And here is the final chapter! I hope you like it.

Chapter 7: The Journey Home (prt2)

Po and his dad moved along at a brisk walk. They would have to cover a lot of ground every day to get to the panda village of Tsu-Da on schedule. The weather was better than when Xi had made the first trip, so with any luck they'd be able to go faster. Xi taught Po a few of his ridiculous little songs, and the two prattled away into the evening. They walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. Of course the scenery was incredible, but Po saw the experience as one foot in front of the other. He would certainly have a hard time adjusting to three weeks of it. He preferred travelling with the five, even though they made him run a lot. Now Po could totally understand why. Walking places took ages! But he didn't want to wear out his dad, who certainly wasn't getting younger any time soon.

First the trail crossed the great rice paddies and orchards of the Valley. They hired a pig who passed by in a skiff to ferry them across the river. Even with two pandas in it the little boat zipped up and across the river in no time. Po flipped the sailor a coin as they stepped out on the other side. Then he and his dad got on the road that followed the riverbank out.

They set up camp early that evening in a grassy clearing by a small creek. They started a fire and shared stories. But already Po couldn't help but eat a few cookies and start thinking of home.

After dinner and a quick wash in the creek Po took out his sleeping mat and laid out under the stars. It was a clear night, and Po counted constellations to help himself get to sleep. Just the thought of what he was doing was wild in itself. This could be his greatest adventure yet!

But those chains of thoughts soon scattered. Eyelids drooped, and then Po's mind floated through fields of clouds, drifting in a blank dreamscape.

Then the clouds parted suddenly, and Po found himself in the middle of a garden. But it wasn't just any garden. It was the most meticulously tended and diverse garden Po had ever seen, full of flowers he had never even heard of. It went on for acres and acres and had stepping-stone paths that crisscrossed everywhere. There were fountains, arbors, statues, mirrors, wishing wells, everything!

"But what about you?" Said a disembodied voice.

"What about me?" Replied another.

"What if something happened to you? Who would keep the cycle going? "

Po looked to his left and found the source of the conversation. It was Oogway and the Emperor again. They were walking over a decorative and highly-arched stone bridge.

"Oh don't worry about that!" Continued Oogway. The tortoise looked over at Po, their green eyes locking.

"Things will work out just fine."

Then the vision was shattered and Po was in an entirely different place altogether. It was the Valley of Peace, and yet it wasn't. Po stood in the central Plaza at the foot of the thousands steps. The buildings were mostly burned and the ground was littered with debris. There was a dark haze that the sun could not shine through, creating an eerie sort of twilight. Smoke and other acrid smells made the air borderline unbreathable, and everything was covered in soot. The water of the great canals ran the color of coffee, and the great orchards and flowers that usually livened the atmosphere had withered to dust. Dragon Warrior Noodles and Tofu had been completely leveled. Dirt-covered animals scavenged through the wreckage, their once bright faces sodden and hopeless. None of them recognized Po as he walked by.

It burned a hole in Po's heart to see his home in such a state. What had happened here? He couldn't see the Jade Palace because of the haze but feared the worst.

As quick as he could Po raced up the thousand steps.

The walls and buildings of the courtyard were demolished but Po could see the Jade Palace was still standing. He ran to the top of the hill and climbed over the battered remains of the front doors. Everything had been looted, and then the place was charred. There was nothing left. Po almost collapsed in despair. Why hadn't he been there? Where were the Five? A strong wind tore through the ravaged palace, blowing away the litter and ashes. It carried its cargo between the pillars and through the gaping holes in the roof. The wind grew in intensity until it began to pull at the roof tiles. Soon they ripped away and were thrown about by the storm. The sound of shattering porcelain filled the air as pieces of the roof were whipped into the mountainside. The wind intensified even more, smashing the walls and ceiling to bits all around Po. It roared and whipped all around him, but didn't touch him. Now nothing but the sacred pool and the mighty pillars of the building were left. The horribly blood-red color of twilight shone over all. And then without warning the terrifying wind slowed to a breeze. The massive timbers and stones that had been carried like toys by the storm fell onto the barren waste around Po. All that the air carried now were the ashes. They fluttered around, almost like a group of butterflies. Down over the sacred pool they went, then between the battered stone pillars.

Po could hear the voices of those he knew. Those he loved.

They accused him, blamed him.
"I'm sorry!" Po cried pathetically.

The ashes passed near Po, caressing his cheek. He smelled something familiar. Then they coalesced to form something new. It was Tigress, standing not ten feet away with her back turned.

"I wasn't strong enough..."

"Tigress!" Po made a running leap.

But the moment he touched her she turned back to ash, and Po crashed into the ground. Then there was no ground. Po flailed about in the darkness until his right hand smacked something hard.

Po opened his eyes to see the stars still shone brightly above him. The dark red glow to the east told him dawn was not far off. Po sniffed and wiped his tears, and rubbed the hand that had hit a rock next to him. It was cold. He woke up Xi with the smell of breakfast, and the two got an early start. Xi was quick to start telling Po more about Tsu-da. Po tried to appear energetic and interested, but he had lost a lot of heart that night. He tried to forget his worries, and all the people he was responsible for. It was only a couple months. What could go wrong?

"A LOT!" Screamed Po's conscience.

The two pandas would cross a major milestone that morning. They would leave the river bank and climb the high ridge that overlooked the southeast side of the Jade Mountains. It did not take long for Po and Xi to get to the top. They stopped to watch the light creep over the land as the sun rose. Po could just barely make out where the River Sen joined with the river from the Valley of Peace, twenty miles away. The mist-wreathed Jade mountains glowed a dull green in the distance. Po could pick out a couple peaks he'd climbed before. Tigress had made him do it, of course. He imagined the Jade Palace sitting on the other side of them. He figured the Five would be in the training hall right about now, being awesome and all.

"What am I doing!?" Po thought.

All of China depended on him and here he was pursuing another childhood fantasy. Tigress was absolutely right. Two months was a ridiculous amount of time, and if Po wasn't careful this could easily take longer. Would he really be able to spend a couple weeks in Tsu-Da and then just run back to the Valley? By going there he was pretty much asking to get entrenched in entirely new waves of responsibility. He was the chief's son!

On top of that Po was putting his most fantastic dreams of all on the backstage. How many times during his young life had he craned his neck out of his bedroom window to look up at the Jade Palace? How many times had he held on to that wild hope, that crazy hope, that someday get to belong there? That some day he'd cook for the masters of the Jade Palace. That alone was a dream come true.

Po remembered all the times he'd sat around a table with the Five and Shifu, the most awesome folks he'd ever known. He remembered all the times he'd botched acupuncture with Mantis. That time Crane flew him above the clouds to get a bird's eye view of the sunset. When everyone had autographed his favorite poster. All the times Shifu had kept him in step, made him feel like a respectable person. He remembered how awesome it felt to rip through the obstacle course. He remembered Sparring, games, holidays, festivals, autographs, cookies, battles, and springs night! He remembered the old goose in the low-ceiling noodle shop! He had always had a father that loved him and dusted him off when things got bad. A father that gave him his character, made him who he was. Po thought about the Valley he protected and his little Kung-Fu class. And here he'd ripped the hearts out of every one of these people and salted the wound by going on this little escapade!

And then there was her... the girl of his dreams. The most fantastically awesome and beautiful person he had ever met, or ever would meet. She had saved his butt more times that he could count. He remembered when his greatest hope was just to get an autographfrom her. And yeah, she could never be into him that way, but he had the next best thing. He wouldn't put that second to anything else.

Po looked to the far West side of the ridge. He could see the beginnings of the high plateau in the distance, and beyond that the snow-capped peaks of the mountains. He knew where that road led, and that he didn't belong there. It was another life. Surely it was a life worth living, but it wasn't his.

Xi was still rambling on about the autumn feasts at Tsu-Dah, unaware that his son was paying no attention.

"And then we light the frosting on fire! It makes everything carmelized and crunchy! It's the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted! And don't get me started on new years! Po?"

Po was looking back down the path they had hiked up.


"Dad- I can't do this."
Xi was shocked. "What do you mean? The Valley is in able hands, there's nothing for you to worry about."

Po looked Xi in the eyes. He had that odd feeling again, like he had to put his foot in the door or something. "I'm sorry."

"I... You mean... you're not coming?"

"I want to. But I really shouldn't. I've made up my mind."

Xi sighed. His voice cracked "So this... this is goodbye?" He was obviously hurt.

"This doesn't have to be the last goodbye. I'd love to see you more often."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you don't have to hide from the world anymore. Why not move back from Tsu Dah?" Suggested Po.

This troubled Xi. "We've lived there for almost thirty years Po! We couldn't up and move again."

"But I'm sure there are pandas that miss living in the open. And I'm sure everybody in China misses the Pandas." Po clamped his mouth shut, trying not to laugh. Xi couldn't help but chuckle.

"Tell you what, we'll give it some thought. You were right after all." Xi winked.

"About what?" Asked Po.

"That the rest of China deserves another chance, of course."

Xi gave Po a classic bear hug, patting him on the back.

"You'd make any father proud, Po. I just wish I could have been there for you earlier."

"Could I write to you?" Asked Po.

"Of course you can! Don't be absurd!" Replied Xi. He stepped back and checked his pack.

"I'll have my friend fly messages. You can go ahead and share our spot on the map if you'd like." He continued.

"I hear the emperor owes you one... you should give him a chance too."

Suggested Po. He tossed Xi the bag of cookies Monkey had given him.

"HAH! If only everyone could forgive as easily as you! You're quite wise for your years, you know."

"Ah.. you're just saying that!" Po said sheepishly.

"Of course not! You're the Dragon Warrior!" Insisted Xi.

"And the Dragon Warrior has no place in Tsu-Da, as much as I wish he would. You should get back to the Palace."

Po started walking, then turned back for a moment. "Hey! I'll see you again right?"

His father had already begun walking as well. Xi shouted over his shoulder "You can count on that Po! And perhaps a lot sooner than you think!"

"Really?" Thought Po.

The two pandas descended opposite sides of the ridgeline, one to the east and another to the west.



Tigress sat on the roof of the Jade Palace in the lotus position. An unusual fog had rolled in over the palace that morning. This made sitting on the roof a lot like sitting in the clouds. It was a wonderful place to meditate, but every time Tigress came close to achieving focus she would become distracted. She felt cold and hollow inside, more than she had in a long time.

But that was nothing new. She'd get over it soon, and get back to work. She just needed a bit of peace and quiet to settle her mind. She was Master Tigress, the leader of the Furious Five. Not some love-sick little kitten. Emotional attachments were rewarding and good for the soul, as long as they were tempered by a level head. Meditation was the solution.

"Deep breaths...One's energy... flows in through the stomach and out through the top of the head... steady posture...Allow the mind to lift out of the body...Forget all-"

"It's been a long time since I've seen you up here." It was Shifu. According to her ears he was thirty or so feet back from the edge of the roof. How had he known where to find her?

"Good morning master! I was simply meditating." She asserted.

"Were you now?"

"Or perhaps trying to meditate." Tigress corrected herself.

Shifu walked towards the edge where his daughter sat.

"I was having the same problem earlier. It's obviously due to recent events."

Shifu assumed the style of speaking he often did when giving a lesson.

"You must calm your mind. Recognize and snuff the volatile emotions that threaten clear thought."

"Indeed." Replied Tigress flatly. She had heard that little lecture dozens of times before. It was much easier said than done, even for someone of her caliber.

Shifu sat next to her, resting his staff on his shoulder. He studied her carefully for a couple moments, rubbing his little beard.

"But you certainly will have a more difficult time finding focus than I did before."

Tigress raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And why is that?" She asked, feigning interest.

"Because I'm not in love now, am I?"

At that statement Tigress wished she could shrivel into nothing. Vanish. Disappear. Anything but endure the conversation she knew was coming. She didn't so much as glance at Shifu. In her mind she was mentally berating herself for being so transparent. This could really get her into trouble.

"Well don't hesitate to correct me if I'm wrong!" Her master continued mockingly. He obviously expected a furious denial from Tigress.

The words that Tigress had prepared in advance died on her lips. She didn't have it in her to lie to him.

Feeling somewhat guilty, Shifu dropped his teasing tone. Of course she would be thoroughly embarrassed. But it's not as if she could do much about the situation.

"I apologize. You didn't deserve that."

He got no reply, but anticipated a few questions.

Shifu thought a moment.

"I figured things out a little while ago. What really surprises me is that you haven't let Po know yet."

Tigress turned her head to face Shifu. "Excuse me?"

"You could have told him yesterday, before he left. Or the day before that. But now he's left, and you may never have another chance. Why?"

Tigress couldn't see where he was going with this. She hadn't expected this conversation at all. She had prayed it would never happen and she could preserve at least a hint of her master's respect.


"Afraid?" Shifu suggested. He fondly remembered the day he had heard those lines in the inverse. Tigress just stared at him angrily.

Shifu stood up. "Afraid of rejection... or if I'd approve?" He added, then frowned sadly.

"It's my fault you think like that. When I think about it I should not have been surprised at all. Surely you expected me to give you a lecture on discipline right now? Like I used to punish you for crying when you were little? Remember?"

Where was he going with this?

"I'm not proud of that, by the way." Shifu commented. He paced over a stretch of roof tile nearby, obviously deep in thought.

"You expected me to say there's no room in your life for something like love? That it's your sole duty to stand over the Valley like a statue? I suppose you have valid reasons for thinking along those lines."

"Then exactly what will you say?" Demanded Tigress. If Shifu was going to keep jumping over the line between her master and her father he'd better be willing to take a little attitude.

"That if I've learned anything from Oogway, if I've learned anything from Po, then I can't say what I've said before. I assumed that because something had weaknesses, it could not also have strengths. You two have something special to say the least and it would be a shame if you didn't act on that.

The feline's surprise was obvious from her expression.

"You've changed." Tigress said softly.

"As have you." Replied Shifu, smiling wide.

And to the grandmaster's delight, Tigress smiled back at him.

Tigress breathed a sigh of relief and resumed her attempts to meditate. Crisis averted. This matter obviously deserved careful thought.

But Shifu suddenly rapped his staff on the ground to get her attention, annoyed.

"Well what are you sitting around for?" He asked abruptly.

Tigress gave an exasperated sigh and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Well what am I supposed to do? He's probably out of the province by now. I can't just run after him." Replied Tigress scathingly.

Shifu rapped Tigress lightly on the head with his staff. He spoke sternly.

"Of course you can! Did I raise a coward?!"

"You can't possibly think it's that simple!" Tigress said with obvious irritation. Father or not she commanded a bit more respect than that. But Shifu would have none of it. He assaulted her with his staff, catching Tigress off-gaurd.

"Ow!... What are y- CEASE! This is.. AH!... absurd! (*Growls angrily) Have you lost your mind!?" Tigress shouted. The situation was absolutely unreal. He was treating her like he had when she was eight and wouldn't get out of bed.

"I gave you an order! And bring him back if you can!" Shifu shouted. He had asserted his authority, leaving her no choice.

With an enraged roar Tigress leapt from the roof and hurtled down towards the Valley below. Villagers watched with awe as she sped and flew over the roof-tops, a blur of orange and black. Shifu watched carefully from above. The fog around the palace had blown over. "That's it my child. Follow your heart instead of your head for once."

Surely this would complicate some matters. But it would make his daughter happy in the end. And no matter what happened Shifu knew she wouldn't let it get in the way of her duty.



"This is insane! He has gone mad!" Tigress thought as she swam across the River near the Valley. This was completely not her style. Thoughts raced through her head almost as fast as she raced over the riverbank. She could hardly believe what she was about to do.



Po hummed a tune as he walked along the riverbank. He knew he had made the right decision. Though he'd look really stupid walking back into town the day after he left he'd done worse before. At least everyone would be stoked to see him. He might even make it back in time for dinner! Po picked up some stones as he walked along, skipping them in the river. "Keep going... keep going... YEAH! Eleven! That was a good rock!"



Tigress sprinted on all fours. She would catch up to Po in a few hours if she ran fast enough. It was a good thing Po and his father planned on walking the whole way. She knew Po could manage a good pace, but there was no way his older father could. Po had shown her the route on a map earlier. She hoped she wouldn't miss them somehow. "Or maybe I should... I don't think I can do this." Po was well... Po.



Po took off his pack and rested near the water's edge. He had a quick lunch, then shouldered the pack and resumed his journey. Maybe he'd try and sneak into the Palace from the southern path... Then he could surprise everyone at the palace. They wouldn't tell the village for weeks. They could pretend that his fake trip west was all part of an elaborate scheme to draw out their enemies. "Yeah... that'd be awesome."

But just as Po held that thought his sixth sense tingled. Someone was coming down the path! And fast! Po quickly hid in the bushes and waited to see who'd come by.

In a few moments Tigress came barreling around the bend at full speed.

"Whoa! Tigress what's going on?" Po stood up from behind a bush.

Tigress skidded to a halt, dust and gravel flying as she clawed at the ground. "Po! What are you doing so close to the Valley? Where's your father?"

Po walked over to the path, carrying his pack under one arm. "I left him at the western ridge. I'm not going."

"What?" Exclaimed Tigress in surprise.

"You were right about everything." Po said with a smile. He set down his pack and crossed his arms. "As usual."

Tigress felt warm and giddy. How did Po always manage to do that to her? She nodded in approval.

Po stood up straighter. "But what's going on? Am I needed back at the palace already? Is it an emergency?"

Tigress's eyes shot wide open. Her mind raced, arguing with itself. Part of it pushed her forward and more of it screamed at her to stop. But stronger than any of those parts were her reason and firm resolve. They always led her through times of crisis.

"This must end now. For better or worse."

"It is." She said to Po.

Po threw his backpack in the bushes off the trail and started running down the path. "Well then c'mon let's get over there!"

Tigress grabbed his shoulder as he passed by, and swung him back around. "Po!"


"It's not that kind of emergency! Listen to me."

Po took a step back and looked around, unsure exactly what other kind of emergency there could be.

"Oh! Uh...okay." Po replied. He stood and waited patiently for Tigress to say something. It certainly didn't seem like there was anything wrong.

"I came to tell you something that I should have told you earlier. But it cannot wait any longer." Tigress breathed deeply, and took a step closer to Po.

"I had to tell you that I..."

She took another step closer, standing directly in front of him. Po saw something in her eyes that he had never seen before, but wasn't sure what it was.

"I hope it doesn't bother you that I..."

Tigress leaned forward. Her blood felt like it was boiling in her veins. She was so close she could feel his breath go by her whiskers. There was no going back.

"That I!..."

She went even closer, her nose brushing Po's lightly. It felt simply electric!

She gently kissed him on the cheek, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It was totally impulsive and not part of the plan, something she had wanted to do for a long time.

Tigress dropped her head to Po's shoulder and tenderly nuzzled in his neck fur, before regaining her presence of mind and stepping back.

"That I... care for you a great deal. Perhaps more than I should."

Many moments passed, and they felt like ages.

Po was frozen in shock, his mouth slightly parted and his eyes wide. Tigress waited patiently for him to say something, anything.

But she heard nothing, and it tore her apart. Every moment she felt as if her heart was being pierced by a knife. It stabbed over and over again, as it had so many times in the past. She turned her gaze to the ground in shame, ears flattened to her head. "What have I done?"

"Forgive my forwardness. I'll ... see you back at the palace." Her voice was strained and wrought with pain. Tigress didn't want to have the painful conversation she knew would be necessary eventually. She gave a small and polite bow, then turned to head back down the path.

But before she had even taken a single step she was turned back around by Po.

Their eyes met each other directly, and the spirits beneath them were laid bare. Words weren't needed. In each other's eyes they saw a great deal of fear, but there was also hope. A wonderful and daring hope.

And then it happened. There was a terrific thunderclap of sensation as their lips met and their arms began to wrap around one another. Warriors that had faced down entire armies and death itself were surprised to find their hearts beating rapidly out of control. It was as if they could burst from the sheer passion of the moment.

Tigress couldn't have possibly imagined how wonderful this would feel. A simple embrace was enough to send her into a state of shock. But this? This was like being in the center of an inferno. It was overwhelming. Fear and shame burned away like dross, leaving her joyful and warm. The wounds on her heart had vanished as if they had never even existed. It was a whole new world.

It was the first time that either of the two had ever been there. Two lifetimes of deferred dreams and bitter rejection were shattered in an instant. It was too much to handle at once - too much to control!

The kiss became erratic and broke, leaving the two of them breathing heavily and still intertwined. For over half a minute they stayed that way; too excited and breathless to do anything but hold on to each other. But at last they managed to calm down. Or at least enough to think again. Po whooped in joy. He swung her around in a circle like the goofball he was. "I better not be dreaming!" He said with a shout. Then Po remembered his manners and set Tigress back on her feet. This was still Tigress, after all.
This got a laugh from her. She managed to regain her cool despite blushing wildly. She was thankful no one had come by and seen them do all that in the middle of the road.

"And here I thought I was the one being forward."

"Sorry." Said Po hurriedly.

"Sorry? Don't you dare be sorry for that!"

She crammed her head in the fur near Po's neck and embraced him again. She reveled in the thought that now she could do that whenever she wanted. He was hers now! Then she did something that neither of them even knew she could do. She purred. It started low and quiet then became loud and appreciative. Po could feel it reverberate through his chest. He grinned widely and glanced down at Tigress, then made a mental note to tease her about that later.

"No more emergency?" Joked Po.

"No. Mission accomplished. Let's go home." Replied Tigress happily.

"Yeah... Home. That sounds nice." Thought Po.

He shouldered his pack and they started jogging back down the trail.

By the afternoon they were back in the Valley. The villagers cheered when they saw Po coming. The news of his cancelled trip spread around the Valley and there was much rejoicing. Xui quickly spread the word across China, and a nation breathed a collective sigh of relief. Soldiers on the march did a full about-face, and back at the Imperial palace the symbolic board-piece representing the Dragon warrior was moved back to its proper locale.

The spirits of Dragon and Tiger moved with a purpose, at a relentless pace. Back along the riverbank they went, through willows and fields. Po tossed another coin to the pig in the skiff who happened to be on their part of the river. The little boat tacked to and fro, whisking them back towards the Valley in short order. The wind carried the faintest of scents past Po's nose. It was familiar but in the wrong season to be what he thought it was. The pig at the tiller couldn't help but be curious at why Po had returned so early, yet was wise enough not to ask. When he reached the shore his two passengers leapt off without another word.

Back through the rice paddies and orchards they went, where fallen flower-petals littered the ground. Field workers raised their hoes and rakes in welcome as the two most famous warriors in all of China ran past. One moved with grace and ease, the other with determination and noise (Po blamed the backpack. He had gotten a lot better at running after all).

The lookouts and soldiers around the area raised their hats in salute, and as the runners entered town there was jubilation in the air.

Po tossed his travel-pack into the noodle-shop as he and Tigress passed by. He quickly waved to his dad behind the counter before taking off running with a goofy smile on his face. Mr. Ping gave a delighted shout and stuck his cleaver in the counter. "Free tofu dessert for everyone!" The customers cheered.

"With purchases, of course!" There were a couple groans.

Po and Tigress ran up the thousand steps and through the courtyard of the Jade Palace. They burst into the training hall, much to the shock of everyone inside. They flocked over to the entrance and showered Po with playful punches as well as welcomes. It was a very happy reunion.

Shifu walked slowly over to his students and stood nearby, tense. Tigress, who was standing near the door, caught his eye. He looked as if he was searching for a sign. Tigress gave him a smile, and a slow nod. This put him at ease.

Po had seen what had happened over the jumble of his comrades, and looked at Shifu curiously.

Shifu pointed to his eyes, then to Po. It was a clear sign that was meant to say "I've got my eye on you!"

Po glanced from Shifu to Tigress in surprise and wonder. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. That story could wait a long time.

All this went mostly unnoticed by the other animals in the room. Mostly.



That night the new couple sat under the old peach tree by the cliff, looking at the valley together. They had just had a wonderful dinner among family. Po had mysteriously vanished after doing the dishes and Tigress had walked out of the hall with a few scrolls (as if intending to study in solitude).

They had of course agreed that a conversation was in order.

"Surprising day huh?" Began Po.

"To say the least." Said Tigress, who sitting beside him.

Po shuffled uncomfortably.

" I have a pretty good guess what you wanted to talk about."

"Go on." Encouraged Tigress.

"Alright I'll just jumpt to the chase. I promise we'll keep this whole thing totally under wraps. And it won't get in the way of training. Period "

Tigress grinned.

"Who knew the Dragon warrior was a mind reader?"

Po shrugged.

"But Po..."


"We can't keep this a secret forever. I can only ask that you try. And it's certainly not because I wouldn't be proud to be known as your ... certain someone." *

Po smirked, but didn't dare laugh at that statement.

"Hey I totally get it! Not doing that would be a terrible idea. And honestly I'm living the dream already." Po was quite the flatterer, and Tigress was sure it would only get worse over time.

Tigress continued : "But here, I'll make you a promise. The second we're not training, the second we're not in front of everybody 'this thing' like you say, is perfectly alright."

Tigress leaned into his shoulder, humming softly. "In fact, it's highly encouraged."

Po put his arm over her back. "Awesome! But you deserve to be taken out sometime. Dinner maybe?"

Tigress reached a hand into her bag of scrolls and pulled out a smaller paper bag. Then she got some chopsticks.

She pulled a dumpling out of the paper bag and plopped it into Po's mouth. Then she had one herself.

Playfully she pushed Po on his back, then rested her head on his stomach.

"I'm already ahead of you. How about a second dinner?" She joked.

Po swallowed his dumpling. "No complaints."

Po's field of vision was now dominated by vibrant pink. "WOW! Hey I didn't even notice look at the peach tree!"

Tigress rolled her eyes, but did not scold Po for his poor observational skills.

"About time huh?" He said.

Tigress smiled, remembering all the times she had climbed in this tree as a girl. "This tree is always the latest bloomer. I wasn't sure it was even going to do it this year. But the peaches always taste the best."

"You broke that rule too?" Asked Po, surprised.

"It was worth breaking" Tigress replied frankly.

Po suddenly noticed something over to his right.

"And hey! The little one's got a flower too!"

"You don't say? Let me have a look." Tigress walked over to the little tree and cradled the delicate little blossom in her paws.

"Wonderful!" She smiled.

"Isn't it?" Said Po, delighted.

Tigress returned to where she was before and dished out another round of dumplings. She thought a bit, then shook a dumpling at Po.

"Now here's to a thousand more years of good peaches!"



-Now play the "everybody was kung-fu fighting" song, and imagine well-drawn and artsy pictures of your favorite characters doing funny things.

A/N: Don't fact check me here, but I'm pretty sure "Po Ping" means something along the lines of "precious peach" in Chinese. I just thought that'd make for a cute ending. And if you were wondering why I kept mentioning the peach tree in earlier chapters then here's your answer. Maybe someday I'll learn how to use cryptic metaphor in my writing better. I might change it later. I'm definitely going to be coming back and editing the story, or even adding on new elements.

It's funny that when I originally started this I wasn't even sure if I wanted to put in Ti/Po. Once again I'm like 40% on that as far as staying true to the KFP characters. Maybe I'll tag on a thousand-word argument as to why that could happen. I'm also afraid that the Tigress/Shifu relationship in the actual KFP may be sadly static. Not that Shifu's a bad person or anything. Awesome!

But to answer a few questions about future stories I probably won't do any more full length projects. I'll give the reasons if you send me a P.M. I don't want to type that up again. I could repost an answer I've given to a few people.

-But seriously give me critique/opinions on that kiss scene. Was that dynamite or what? (if it was a 'what' give me some help so I can improve it) .

-Anyway thanks everybody! I could not have done this, or worked on my creative writing in such a wonderful way if not for you! And by 'you' I mean the writers, readers, followers, reviewers, and even the tens of thousands of non-reviewers that don't give a damn about all my effort. I especially appreciate the people that recommend my stories to others, or give me food for thought. I'm definitely going to re-read the reviews so I remember what to edit. This has been great.

Now stop reading and go watch some kung-fu movies!