Four days have passed since Fire Lord Zuko visited Ozai at the prison. Katara had talked to Aang and he had accepted that fact that she was with Azula. He also asked if they were still good friends which she happily agreed to.

Katara was worried that Azula hadn't awaken yet. During the four days Azula ran a high fever and a bad cough. The waterbender worried as much as everyone else did. Zuko spoke up and said that she might be going through the metamorphoses. But he wasn't really sure. He sent out a letter to ask Uncle to come and see if he was right.

Iroh did check on Azula and Zuko was right. But he was a bit confused of why Azula was going through that kind of change. Katara and Zuko spoke to him and explained why the metamorphosis was happening. Iroh cried for a moment hearing his own brother would do such things to his children.

Everyone stood by waiting for Azula to wake up, some stayed to see the new changes in the prodigy and some stayed because they cared for Katara and Azula. The fifth day came in and everyone was awake and drinking tea. The young waterbender sat by her lover's bedside enjoying a small cup of tea.

She heard a small noise from the bed. She opens her eyes and looks at her lover and feels her heart leap for joy finally seeing that Azula was waking up.

"Guys she's waking up" Katara said standing up

Everyone stood up surprised and happy that the fire princess was waking up. They all stood by the bed and watched quietly while Katara leaned over and lightly combed her lover's hair. Two amber eyes slowly open and look up into two blue eyes that she will never forget.

"K-Katara?" trying to focus her eyes more

"Hey" she smiles and gently touches her lovers cheek "How are you feeling?" the young woman asked

"Like a dead person" she rubs her eyes trying to wake herself up "How long was I out?"

"For almost five days" a voice spoke up

Azula turns her head and sees her best friends "Mai? Ty Lee?" then notices more people standing around her "How did everyone get in my bedroom?" she asked slowly sitting up

Katara carefully helped her sit up "Zula this is the medical room"

"Oh" putting her head down

The young woman sat the edge of the bed "Do you remember anything?" she asked her lover

"Hmm the last thing I remember was walking into the training room where father was waiting for me" Azula said combing her chopped up bangs back

"Do you remember anything else?" her lover asked

"Kind of but it's a bit blurry to me" closing her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose

Zuko steps up smiling "Well I'm just happy you're awake now"

The princess looks up "Zuzu?"

"Yea, I'm here for you now Azula" he said sitting on the other side of the bed

"What happened to father?" she quietly asked

"The Avatar defeated him and now he's in custody with no firebending" he said smiling

She looks at Aang "Where did you learn that from?" she asked

"A giant lion turtle" the young monk said smiling

"Cool, those things are pretty big from what I heard" she said with a light smile then closes her eyes holding her stomach

Katara worries "Azula what's wrong?"

"I'm" she paused

"In pain?" the young woman asked

"I'm hungry" the prodigy said looking at her lover

Everyone looks at her with a sweat drop expression. Katara looks at her with a smile while Azula looks away blushing.

"Uh what would you like to eat Azula?" her brother asked

"Everything" she simply stated

Zuko looked at her a bit lost "Everything?"

She nods smiling "Yea, lots of meat, vegetables, noodles. You know everything on the menu"

"That's what Sokka's talkin about!" the water tribe warrior said happily

The Fire Lord blinks "O-Ok I'll tell the cooks to get things going" then he slowly gets up and walks out of the room going to the kitchen area

"It's good to see that you have a large appetite my niece" Iroh said smiling

Azula looks up "Uncle?"

He nods and gently places a hand on her shoulder "How do you feel?"

"I can't really explain it but I feel a lot clearer you know?" she said looking up at him

He nods and smiles "Yes I know what you mean"

"It's nice to have you here again" she said smiling at her uncle

He nods "I'm happy to be back" then he carefully hugs his niece feeling her hug back

"Alright, I would like everyone to leave now. Azula needs a bath" Katara said grabbing the princesses robe

"Bath?" the firebender asked

"Yes a bath, you haven't eaten or bathed in almost five days" her lover pointed out

"Oh right, I forgot" she said rubbing the back of her neck blushing "I guess I'll see y'all in the dining room?" she asked looking at everyone

Ty Lee smiles and nods her head "Yup"

Everyone walks out of the room heading to the dining room getting ready for the big feast that will take place. Azula slowly gets out of bed crossing her arms not really in the mood to take a bath; all she wanted to do was eat.

"Ok let's get this done and over with I'm starving" she said walking away going to the huge bathroom

"Still a pain in the ass I see" Katara said following her lover

"You know you love me" the prodigy grinned

"Yes I do. Now please sit down so I can take off the bandage wraps" she informed

Azula nods her head and sits down on a small wooden stool. Katara kneels down and carefully starts to take off the wraps. After she was done removing the bandages she looks at her lovers back seeing the branded scar. She couldn't help but feel guilty for letting her lover go through the pain.

The firebender turns her head to the side "Katara you ok?" she asked

"Yea I'm ok. Just get undressed and I'll be back in a bit." She said standing back up

"Where are you going?" the firebender asked

"I'm going to get new bandage wraps for you after you get out of the bath" she said

"Oh ok"

After Katara leaves Azula takes the rest of her clothing off, then slips into the large bath. She sinks under water for a moment then comes back up. She looks around and sees a bottle of liquid soap; she walks over and grabs the bottle. After cleaning her hair she sits in the water closing her eyes for a moment till she heard something fall into the water. She opens her eyes and sees Katara slipping into the water.

"Find the stuff you needed?" she asked

"Yes I did, could you please turn around so I can give you another healing session." Her lover asked walking over to her

Azula lightly blushes and turns around crossing her arms and resting her chin at the edge of the large bath. Katara comes up behind her and starts to work on her lovers back with her waterbending. The firebender closes her eyes feeling her skin start to sting.

"Did you wash your hair?" her lover asked to take her mind off the pain

"Yea, I haven't washed the rest of me yet. I'm a bit hesitant since my back and all" she explained

The young woman stops her healing and looks at her lover "Well give me the soap and I'll do it."

The firebender didn't say anything; she knew Katara was just trying to take care of her. So she slowly stood up and walked over to the other side of the large bath grabbing the bottle then came back and handed it to her lover. Katara smiles and grabs a wash rag wetting it the takes the bottle dabbing it onto the cloth.

"Turn around"

Once she did the waterbender carefully started to wash her lovers back. Gently going over the large branded mark then slowly worked her way up to her lover's shoulders. Azula closed her eyes enjoying the soft touches of her lover then she opens them feeling her lovers hands travel to the front part of her body.

She sighs knowing where this was going "Katara"


"You know I could wash myself in the front just fine" Azula said smiling

"I know but your mine and I want to take care of you" the lover said washing over stomach

"What kind of take care of me?" she asked raising a brow

"The kind that makes you feel better in more ways than one." Katara said leaning in placing soft kisses on her lover's neck

The prodigy closes her eyes smiling "I like the sound of that"

"I knew you would" the young woman smiled

Azula carefully turns around and wraps her arms around her lover's waist pulling her closer then she leans in kissing her waterbender deeply. Katara kisses back wrapping her arms around her lover's neck pulling them closer together. Then they slowly pulled away from the kiss. Katara leans in and rest her head under Azula's chin and sighs out of content.

"I'm so happy your finally awake. I was beginning to worry that you would never wake up" she said listening to her lover's heat beat.

The princess lets her finger tips glide up and down her lovers back "I'm sorry I worried you. But you don't have to go through that anymore because I'm awake now" she said smiling

"I know and I'm very grateful for that." She slowly pulls away from the firebender and gently takes her hand "come on let's get out of here and get you something to eat"

Azula smiles "Now that's what I wanted to hear"

After getting out of the water Katara wrapped her lovers back then slipping on some robes. Azula called in a servant and asked for certain clothes for herself and her lover. Azula dressed into something simple, and since her father wasn't around anymore she was able to wear whatever she wanted.

She wore a tight sleeveless shirt and her normal baggy pants along with the normal long boots. Katara changed into a baby blue dress that Azula requested for her awhile back. The waterbender asked how the dress was made so fast. Azula explained that she had it for her for quite some time but she didn't know how she would hand it to her.

Katara didn't say anything and just gave her firebender a quick kiss. Once they were dressed they walked into the large family dining room where everyone was drinking tea and talking amongst themselves.

"There you are, we were beginning to wonder if something bad happened" Suki said seeing the couple walk in

"No were ok Suki, thanks for the worries" Azula said sitting down then looks at her brother "Sooooooo food?"

Zuko chuckles "Yes Azula the food will be here in a bit"

"Thank Agni, I'm starving over here" she said leaning back a bit

"Here just drink so tea for a bit till the food comes" Katara said handing her lover a cup of tea she prepared

"Thanks" carefully takes the cup and starts to drink

"So Azula, tell me what are your intentions with my sister?" the warrior asked and causing Azula to choke on her tea

Katara blushed red and carefully helped her lover "Sokka!"

"Hey I'm just playing the big brother role" he said looking at his sister with his arms crossed over his chest

"In front of everyone?" his sister asked embarrassed

"Hey it's now or never. So Azula you didn't answer my question" he leaned forward waiting to hear something

The young waterbender narrowed her eyes "Sokka"

"No, No Katara it's ok really. At least were getting somewhere with this" Azula said calming down her waterbender then she looked at Sokka "To answer your question I plan on making your sister my wife and make sure she lives a very happy and fulfilling life."

Katara blushed red while Sokka sat there a bit surprised by that answer. Everyone else was a bit surprised by that answer as well but smiled at the way the new Azula was acting.

Sokka looked at her then leaned back smiling "Oh well then, carry on"

Azula chuckled and started drinking her tea again. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Katara still blushing with her head down looking at the table. The firebender smiled and grabbed another cup filling it up with tea and handing it to her waterbender.

"Thank you" she quietly said

"Sooo Azula when did you started noticing Katara huh?" Ty Lee asked grinning

The prodigy blushes red looking at her friend "Well you see Ty Lee it was a love at first sight kind thing."

"Really?" her uncle asked

"Yea, it's kind of strange now that I think about it. After I saw her the first time I sorta kinda followed her around." Azula said blushing hiding her face behind her cup

Toph laughs "Wow sunshine you really have a strange way of showing your love"

"Toph leave her alone, she didn't really know how to express herself at the time" Katara said defending her lover

"Yea, Yea I know. I do that same thing" The young earthbender said waving her off

"Anyways the thing that got to me was her blue eyes. They are very luring just like my flames" Azula said smiling

"Ohhhh that is so cute" Ty Lee said happily then she looked at waterbender "What about you Katara, was it the same for you as it was for Azula?" she asked

Katara blushed looking at everyone "Somewhat, when I first saw her I was interested. I think the thing that got to me was her eyes."

"Why?" Suki asked smiling a bit intrigued by this

"Well they can very intense but at the same time very loving" Katara said gently holding her lovers hand

Mai smiles watching Azula "I see someone blushing over there" everyone starts to chuckle

Aang laughs "Ok let's stop picking on her guys, after all she just woke up" he said smiling

The firebender looks across the table and smiles "Thanks Avatar"

"Just call me Aang and no problem" he said smiling

"Right sorry, thanks Aang" she said

A servant walks over to the table "Ladies and Gentlemen your food is severed"

And with that being said large plants were being placed at the table. Azula eyes widen seeing all the food being placed on the large table. She could tell she was hungry because her mouth started to water. As soon as part one of food was severed, she didn't need to be told twice to eat.

The first thing she grabbed was a large bowl of fried rice along with a large plate with large chunks of grilled meat. As minutes passed and the servants became very busy taking away empty dishes and coming back with more food. Everyone sat there a bit shocked at how much Azula was eating and at a somewhat fast pace as well.

"Wow it's like looking at another Sokka" Suki said watching her eat

Sokka spoke up "Hey I don't eat that much" then started eating a large piece of meat

Katara looked at her lover "Uh Azula, sweetie" watching her lover hold the plate of meat close to her like it was going to be taken away "don't you think you should slow down a bit?"

The firebender talked with her mouth half full "You try not eating for five days and see how hungry you get." Then swallowed the rest of her food "I mean come on you cannot tell me that you would be eating like this too" She said finishing off the last piece of meat

"I know but still slow down you could end up chocking or something" she said watching her lover grabbing a large bowl of Pho that just came out

"I'll be fine, you worry too much" Azula said not really paying attention to how hot the soup was

Katara quickly spoke up "Azula don't-" too late

"Ah! Ah! Hot!"

"You really need to blow on your food before eating it"

"I can't feel my tongue"

Everyone at the table laughed and continued to eat. As time went on and everyone was full they all decided to spend some time out in the garden and have some tea. Azula ran back into the palace saying that she wanted to get something then came back out. Everyone was curious of what she had in her hand.

Azula pulled out a small golden whistle, Mai and Ty Lee knew what it was. Nobody else did. When she blew on it, it barely made a sound. Sokka thought it was broken but no he was wrong. Seconds later a Fire Nation Hawk flies towards Azula and lands on her shoulder.

"There you are Xorshiid I was wondering if you were still around" she said lightly scratching his head

"Azula how long have you had him?" Zuko asked

"She's had it since we were children" Mai said as Ty Lee walked over to pet the hawk

"How come I never seen him?" he asked

"I was hiding him from father; he didn't want me to keep him. But I tricked him in order to keep Xorshiid" The princess said smiling looking at her hawk

"Yea Azula was pretty sneaky about it" Ty Lee giggled

Momo flew in from a nearby fruit tree and landed in front of Azula. She knelt down and let her hawk jump off her shoulder. Xorshiid looked at Momo for a second the cooed happily as the flying lemur presented him some fruit. It was cute watching them eat together.

Aang smiles "huh? I thought Momo didn't like hawks"

"They became friends back at the Western Air temple" Katara said laying her head on her lovers shoulder.

"Azula how long were you there?" Sokka asked raising a brow

"At the temple?" looking him as he nods "The same day y'all got there" she said simply

"That fast!" he shouted in question

She chuckles and shrugs "What can I say I'm a determined person to see her" she said pointing a thumb at her lover.

Everyone lightly laughs knowing for a fact how focused Azula was in the past; as minutes passed everyone settled down into their own little spot. Azula and Katara sat under a tree leaning against one another. Sitting next to her was her Uncle drinking a cup of tea.

Zuko and Aang were by the turtle duck pond having a serious conversation about the things they will have to fix from the war. Sokka sat with them listening in to see if he could help in any way since he helped Aang.

While Mai, Ty Lee, Suki and Toph sat in the shady area able to see everyone at what they were doing. There was a peaceful silence till Azula looked over at her uncle wanting to do something with him for a while now.

"Hey Uncle?" watching him place his tea down


"Do you remember when I was little and you gave me my first tea lesson?" she asked quietly

He smiles "Yes I remember"

"You know what that means right?" she said smiling

He nods and slowly stands up "There's a Pai Sho table somewhere out here." He looks around "There it is right near the Koi fish pond, shall we start our game?"

"Yea, I wanna see how good I am. All I did was watch, never really played." Azula said while standing up with her uncle along with lover

Katara smiles and speaks up "Well while y'all play your game. I think I'll sit in the shade with our friends over there"

"Ok, have fun" She said smiling at her

The young waterbender stood on her tiptoes and gave a quick kiss on her firebenders cheek. Azula blushed as she watched her lover walk away. Then she looked back at her uncle who was grinning after watching the whole thing. As they started walking over to the Pai Sho table Katara smiled seeing her friends and new friends sitting together.

"Y'all look so cute together" Ty Lee said holding her hands together

"Yea, I've never seen Azula blush this much before" Mai said with a light smile

Katara sat down near Suki lightly blushing "Me either but I guess it's because we finally get to show our feelings in public, so it's new to us."

"Give it time, I'm sure she'll get used to it" the Kyoshi warrior said happily

"Yea I know" Katara said looking over watching her lover

Ty Lee grinned and jumped in front of Katara sitting down "Ok let's talk; so out of all the four nations who are the hottest?"

"That's easy it's Fire Nation" Mai said smirking

"Hmm I don't know the Water Tribe looks are pretty sexy" Suki said cupping her chin thinking

"Ok, Mai you go first why do you think Fire Nation is hot?" The acrobat asked

Mai leans back on her hands "Well look at Zuko and Azula, they have those sharp features which makes them very good looking, their eyes are very tantalizing, and they have so much power in muscle and intelligence."

Her friend giggles "Wow, I never realized you focused so hard on them Mai" the acrobat said

"Hey just because I look bored doesn't mean I think bored" the young woman said smirking

"Good point" then Ty Lee looks over at the woman warrior "Ok Suki your turn"

She crosses her arms over her chest smiling "Well Mai has her points about the Fire Nation, but I say its Water Tribe and here's why. They are very sweet, intelligent and they got those blue eyes that just makes you want to stare at them all day." She pause for a moment then thinks of something "Oh plus their tan skin gives them that sexy look, not only that but since they are hardworking they show the muscles to prove it."

"Suki I hope you're not just saying that because of my brother" the waterbender pointed out

"On the contrary my dear Katara I was talking about you too" looking back at her grinning


Suki shrugs "Hey I have a weakness for Water Tribe people, but don't worry my hearts for your brother only" she reassured her friend

"Oh ok good keep it that way" the young woman said

Mai looks at her "Well Katara, what about you?"

"What about me? It's pretty obvious I have Fire Nation, I mean look at Azula." She said looking over at her lover

"Yea I know, but we all what to know why thought? Why Azula?" Ty Lee asked wanting more juicy info

"Well" she paused

Suki leaned in "Yea?"

"Ok I'll tell y'all just promise not to say anything. Azula gets a little smug when she talks about herself and how great she looks." The young woman pointed out

"Don't worry this is girl talk nothing gets leaked out" Mai said moving a bit closer

Ty Lee leans in "Yea so tell us"

"Well I kind of have a weakness for bad boys. I mean I used to like Jet because he was so out there. But when I encountered Azula she was far more I don't know "bad" I guess you can say. It's not just her attitude that gets me, it's her voice." Katara said with a light blush and smile on her face

"Why her voice?" the Kyoshi warrior asked

"It's kind of like poison honey. Sweet with a bit of death" Katara said sweetly

"Wow that's pretty dark; you have been hanging around her too much" Mai said smiling

"Anything else?" the acrobat asked

Katara thought for a moment and grinned "Her armor"

"Why her armor?" the young knife expert asked

"It shows more power and dominance that way; I will admit it's a turn on." Katara said blushing and grinning

"Wow too much info but I love it; anything else?" Ty Lee asked happily

"Hmm not that I can think of, she's really sweet when she wants to be but she can also be a big pain in the ass." She said rolling her eyes knowing how Azula is at times

"It comes with the Fire Nation, totally normal." Mai said plainly

"I was afraid you might say that" the waterbender said then looked over that the acrobat "Ok Ty Lee your turn. Which of the four nations do you like?"

"Hmmm I would have to say Earth Kingdom" she said getting Toph's attention who was sitting not too far from the group.

"Please explain" Suki asked

Ty Lee grinned "Strength and Skill"

"That's it?" the waterbender asked

"Well they have an attitude I know that, but it's funny. And they are untamed just another thing I really like about them" the young acrobat said

"Any guys we know?" Mai asked her friend

"No guys, Earth Kingdom women" she stated

"But I thought you liked Sokka" Katara pointed out

"I like both, if I can't work with one I go for the other" the pink loving woman simply stated

Suki looked at her "Wow I never heard that before"

"Well that's how I work" leaning back on her hands

"Ok so who have you encountered?" Mai asked

"Well I encountered a bounty hunter awhile back I think her name was June. Very sexy" Ty Lee said giving a naughty grin

"Anyone else" Katara asked

"Well there is one cutie I have been keeping an eye on for a while" the acrobat said looking over at the young earthbender who was sitting not too far from them

Katara followed her eyes and quickly looked back at her "Really?"

Ty Lee smiled happily "Yes"

Suki raised her hand childish like "Question. Why?"

"I can't do sneak attacks, every time we went head to head I could never get them. I only got them once and that was because it was an easy surrender"

Mai waves her index finger at her friend "Oh yea, I remember. Kicked your ass later huh?"

"Totally and what can I say I love a good challenge" Ty Lee said raising a suggestive brow

"Any other reason?" the Kyoshi warrior asked

"Eyes" she pointed out

"A bit young don't you think" Mai said

"Two years that's it" the acrobat stated

"Well I gotta say Ty Lee I wish you the most of luck on that one then" Katara giggled looking at her

"I don't need luck really. It's all about timing the right moment" Ty Lee said smugly

"So not now" Suki asked

She shakes her head "Nope"

"When then" Mai asked

"Not sure but I'll know" winking at her friends.

Time went on and the sun started to go down. Everyone stayed the night at the Fire Nation palace that day. They didn't really want to leave because of the way Azula was acting around them. They realized she was not so bad after all; she was friendly and had a funny side at times. They even laughed every time she had a silly banter with Katara.

Zuko was happy that things were turning around after the war. But he was still a bit worried of what the future held for all of them. Including his family.