Loneliness- Feeling sad through being without friends or company

The feeling of solitude, isolation, of loneliness and complete and utter seclusion makes you feel so detached from life it renders you motionless from fear. Fear that it might just happen again, fear that despite the fact they only live a matter of hours away, it feels like it's a thousand miles. It feels that one day everyone will be gone and there will be no one left, no one left to say it'll be okay, if you had someone to tell you that in the first place.

Loss- the fact of no longer having something or of having less of something

You lose the people you call your friends one by one, slowly, surely and, oh so painfully. It leaves you hollow, like there's a hole in you that no one can fix. You are scared and so alone. No one can hear you cry anymore; even if they could they probably wouldn't help. You are petrified of picking up the phone and calling them, to tell them you miss them and it hurts like hell, because you are worried that they might have changed from the person you once knew extremely well, that they might have forgotten you completely.

Scared- feeling full of worry or fear

You lie to yourself that it will all be okay, that they didn't really mean that much to you, that you'll get over it. But, always, inside you are scared that however hard you try to disregard the memory of them you never will, and you know they will constantly haunt your dreams, your every waking moment. You loved them so much they'll never leave you. It's little, stupid, things that remind you of them, something that to other people mean nothing, but to remind you of a whole different place and time, what feels like a whole different life.

Sorrow- a feeling of deep sadness

Sometimes you feel so desperate, you want them so much to walk through the door saying hello, how are you, I missed you. But you know, and will forever, the chances of that fantasy happening are so minute, so tiny, that there's no point fantasizing, dreaming about an event that will not ever occur. In the end the memories are all you have left of a person who you were once so close to, you resign to remembering all the little thing they did, all the things they said to make you laugh and everything they did to make them one of the only people you could ever trust with secrets you kept hidden. Thinking about them, even a mere mention of them is the only thing that will bring you to tears. You miss them and under no circumstances will you not regret the day they left, regret not saying everything you wanted to, and most of all your body will be racked with the grief of not telling them to stay and that you loved them. That's how she, Jac Naylor, will feel for the rest of her life.

Hope it's good. I wrote this knowing how it is to have the person you care about most leave and living with the despair of knowing nothing will ever be the same again. Please review even if you think is bad, I just need to know what to do better. Charliexx