you have with you?"

"The only one who could find you and that traitor in this blasted wasteland."

"Hello Ammy." Itegami said, timidly taking a step forward.

"You've bullied Ite into joining your little hunting party?"

Gekigami chuckled "All our siblings are helping dispose of him."

Ammy moved in front of Waka. "Well… you're going to have to go through me first."

"Hu, so I was right, you held that moon tribe scum escape."

"What are you talking about?"

"Some of the others thought that maybe he had gotten away and you had gone after him."

"Looks like they were wrong."

Geki took a step towards them and Ammy shifted into a defensive position.

"Come now sister, stand down now and your punishment will be less severe."

"I won't let you touch him."

"Step aside."

Amaterasu issued an inhuman growl.

"Don't press me sister, I don't wish to harm you sister but I will do whatever it takes to bring this worthless prophet to justice."

"Killing him is not justice."

"The, you're so weak sister."

"I'm stronger than you because I defy the others."

Gekigami snarled, baring his teeth. "If you will not move I will make you!"

"Geki! Let's not do anything rash! We were told to find Waka and Amaterasu and bring them back." Itegami cried.

"And I fully intend to do so, but whether they return alive is up to them."

"But, you cannot harm Amaterasu, she is the origin of all that is good."

"I care not! She thinks because she is the sun goddess she can ignore the council and do whatever she wants, but that is not so!"

The storm around the small group worsened, snow falling fast and heavy.

"Ite! Calm this danm storm will you!"

The storm grew even worst, to the point that they could no longer see each other.

"Run Amaterasu, Waka, run!" Itegami shouted over the howling wind.

They didn't need to be told twice. Without caring which way they were going, the two turned and ran. Gekigami's voice rang like thunder in their ears. "Itegami, you traitor!"

They speed through the blizzard, adrenalin fueling their muscles. Eventually they came across a wall of sinister looking brambles.

"It's the entrance to Yoshpet." Ammy panted.

There was a crack of lightning behind them, sending a yellowish glow throughout the swirling snow.

"We have no time to lose! Quickly ma cherie!"

The two wormed their way through the opening in the branches.

The storm was virtually nonexistent inside the dense forest.

"Do you think he'll fallow us in here?" Ammy asked, still trying to catch her breath.

Waka shook his head "It's possible, we should keep moving."

They began to move through the eerie forest, painfully aware of the crunching sound their feet made in the snow, jumping at every creaking tree branch. Ammy was on edge, expecting to see her brother emerge from behind any tree.

As they continued on Amaterasu noted that her head had begun to pound. She also noticed that the edges of her vision were beginning to blur. She tried to shake the feeling that something was wrong and just focus making her way through the forest. Unfortunately her symptoms progressively worsen. She paused, her senses felt dulled and she felt lightheaded.

Waka's blurred face appeared in front of her. "Ma cherie?" his voice sounded like it was coming from a long way off.

She blinked multiple times, trying desperately to clear her vision. An intense wave of dizziness swept over her and she collapsed into the newly fallen snow.

Fingers ran gentle through her hair. Slowly she began to regain consciousness. Her eyes opened and all she could see was green. Alarmed, she bolted upright, then clutching her head which throbbed in protest of the sudden movement. A hand gentle clasped her shoulder. She turned around, more slowly this time. Waka sat beside her with a worried expression on his face.

He let out a relived sigh "Thank the gods you're alright" he muttered, pulling her to his chest.

Ammy blinked up at him. "W-what happened?"

"The pollen from the trees caused you to collapse. " he whispered into her shoulder. "I'm so glad you're okay."

She allowed herself to relax against him. "Where are we?"

"A little clearing in the forest. It's odd, neither the pollen nor the snow seem to effect this area."

"How long have I been out?"

"A while."

They sat like this for a while, Waka with his head pressed against her shoulder.

"Hey! You two!" shouted a high-pitched voice, they jumped at the sound of it. It sounded rather familiar…

A vivid red glow bounced out of the tree stump in the middle of the clearing and came over to them. "What are you two doing here?"

"Issun…?" Ammy asked.

"Hm, whaddya say babe?"

Her eyes lit up for the first time in days. "Oh Issun it is you!" she cried, lunging towards the poncal and hugged him to her chest.

"Hehehehe… not that I'm complaining or anything babe but who are you again?"

Holding him in the palm of her hand she raised him to eye level. "It's me silly."


She nodded happily.

"Wow Ammy! What happened to you? You look gorgeous!"

Waka came over and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Who's the blonde?"

"Bonjor my little bouncing friend." Waka said dully.

"Blah, I'd know that annoying accent anywhere."

"Nice to see you too."

"Anyways Ammy, what are you and the half-baked prophet doing in the middle of Yoshpet?"

At this her face fell "We're, we're running away…"

"Hu? From what?"

"The other brush gods they… they want Waka died…" Issun said nothing so she continued. "So we escaped, here, to Kamui. But Gekigami found us earlier so we came in here."

"You know…" Issun began slowly "If you want Ammy, I guess you can stay here, in Pon'tan, at least for a few days or something."

"Really?! Oh thank you Issun, thank you!"

"Hey I can't have you freezing to death in the middle of the forest can I. Just give me a sec." He pulled out the lucky mallet which pounded the other two down to his size and sent them inside the stump.

"Alright, you can stay at my place." Issun said. He didn't look much different from the last time she had seen him, though he did look a little taller, a little more muscular. "But let's get something strait ya half-baked prophet, I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Ammy. She must care about you a lot if she's putting up with all this just for you." He stared off towards his house.

"Thank you, Issun." Waka said, without even a hint of the arrogant tone he usually took when he spoke to Issun.

Issun paused for just a moment. "…come on."

I hope you guys enjoyed. PLEASE! Tell me what you thought, I love to hear what you think!