HEYO! So im starting a muti-chap! First one ever! So yeah it is basically bad boy and nerd I know cliché but it's a good way to start writing more!

Anyways, lets get on with the story….

High schools, no matter what high school you go to there is one thing that they all have in common..different social rankings. In Palm Woods high for example, there are many types of groups that separate us into what you call, the ideal group you fit into. To name a few there are the cheerleaders, drama geeks, gossipers, band geeks, jocks, nerds..thats where i belong to, and lets not forget the bad boys of the school or the soon to be gangsters. As we all know, it is out of the norm to talk to those out of your group, for you know, it supposedly is unusual to interact with different people. Well obviously its more of a strict rule for those of the higher rankings like the cheerleaders, jocks, and of course the intimidating bad boys, who only few actually have the balls to approach them. Anyways it doesnt really matter as much for the lower ranks for we are not as imporant. Although thats somewhat of a good thing, there is so many down sides to being a nerd such as myself. Things you would expect, tormented by jocks and teased by cheerleaders everyday...yeah thats how i live my life.

I seriously hate the jocks! ugh they think they run the school just because they are hot, hah they are more likely to work at the MCDONALD'S drive thru! And the cheerleaders, them and their ditsy self, gazing over the all hotties wanting to get in their pants. Too bad they dont have much brains to match their looks. Anyways, enough with all this social ranking crud...lets go into the start of my day.

Logan Mitchell was a senior and the typical push over nerd if you call it. His family...well...logan actually lives at a foster home since my parents died when he was younger. Now he lives with a crappy foster home family..yeah this side of logans life wasnt so perfect ethier.

As the first day of the week started, Logan walked into the front doors of Palm Woods high. Palm Wood high was full of so much teens, that you can mistake it for a human jungle of teens of different sizes and shapes. Logan makes his way to his locker and turns the dial, taking out the calculus and AP physics books inside. Just as soon as Logan shuts the locker, there before him is none other than Dak Zevon, the alpha hunky jock. Leaning against the lockers, arms crossed over his defined chest with a devious grin on his face.

"Hey nerd what cha got there?"

I stand there unable to form words. Intimidated by his piercing cold eyes that screamed nothing but trouble.

"Hey can you hear me! or are you dreaming about fucking math equation crap? that or checking me out?"

"I..umm..er..my c-calculus and p-physics book." i say with hesitation.

Suddenly he snatches the book from Logans frail grip with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Give it back i need it for my next class." i say with no hint of courage in my voice.

"Awww nerdy want your book back? Well do something about!"

Logan stood there motionless in defeat, knowing all to well that there is nothing he can do to actually overpower him. Just then, a voice that gives Logan a sigh of relief began to speak, "Dak give him his belongings back or you and i will have a talk in my office." the principal warned.

"Ugh fine take your book back! you got lucky pussy" Dak venomously glares, throwing the book at logans face.

The bell that signaled first period rang and logan quickly paced his way to class not ready to endure the craziness that was yet to come.

Well that was the first chap. Yeah I suck at endings oh well. Still room for improvement!
R&R everyone! May take some time before 2nd chap but I'll try!