I don't own Harry Potter whatsoever

A/N: I have decided to repost this series again taking out the one story that was M to be safe. Enjoy. This story takes place in sixth year.


This was the first thing Harry Potter heard as he entered the Gryffindor common room. He sighed as he knew that his two best friends were in the middle of one of their infamous rows. He was lucky that he was usually around to stop either of them (mainly Ron) from getting seriously hurt. Their fighting seemed to increase after the beginning of their sixth year. Now Harry didn't know what started it, but he was getting tired of it along with his fellow Gryffindors.

He moved into the room and situated himself so that he can intervene quickly if necessary. He saw Ginny and Neville ready to do the same and gave them a nod.

They nodded back.

"I'm insensitive, you're the one flaunting about" Ron bellowed.

"What in Merlin's name are you talking about?" an exasperated Hermione shouted.

Harry thought the same thing as he looked back at their first few weeks of school they've gone through already and saw nothing in his female best friend's behavior that would be called flaunting. He saw that Ginny and Neville were think the same thing and have come up with the same results as him. None.

"You know what I am talking about" Ron shouted like it was suppose to be obvious.

Harry sighed as he saw Hermione reaching her breaking point. Her face was extremely red with anger her eyes were narrow slits and her hand was itching for her wand. He could always tell when she hit her limit and was about to throw hexes that she would normally reserve for Death Eaters.

"Okay guys, break it up" Harry said starting towards his friends.

"Harry, when did you come back?" Hermione asked as some of the red on her face vanished when she turned towards him.

"A few moments ago, and I guess I came back just in time" Harry said smirking slightly.

"Did you finish your Transfiguration essay?" Hermione asked forgetting about Ron and the argument.

Harry smiled.

"Yep, I even made it a few inches longer than it needs to be" Harry said proudly.

Harry made a decision in the beginning of the year to work harder on his studies.

Hermione smiled and hugged Harry now totally forgetting about Ron and everything.

"I will not be ignored" Ron shouted trying to draw the attention back on him.

Hermione spun around glaring at the redhead.

"If you're going to keep bring up the same old thing Ronald, then we have nothing to talk about" Hermione said in her stern tone.

"Come on let's go before round two starts" Harry said as he offered his hand to Hermione.

She smiled and took the his hand.

The two left a seething redhead.

/Scene Break/

"Will you tell me what the two of you have been going on about?" Harry asked as soon as the were close to their sanctuary. The Room of Requirement.

"When we get there" Hermione answered.

Harry nodded.

When they got to their destination the room configured itself to look like a smaller more comfy version of the Gryffindor common room. They sat on the couch and settled in.

"So, now will you tell me?" Harry asked looking at his best friend.

Hermione fidgeted for a second then looked down.

"He's still upset that I turned him down" Hermione said.

Harry blinked. He knew that Ron fancied Hermione for a while, but never thought the redhead would suck up the courage.

"So you turned him down and that's why he's been so hostile" Harry said out loud to confirm.

Hermione nodded.

Harry sighed.

He hated this, now he had to choose sides, which he never wanted to do. But his loyalty to Hermione was stronger than it was for Ron. Ron had abandon him in his fourth year and wasn't totally reliable. Whereas Hermione has never wavered from her position, which was always by his side. She never got jealous at the fact he was the Boy-Who-Lived or any of the other things that came with it. No, Hermione stood by him through good times and bad and never complained at all. She thought of him as 'just Harry' and that's all he ever wanted to be. He wondered why she stuck by him so long even when he treated her badly.

Harry sighed and laid his head back.

Hermione sensed his internal struggle as she was always able to do since they first met. She knew that Harry hated picking a side, even if he chose Ron's. She knew he hated the way he's treated her in the past and recently has been trying to make up for it. She saw this as he carried her books for her and stayed late with her to work on homework when all he really wanted to was to goof off or go to bed. He even took the time to listen to her more and to put more effort into his schoolwork. She appreciated the fact that he was making an effort and making up for the past even though he didn't have to.

"Harry, I'm not making you pick a side" Hermione said firmly.

Harry rolled his head so that it rested on her shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks Hermione, but you and I both know that I have no option in the matter" Harry said rubbing his temples.

Hermione sighed because she knew he was right. Their redheaded friend would make Harry choose and wouldn't take a neutral stance as a choice.

"So, what are you going to do?" Hermione asked hesitantly.

"Well, I've always gone with the easy way, so I guess I'll try the right way for a change" Harry said smirking.

Hermione blinked trying to comprehend what her best friend just said.

"It means I choose you, Hermione" Harry said grinning because he befuddled his favorite bookworm.

"Harry, you don't have to, if you don't want to" Hermione said trying not to hope.

Harry shook his head, "Hermione, I've should've taken your side on many things, but I didn't, I always took the easy way, but not this time you're right and I'm sticking by you like you have for me" Harry said sincerely.

Hermione gave Harry a beaming smile and pulled him into a big hug.

"Thank you Harry."

/Scene Break/

To say that Ron Weasley wasn't happy that his best mate didn't take his side, but the side of the know-it-all made him upset was an understatement. He was furious. He acted like it was the ultimate betrayal and let everyone who was in listening distance let them know of his ire.

Harry ignored the fuming redhead and enjoyed his time with Hermione as she did the same. It felt like fourth year again just the two of them, but without most of the school against him. They hung-out and talked, which they haven't done since fourth year. They missed this connecting, but never knew how to get it back with Ron in the middle, but now they were free to be themselves once again.

"Hermione, I like spending time with you, I can't remember being this happy" Harry said one day as they were making lesson for the next DA meeting. The DA was reformed into a formal club with the new defense teacher, Tonks, as their sponsor.

"I enjoy spending time with you, especially without him around" Hermione said.

It was an unspoken rule between the two that they never referred to their redhead friend by name.

Harry nodded.

"I think we're almost done for today" Hermione said looking over their notes.

"If you say we are then we are" Harry said as he began to pack his things up.

After they packed up Harry took Hermione's bag and slung it over his shoulder and they walked back to the Gryffindor tower.

/Scene Break/

The next day Harry and Hermione were working through their assignments when the portrait opened and their former friend Ron stepped in. He gave both of them a cold glare and then stalked over to Seamus and Dean.

"I wish he'd just grow-up" Hermione muttered.

The two heard a snort and turned to see it was caused by Ginny.

"Please, my brother grow-up that's like Malfoy acting nice to a muggle-born" Ginny said.

Harry grinned.

"You're probably right Gin, but you'd think that being friends with Harry and Hermione would rub off on him" Neville said joining the little group.

"He was like that in fourth year, so I doubt that he'll ever change" Harry said with a sigh.

Hermione nodded in agreement.

The four of the six that went to the Ministry sat in silence wondering when and if Ron would ever grow-up.

/Scene Break/

The days went by and the rift between the trio grew with Harry and Hermione on one end and Ron on the other. It also seemed to split the Gryffindor house too with the majority of the house siding with Harry and Hermione. Ron was always in a foul mood and his grades have been on a steep decline since the split. Meanwhile Harry's grades took a steady climb and now was close to match Hermione's.

"Harry, I'm so proud of you" Hermione said after they left Transfiguration class.

"Thanks Hermione, I can't believe I did it" Harry said grinning.

"Well I knew you could do it" Hermione said beaming.

The two shared a look that meant they were in their non-verbal communication mode. This was getting more common since their split from Ron.

"Uh guys" Neville said.

"What is it Neville?" Harry asked breaking the connection.

"You've been standing in the corridor of the past five minutes" Neville said.

"Oh well, it's not like we have another class" Hermione said with a shrug.

"Hermione, I never thought I'd ever see you so relaxed" Neville said.

Hermione shrugged, "I guess being around Harry has to be the reason."

"I can see that" Neville said smiling.

"Come on, let's head back to the common room" Harry said.

The three students made it back to the common room with Ron waiting for them and he look furious.

"Where have you been?" Ron demanded.

"What are you talking about Ron, we haven't been anywhere really" Harry said confused.

"Don't give me that Potter, you've just been waiting for your opportunity to take her from me. Well let me tell you something Potter, she mine, I claimed her way before you!" Ron shouted.

Everyone in the common room was silent as they watched on to see what the pair's reaction would be.

Harry snorted.

"Really, come on Ron, you think you have any claim on Hermione. I mean, everyone here in the room can tell you that there is not attraction between the two of you. Now, I may not be very wise when it comes to girls" Hermione giggled at this, which made Harry shot a quick glare at his friend, "but I know that Hermione and I have a better chance at getting together than you and her" Harry said.

Ron's ears were bright red and were on their way to turning purple.

"I have to agree with you Harry, you and I have more chemistry than Ronald and I" Hermione said.

Everyone in the common room nodded in agreement with this statement.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about? Chemistry? What the hell is that?" Ron shouted.

"Well, Ronald, chemistry is what is between two people. They enjoy each other being around one another and want to spend every moment with each other" Luna said.

Everyone turned to the blond Ravenclaw that they didn't see before.

"Luna what are you doing here?" Neville asked surprised to see the blond Ravenclaw.

"Ginny wanted to talk to me" Luna answered.

"But we have that" Ron shouted totally ignoring Luna and bringing back the room's attention to him.

Neville snorted.

"What are you snorting at Longbottom?" Ron growled.

"Oh, will you just grow up Ron, why should you care what these two do since you've made it clear that you're jealous of their relationship" Neville said.

Ron's ears were now purple.

"What relationship?" Ron shouted.

Neville rolled his eyes.

"The relationship they've had since first year, I mean they've been joined at the hip since Halloween first year, everyone in the school knows that" Neville said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.

"What do you mean, I've been with them all the time too" Ron said.

"Does fourth year ring a bell? Or maybe during second year when everyone thought Harry was the heir of Slytherin? You did stay by Harry, no, you got jealous of him and didn't talk to him until after the first task. You said you stayed by Harry in second year, but everyone could tell you didn't want to be associated with Harry, only Hermione truly stood by him" Neville said.

Everyone was shocked of how Neville was standing up to Ron, this wasn't the same Neville Longbottom everyone met in first year that was afraid of his own shadow. No, the Neville here was standing tall and ready to stick by what he said, no running.

Only Harry and Hermione looked unfazed as they knew that the young man had the guts deep down inside, all he needed was self-confidence and support of good friends. Luna, of course was unfazed by everything.

"What do you know Longbottom?" Ron sneered.

"I know a lot, and I can say that I'm a better friend than you are" Neville said.

Ron's ear went deep red from this.

"You have no idea what we've been through Longbottom" Ron said growled.

"What we've been through? From the looks of things I think it's Harry and Hermione who are the ones who should being saying that, but they wouldn't because they aren't glory seeking hogs like you are" Neville said.

Ron was now purple as he held in his rage.

"I've heard you spot off all the things you said you've done when Harry wasn't around and it makes me sick. You claim all the credit when it is actually Harry risking his life, not you. Hermione is the one who helps Harry each year and all you do is sit and complain" Neville said.

Ron pulled out his wand just for it to be knocked out his hand with a mild stinging hex.

"Now Ronald, that's not very nice" Luna said with her wand out ready to defend the couple.

Neville also had his wand out too.

Ron sneered, "what's the matter Potter, can't fight your own battles anymore."

Harry sighed, "Neville, Luna."

The two lowered their wands, but didn't put them away.

"I was hoping you would get over this" Harry said with a sigh.

"You betrayed me by siding with that" Ron spat.

Harry's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean by that Ron?" he asked.

"I'm your best mate, you should take her side. She just a Mudblood" Ron sneered.

Gasps were heard throughout the common room.

"Ron, call her that again, and I won't go easy on you" Harry growled.

"Please Potter, I'm a pureblood. You're no match for me" Ron boasted smugly.

"Well let's see shall we" Harry said and pull out his wand.

He waved his wand a few times and the whole common room changed. The furniture disappeared and was replaced by a dueling platform.

"Hermione, would cast the proper shield charms to protect everyone" Harry said.

Hermione nodded.

"Now Ron, let's see your pureblood might" Harry said.

Ron glared at Harry and walked onto the platform.

"Alright, now we need a judge. Katie, would you do the honors?" Harry asked.

Katie Bell nodded and stepped up to stand in the middle of the platform.

"Good, now let's begin" Harry said.

"Alright, Harry, Ron, no dark spells allowed including Unforgivables the duel is over when your opponent is disarmed or unable to continue" Katie said then jumped off before she could get hexed.

Ron started off and threw a disarming spell at Harry, Harry dodged that and shot a stunner at Ron. The redhead put up a shield charm and fired a bludgeoning hex. Harry dodged that one and fired back his own and Ron shielded again. Harry noticed that Ron never dodged, and used the shield charm, he glanced at Hermione and she noticed too. Ron fired a severing hex while Harry was distracted.

"Harry look out!" Neville shouted.

Harry dodged just in time and fired two bludgeoning hexes then a stunner at Ron. The redhead put up another shield charm, but Harry put a lot of power in those two hexes that is shatter his shield and hit him. The stunner got there before he fell to the ground and hit him also.

"Harry wins" Katie said.

Harry walked over and took Ron's wand and tossed it to Hermione just as McGonagall walked in.

"What's going on?" she asked seeing the sight before her.

"Well professor, the prat on the ground decided to challenge me to a duel and since I've been dealing with him for far too long I obliged" Harry said.

"Mr. Potter, it is against the rules to have duels in the common room" McGonagall said sternly.

"Professor, he insulted my best friend and I will not tolerate it any longer as I've had to deal with that with many Slytherins I will not have it happened where I sleep" Harry said.

McGonagall frowned.

"I'm afraid that I'll have to take points from you and give you detention" she said.

"That's fine professor just as long as you know that if Weasley keeps running his mouth I will keep doing the same" Harry said.

Before McGonagall could say a thing Neville stood by Harry.

"You'll have to know professor that if Harry doesn't get him first then I will" he said firmly.

The other Gryffindors rose and stood by Harry also.

McGonagall sighed.

/Scene Break/

Ron was never the same as he was shunned by the entire Gryffindor house and when word spread it was the other houses too.

"Well I think we don't have to worry about Ron anymore" Harry said grinning.

"Yeah, that prat was just dead weight" Hermione said snuggling closer to Harry.

"I love you Hermione."

I love you too Harry."
