Jace and Clary rolled their eyes as Jocelyn took numerous pictures of them once they arrived. Simon and Isabelle, however, were enjoying all of the attention on them.

"Clary," Jace said, once her mother finally left, "I want you to know that you look absolutely amazing."

Clary smiled, bashfully tucking a loose red curl behind her ear. She was wearing a tea length purple satin dress with chiffon embelishments. "Thanks, Jace. You look very handsome yourself."

"Thank you, my dear. Would you like to go in now?" Jace said in a regal voice.

Playing along, Clary said, "Yes, good sir, I do wish to go in."

Laughing, together they walked into the gym, staring in awe at all of the colorful and festive decorations that the Student Body Leaders put up. "Wow, it looks amazing in here," Clary said.

"Yes it does," said Sebastian who had just walked up to them. "How was dinner, Clare?"

"It was wonderful, Jace's mother is very lovely," she said to her older brother.

"You just don't know her yet," Jace muttered. Changing the subject, he said, "Where's your date, Sebastian?"

Sebastian smiled, "She went to the girls room with her friends. Thanks for setting me up with her, Jace."

"No problem. Aline said she really liked you, so I just made it happen."

"Well, I'm glad you got a good date," Clary said.

At that moment, loud techno dance music with a fast beat and a low bass started shaking the walls of the gym. "Shall we dance?" Jace asked, not waiting for an answer as he pulled Clary to the center of the dance floor.

Amongst the rest of the junior and senior high students, they began to jump and fist pump to the music. Clary seemed a little shy at first, but once Jace laced their fingers together and led her in the dance, she seemed to loosen up a bit. "You're a really good dancer," she shouted over the music.

"Thanks," he said, "I practice in front of my mirror when no one is home," he joked, admiring Clary's beautiful and melodious laugh.

The song ended, and everyone awkwardly stopped dancing. "Do you want some punch?" Jace asked.

"Sure," Clary said, spotting Isabelle and Simon. "I'll go talk to them," she said pointing her finger, "until you get back."

As they departed, Clary sent a small wave over to her friends. Isabelle waved back excitedly, and slapped Simon when he wasn't paying attention. "Hey, Iz," she said. As one of Simon's male friends approached him to talk.

"Hi, Clary. Having fun yet?" she asked.

"Yeah, I really am. Jace isn't as bad as most people say he is."

"He really is that bad, but he really acts differently around you," Isabelle said, "I think you're really good for him."

Clary didn't know how to respond to that, but luckily she didn't have to as Jace walked up and handed her a small styrofoam cup. "Thanks."

Another song began to play, this one slow and intimate. Clary set her cup down after taking a small drink and follow Simon, Isabelle, and Jace onto the dance floor. Isabelle and Simon melted into the crowd as Jace wrapped his arms around Clary's waist. It might have looked awkward the way Clary placed her hands on Jace's shoulders, but it all felt very natural.

"I'm so grateful for you, Clary," Jace whispered into her ear. "You make me a better person, and I really do love you."

"Oh, Jace," Clary said, smiling up at him, "I love you, too."

(Line Break)

Max and Tal were sitting on the couch in the living room, practicing their flute duet. As they hit the last fermata perfectly in sync, Maryse Lightwood started clapping.

"Boys," she said with a motherly smile, "that was wonderful. I think you will definitely win a medal at the concert."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lightwood," Tal said. "We've worked really hard on this."

"It certainly shows," she said.

Max blushed slightly, putting his flute back in its case. Tal followed suit, also putting away the sheet music.

"I've got a little paperwork to fax to my office, so I'll leave you two alone for a while," she said, getting up and walking towards her home office.

Tal turned to Max, smiling goofily. "What now?"

"I don't know," Max said, walking up stairs to his room. "We could watch a movie?"

"That sounds great," Tal said.

"Alright," Max said, putting their things away and leading Tal down to the basement. "What do you want to watch?"

"What's your favorite movie?" Tal asked, standing next to Max as he hooked up the DVD player.

"I really like Spirited Away, but we don't have to watch that if you don't want to."

"Well," Tal said, smiling and tilting his head, "I want to get to know you better now that we're dating and that means knowing what kind of movies you like."

Max blushed and scrunched his nose a bit. "I guess that makes sense," he said. He reached into the drawer and pulled out Spirited Away. He placed it into the player and pressed start. "I'll grab us a blanket from the closet, you can just pick a couch and sit down," Max said, walking over to their linens closet and pulling out a large, but thin, blue blanket.

They sat on the couch together, watching the movie and keeping a comfortable distance apart. About halfway through, Max's eyelids began to droop with drowsiness. He scooted closer to Tal and lay his head upon his shoulder. Tal wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling the blanket tighter around them. "Tal?"


"I'm really glad you're my boyfriend." Max said sleepily.

Tal smiled, pulling Max onto his lap and stretching out on the couch. "I'm glad I'm your boyfriend, too."

Max was silent for so long that Tal thought he had fallen asleep until he spoke again, "Tal, will you kiss me?"

Instead of answering with words, he just leaned forward and gently pressed his lips against Max's soft red ones. It was the best feeling Tal had ever felt. He pulled back slowly, smiling at his boyfriend. "That was amazing."

"Yeah, it was, " Max said. "We should try it again sometime," he said as he curled up on Tal's lap, falling asleep quickly with a small smile on his lips.

(Line Break)

"So," Alec said as they walked toward the gym. "What's in that cute little Liza Frank notebook you have? You promised you would tell me."

"Oh, uh," Magnus said looking slightly embarassed. "It's just my journal. It has some very comprimising information in it."

"Like what?" Alec asked, stopping in front of the door to the gymnasium and lacing his fingers in his boyfriend's.

"Like all of my dreams. It's a dream journal. I would be completely mortified if anyone ever read it. It has things that even Hugh Hefner would blush at." Magnus said, winking at Alec.

"Wow," Alec said, "Who knew you were such a dirty minded boy?"

"You don't know the half of it," Magnus said turning towards the door.

Magnus and Alec walked into the gym, hand in hand. The whispers immediately started and Alec felt very self conscious. Magnus just tightened his grip on Alec's hand, leading straight to the middle of the dance floor. A slow song was playing over the speakers, and Alec immediately spotted Isabelle and Simon dancing very closely. He had the urge to go pull the boy off of his sister, but resisted as Magnus pulled him close to his body. "This is it," he whispered.

Alec smiled nervously, wrapping his arms around Magnus' neck and slowly swaying to the music. "This is the moment I've dreaded all of my life."

"It won't be that bad," Magnus said, "Once everyone sees us dancing together, the kiss won't seem like that big of a deal. Plus the rumors were already sweeping through the school after our little show on the bus."

"I know," Alec said, leaning his head against Magnus' chest and closing his eyes. "but it's still very scary."

Magnus rubbed his hand up and down Alec's back, trying to soothe him. "It may be scary, but it is going to happen sooner or later, Alec."

"Are there people looking now?" Alec asked, his fingers trembling against Magnus' neck.

"There are a few glances," Magnus said quietly.

"I guess now would be a good time," Alec said as the slow song ended.

"Whenever you're ready," Magnus said.

Alec leaned up and placed his lips against Magnus' very firmly. His entire neck and face was burning a dark red. He placed his hands in Magnus' hair, deepening the kiss with his tongue. They gradually pulled apart, Alec grimacing as the hushed voices started gossiping all around them.

"Was that so bad?" Magnus asked, taking Alec's hand and leading him to the snack bar.

"Yes," Alec said, pushing through the crowd, most of who were staring at the couple.

"Oh, it was not," Magnus said, pouring Alec some punch.

Alec took the drink and sipped at it, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Magnus, they're all staring at us like we're freaks."

"No, baby," Magnus said, stepping closer, and placing his hand on the small of Alec's back. "They're just shocked is all."

Alec sighed, leaning against Magnus. He placed his face in the crook of Magnus' neck, kissing the skin their softly. "Thank you, Magnus. I... I just want you to know how much you mean to me. I would never have been able to come out without you supporting me. I love you," he whispered.

"And I love you, Alexander, and I always will," he said, kissing Alec once more in front of the school.


Magnus was sitting on his couch watching a 1940s horror film with his dad when his phone started ringing. He jumped up off the couch and retrieved it from the kitchen table.

Smiling, he saw that the caller identification was SexyGodFromPlanetAphrodisiac. "Hello, Alexander."

"Magnus, can you come over? No one's here."

"Sure, I'm on my way, right now." Magnus hung up the phone after a quick goodbye before walking into the living room. "Dad would it be okay if I went to Alec's house for a while?"

"Sure, just be home in time to help your mom with dinner."

"Okay, thanks Dad. See you later."

Magnus was at Alec's front door in a short amount of time. As he raised his finger to hit the door bell, the door swung open and Alec pulled Magnus inside. Before Magnus could even say one word, Alec slammed him up against the closed door and started kissing him. His hands pushed against Alec's chest, separating them. "Well hello to you, too," Magnus said, looking at Alec's flushed face and lusty eyes.

"Hi," Alec said simply, before leaning up to kiss Magnus again, his tongue pressing against his lips, trying to pry them open. Magnus reluctantly gave in, completely puzzled at why Alec was so impatient.

They kissed for a few more minutes, sucking in gasps every few seconds. When Alec finally stopped kissing his boyfriend, he took his hand and led him down stairs to the basement. "What's gotten into you?" Magnus asked as Alec half dragged him to th basement.

"I haven't seen you in almost a whole week because of summer vacation. Why aren't you here more often," Alec said, slamming Magnus down onto the couch. He climbed on top of him, straddling his hips.

"I figured you wanted to spend time with your family," Magnus said, staring up at Alec.

"I want to spend time with you," Alec growled, leaning down and biting Magnus' neck. Magnus arched his back and moaned.

"God, Alec, you're so hot," he muttered.

Alec stopped for a moment, sitting back a little and looking at Magnus with a serious face. "Magnus."


"I think it's time."

"Time for what, darling?"

"Time for us to go all the way."

"You mean...?" Magnus said, sitting up and cupping Alec's face with his hands.


Thank you for reading! This is my first story to ever be posted and completed. Every review means so much to me.

The sequel will be called Make the Move. It will be M rated. There will be very explicit content in it. I will also be writing another story completely unrelated with Alec, Magnus, and Camille. I would really appreciate it if you would give it a chance. Thank you so much! ~Zaidkayson