Good Old Machete

Logan looked at the sign in front of him: Minneapolis 25 Mi S. He didn't even know he was heading down here.

"Anywhere but there," Logan muttered to himself.

Being there brought back memories he'd rather forget, but running low on food and the clothes he was wearing had become old and tattered was plenty enough of incentive to go back.

"Might as well," he said as he took the steps to the place where he last saw Carlos, Sebastian, Mrs. Garcia, and… his mom.

Looking around the barren empty streets leading to the city, he caught glimpse of a car that looked similar to what his father drove.


Logan hated himself for what he had to do to his father, but if he hadn't done it, then he and Carlos would have been dead, just like… He forced himself not to think of that person, only his father. It was supposed to be a fun night when the world went to hell, but it ended quickly. He lost three people that night: his uncle, father, and him. He could never look at the picture of his father the same way.

"Dad? What are you doing?"

Logan looked at his father in the driver's seat. He could barely see him through the tears still in his eyes after what he did to someone he loved.

His father, coughing profusely, leaned against the steering wheel. He made a wheezing noise, then, silence.

"Logan?" Logan jumped in his seat. He nearly forgot Carlos was in the back seat of the car. "Is he alright?" Carlos said in a tone that was foreign to them both, filled with nothing but fear.

Logan looked at his dad, when he heard a grunt, then a snarl.


His father's head jerked up from the steering wheel, looking everywhere frantically, and then locked eyes with Logan. His eyes were glazed over in a thick red haze; blood stopped oozing from the large bite mark on his neck, only spurting out when he snarled.

Logan knew he was gone now. He took in a shuttering breath as he realized what he had to do to the man that taught him everything he knew up to that day.

"I love you."

His father, now zombie, lunged at Logan from the driver's seat. Logan lunged forward as well, almost as if he was going to give his father one last hug. And he did; for a millisecond he gave his dad the tightest hug he could muster the strength for, but as quickly he moved his hands to his the sides of his father's head and jerked them as hard as possible, snapping his neck, killing him instantly.

Logan held onto his father as tears gathered in his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall. Not with the chaos happening right outside the car doors. He forced them back and hugged his dead father.

"I love you."

Logan forced himself out of his thoughts when a flock of birds burst out of the tree line on his left. He could see the city in the distance, but knew that if he attempted to get to the city right now he would arrive around the time the moon would be high in the sky. He couldn't take that chance, traveling at night.

Last time he did, it nearly cost him his life.

He sighed as he went down to the right of the street to a neighborhood where he looked for a small house to stay for the night. His heart clenched when he saw a pink tricycle on the lawn of a random house, covered in blood. Taking in a deep breath, he pushed down the emotions he refused to ever feel again in his life.

Walking into a cul-de-sac, he chose the house at the far edge, deeming it was small and closed off enough to be a good place to stay for the night. He checked the door, it was unlocked. Probably from the haste and chaos that happened nearly a year ago. Slowly making sure it wouldn't creak, he pushed the door opened, never once reaching for his gun. He hated using guns and only used them under complete distress.

Shuffling into the house and securely locking the door behind him, he let his body go under the same routine he underwent entering a house. As if a mouse, he moved around the house with no trace of him left behind to make sure there weren't any unwanted visitors. So far every room he went through the first story was empty and void of any flesh eaters. The last place to check was the kitchen.

Moving as an assassin would with such fluid and grace, he made his way down the hallway that led straight into the kitchen. He was about to enter when he heard a snarl and something fall.

"Shit." He turned and saw at least six runners coming straight at him.

In this world there were more than just "zombies." There were runners: ones that could move faster than any human could dream of. Jumpers: zombies that could jump over houses with ease, as if they've been doing that there entire life. Then there was the one zombie that made it its mission to make sure Logan would never live again. He didn't know what to call it except for the one in the sky blue suit. Anywhere he went it would follow, attempting to trap him and kill him, but never succeeding. So far, those were all he's seen. He was sure there were other varieties of zombies he hasn't even encountered yet, and never would if the one in the blue suit kept its obsessive pursuit of him. Each trap it laid was a step up from the last, each getting slightly more dangerous. Logan was good, but wasn't sure if he would be able to survive the next trap.

Logan went for his gun, knowing in the small space of the hallway he wouldn't be able to get rid of all of them as quickly if he did it by hand. But, as his hand jerked to his waist to grab the revolver, he was tackled from the back. A nowhere near manly yelp escaped his mouth as he fell to the ground with a zombie on his back.

He jerked his head back. Head butting the zombie making it tumble off of him as the others were coming at them. Logan's hand firmly went to his holster, and felt nothing but the worn out leather. He looked ahead of the zombies and saw that his gun had flown off and behind the zombies.

"Fuck. Guess I need you." His right hand went to his back and unsheathed the machete strapped there.

With an affirmative spin, he sliced the head off the zombie that tackled him. Turning back as fast as he could, he moved the machete in an upward motion, cutting open the zombie in front of the herd and pushing it back into the others. He smiled a menacing smile. Now that he had a grip on the situation, he was going to tighten that grip until the throat burst.

With a battle cry, he flew at the zombies in front of him. Cutting, slicing, beheading every last one until he stood at the foot of his gun. He picked it up and made sure it was secure, never once looking back at the bloodbath he created.

Deeming the house unsafe, he went to the second house he thought would be good to hold up in. That one was clear and safe, but most importantly secure. He went to the kitchen and took a glance at the wall near the pantry as he opened it. A bloody hand print streaked down it.

He ignored it and went back to the pantry and found any nonperishables. He found only a few, enough to last him two weeks, even a few water bottles.

Once he secured the supplies in his messenger bag, he walked to the master bedroom. Once in, the door locked, and set a bookcase in the room in front of the door. He sat on the bed, taking in what he did today. He quickly pushed that back and went to the connected bathroom and checked the water.

"Yes!" Logan smiled; the place still had running water. He checked the closet in the room and grabbed a towel. He hasn't had an official shower in months. Most of the time he would have to take a quick bath in a river or a creek. He took a long and deserved shower, and once done changed into a clean pair of clothes from the dresser in the room.

He lay on the bed, gun under the pillow, machete on the other side of the bed. He was ready, he was always ready. To protect, to save… to kill. He shut his eyes and willed himself to sleep, knowing he would have the same nightmare he had every night during his few hours of rest. And it wasn't just a nightmare either, it was his past.

"Carlos, come on, it's time to get up."

Carlos groaned as Logan gently nudged him on his shoulder once more before he recuperated. "Alright, I'm up." He sat up and looked around the area they were in.

A park.

They couldn't find a building safe enough to stay in. All of the ones they checked were filled with zombies. Even if they killed them, more would come after the smell of flesh.

Carlos looked down at the sleeping figures of his mom, little brother, and Mrs. Mitchell. It's been only them for a few months now. The only ones that could protect them was Logan and Carlos, and even then, it was Logan that forced himself to be the leader, to keep the people closest to him safe from any harm, no matter what the cost.

"Wake them; I'm going to make sure the area is clear so we can eat and then head out," Logan said as he helped Carlos to his feet.

"Ok, be safe."

Logan smiled at his best friend. "Always am."

Logan walked off, down and out of the park.

Carlos stretched. His stomach grumbled to be fed. One of the few things Carlos missed since the world went to shit, was corndogs. He loved them so damn much, but now, it would be a rarity to find one that was even partially edible.

He knelt down to his little brother and started to tickle him. "Seb! Wake up!"

His brother burst out in a fit of giggles as Carlos ferociously tickled him. "Carlos!... stop it! I-it tickles!"

Carlo stopped only when he heard movement behind him. He turned his head, ready to pull the gun out of the holster, but stopped once he saw who it was. It was their mothers waking up.

"Hey mom. Hi Mrs. Mitchell. Sleep well?"

"As well as we can on the ground, chicito," Sylvia said sitting up and stretching. "And Logan?"

"He went to do a perimeter check. When he gets back we can eat."

The two moms nodded. They went to get the food they have in the bags, getting breakfast ready to eat as soon as Logan gets back. They always had to be on the move. It was never safe to be in one place too long because sooner or later zombies would start to hoard to the area.

"Here comes Logan!" Sebastian said, jumping up from the ground and running to him. "Logan!"

In the distance Logan could be seen walking up to them smiling. Sebastian jumped at Logan when he was close enough and was caught in his pseudo-brother's arms.

"Hey, Seb. Let's get back to the others so we can eat."

"Ok!" Logan let go of Sebastian and the tween took off down to his mom, brother, and Mrs. Mitchell.

Logan sat with them at a picnic table, finally getting some much needed rest as he laid is head down. He mumbled loud enough for the others to hear.

"Area's clear, but after we finish eating we need to start heading south."

He opened his mouth and Carlos stuck a granola bar in it. He chewed it slowly as sleep was calling for him, but he knew he couldn't sleep. "Do we have any more coffee?" he spoke with a yawn at the end.

"Your mom's making some right now," Carlos said in between eating his food.

Logan opened his eyes and stared at his best friend and little brother. Logan's smile grew as he watched them. After everything that's happened to them, they still eat like pigs.

He looked up when he saw a plastic cup in front of him. It was Mrs. Garcia handing him a cup of coffee. "Thank you." Logan grabbed the cup and chugged it, hoping the caffeine would kick in soon.

When everyone sat around the table, they had their usual morning meetings.

"We're running out of coffee, water, and fruits," Joanna said looking at her nearly barren bag that held the food.

"And bullets," Carlos interjected.

"We're always running out of bullets because you're always shooting like a maniac," Logan said, giving Carlos the spare ammo he held onto.

"Well, I'm not some amazing karate-slash-weapons master like some of us." Carlos stuck his tongue out.

"Mature big brother," Sebastian said shaking his head, which caused everyone except for Carlos to start laughing.

"I'm mature," he said in a small voice with a pout.

Logan patted his best friends shoulder. "We know, Carlos."

Carlos threw a glare in his direction.

"We should get ready to head out. Hopefully we can find a place with more supplies, and to stay for the night." Logan stood up and helped clean up.

Once they were ready, they started to walk out of the park and down the street. The streets were barren except for a random car hastily parked in the middle it during the chaos. Anytime they came near something that would have scared them, Mrs. Garcia would cover her youngest son's eyes. He was still so innocent and she didn't want anything to happen to him. Or become like Logan. She truly loved Logan like a son, but doing what he had to do since it started and everything that has happened, she does not want her son to go through that.

Sylvia was brought back from her thoughts when she saw Carlos and Logan tense and then crouch, causing everyone else to as well.

"What is it?" She whispered out.

"Two runners. If they're here, others won't be far," Logan said, giving Carlos his gun from his holster. "I'll get rid of them, quietly."

"We could tag team them?" Carlos suggested, taking the gun.

"If we do, there's a higher chance more of them will hear and come to us. It's safer this way." When Logan finished, his gun was in his face.

"Still, just in case something happens, you might need this."

Logan looked at the gun. He thought about it and then deduced Carlos was right. "Ok." He took the gun. "In 'n out."

Carlos smiled. "In 'n out."

Logan turned around and took in a deep breath before bolting quietly towards the two runners who were oblivious to death getting closer to them with each passing second. Logan was right behind them when they finally took notice, but by then it was too late. They both turned and he ran at them, putting each in a headlock by the neck and then pushing forward. He heard their necks snap and then they went limp in his arms. He let them go, and they fell to the ground lifeless, void of any life, human or otherwise.

Logan turned and looked at Carlos and gave him a thumbs up. "Easier than building hopping."

Carlos chuckled under his breath. "Show off."

Logan smiled as he walked back to them. "Come on, we should leave before anymore of them come."


Logan slowed down his pace to stand right next to Sebastian. "Yeah?"

"Can you teach me to fight?"

Logan looked down at Sebastian with a small smile, then up at Sylvia. He knew it would all be up to her whether or not Sebastian will be able to or not. She looked at him and wearily nodded. Logan looked down at Sebastian. "When we stop for the night, I'll teach you a little. But, for right now, you need to grow and be a kid."

Sebastian pouted at him. "I'm not a little kid! I'm twelve! I'm practically an adult!"

"Look at your brother," Logan said simply. Sebastian did as he was told and saw his older brother chasing a butterfly. "He's older than you, but nowhere near an adult."

"I wish he was more like you."

"No you wouldn't," Logan interjected.

"Why not?"

"Because, no one should be like me. I've seen more than anyone has ever wanted to see, and none of it is good."

Sebastian knew what he meant. "I still wish you were my brother too, though. I don't care what you did before. I love you as a big brother."

Logan smiled a genuine smile. "Thanks."


He turned to see Carlos pointing his gun down the street.

"Fuck." Down the street were at least two dozen runners coming at them. "Carlos get them somewhere safe!" Logan shouted, running towards the runners.

"I need to help."

Logan turned his head to look at them out of the corner of his eye. "In 'n out!"

Carlos shook his head angrily. "In 'n out!"

Logan charged at the runners, gun in hand. He knew his hand to hand wouldn't be able to hold them all off as Carlos got their families somewhere safe.


Logan looked back and saw his mom. He took in a shuttering breath. "I love you!"

She was crying as she was being dragged away by Carlos and his mother. "I love you, too!"

Logan turned back to the runners, letting off six shots from his revolver, each shooting another zombie dead in the face.

His eyes were blurring. He knew what he had done. He separated them, most likely permanently. But he had to do it. For them, so they can be safe and sound. He forced the tears back as he snapped a zombie's neck, ducking as another lunged at him. He was doing this for them. That's all he's been doing since the apocalypse started. He did this to keep the ones he loved safe. No matter what happened to him. This was all for them.

Logan woke with a start. Looking around the room slightly disoriented, he realized the noise that woke him up was from outside. It was a flock of birds chirping loudly in a tree not that far from the house. He sat at the edge of the bed, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Guess I'll have another shower." The dream, like always, caused him to sweat profusely. Right now he had a temporary savoir to that, a working shower.

The shower went by fast, and he enjoyed it, but his mind wondered back to the dream. He hated what had happened, but he did it because Carlos, Sebastian, Mrs. Garcia, and his mom wouldn't have been able to escape. The amount of zombies that day was unimaginable for them. They've never seen that many since the day it first started.

He got out of the shower and again changed into clean clothes. By the time the sun was in the sky he was already down the street heading towards the city. He looked at the city in the distance with a sigh.

"To a place I'd rather not go."

"Kendall. Sweetie, be safe. You too, James," Mrs. Knight said as she hugged the two boys goodbye, one her son, and the other she loved just as much.

"Mrs. Knight, when have you ever known us not to be?" She gave them a look. "Ok, we get it. Be safe."

"We'll be alright, mom," Kendall said strapping his gun to his waist.

She looked at him, then sighed. "I know you are. I just can't help but worry."

"It'll be ok. We just have to go in the city for some supplies and then we'll come right back. And we have our walkie-talkies just in case we get separated."

"Ok, just be safe."

"You've already told us that."

"And I'm going to tell you again: be safe."

"Don't worry. You have the girls and Carlos here. They'll keep you guys safe if anything happens. And we'll only be gone for like a day."

"I know, I just can't help but worry."

"Mom, stop smothering Kendall and let him get supplies." Katie walked up to them. "He'll be alright. He's done this a bunch of times already, but if he doesn't come back," she looked at Kendall with a glare, "I'll find your zombie ass and kick it."

Kendall shook his head. "You're twelve. How do you know how to speak like that?"


"Should have known. Come on James."

The two walked out of the campsite through the woods, until they saw the city in the distance.

"Let's get this over with. I hate going to cities since all this shit happened," James said checking his gun again.

Kendall nodded; he knew what he meant. The cities were probably the most dangerous spots now. Hoards of zombies ranging from the dozens to hundreds reside in the cities. It was never safe to go to them unless you're desperate, and right now they were. Their food and water were almost out. Ever since picking up Carlos, his little brother, and mom, they've gone through the supplies faster. They didn't regret the choice; they just ran out of their supplies faster than before.

"Come on, once we stock up we're leaving this place behind."

The two walked into the city, never knowing that their lives will change for the better once they arrive, and that one of them will meet someone that will change their lives forever.