A/N: The reasons for the continuation of my stories to this site can be seen on my recent update, "Fragmented." I will no longer explain here because knowing readers, being one myself, you would skip the note altogether.

Chapter 2

The race of fire, more widely known as the Uchihas, had ruled the Capital for countless generations. The current king, Uchiha Fugaku, with his wife, Uchiha Mikoto, held power for over twenty years. With wisdom and generosity, the imperial family ruled along with the other lower houses and nobilities of the land. The Capital was the main city of the Fire country, the strongest of the Five Countries that ruled over the lands.

The strength of the Fire Nation was attributed to the number of powerful races that resided within its boundaries. There were the race of tenketsu—the Hyuugas, the race of nature—the Harunos, the race of seals and long-lived beings—the Uzumakis, and the race of fire itself. Many other remarkable clans resided within Fire, therefore, many other nations regarded them as the fiercest and strongest nation to ever exist. Not many would want to wage war against this country, for defeat was absolute, and punishment was to perish.

At some point in history, one race had been eradicated as the Fire's strongest ally—the race of wind. Only a select few truly knew the conspiracy behind the disappearance of the Namikazes, and the greatest healer of the land was one of them. Lady Tsunade Senju of the legendary Sannin, renowned not only by name but also race, swore by her ancestors to never utter the forbidden history of the Namikazes. As such, she was having a hard time processing that the future heir of the wind was standing before her, grinning from ear to ear with eyes sparkling like rare gems.

"N-Naruto?" She uttered in disbelief, the potion she had been working on, now bubbling on the floor, and grotesquely marring the white marble. Said man tackled her to the ground, his arms around her rigid frame. Her hands were trembling as she too wrapped her arms around Naruto. He was now a fully grown teenager, and it silently reminded her how long she had last seen him.

"Tsunade-baa! Tsunade-baa! I missed you! It's been so long!" His enthusiasm, it seemed, had not died down in the slightest. Tsunade's eyes softened, her embrace tightening around her precious grandson. Yes, it has, my dear.

"You are still as immature as the last time I saw you, brat."

Naruto frowned at the address, but his arms didn't loosen in their hold, if anything, he only snuggled further into her generous bosom. The warmth was nostalgic, and her scent brought back memories of his childhood. Memories which didn't contain death and pain. They stayed wrapped in each other for a while longer before Tsunade reluctantly pulled away, a grin was on her lips, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Naruto fidgeted in front of her, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, embarrassed at being scrutinized.

"Now, brat. You have a lot of explaining to do." Tsunade started, looking pointedly at Naruto when he stepped back. Her hand shot up, her fingers trapping his wrist. A smirk was on her face, and Naruto really tried not to pull his hand away, lest he risks snapping his wrist in two. Tsunade was known to have immeasurable physical strength, and he did not want to take chances. Not when he saw it with his own eyes ten years ago.

"From beginning to end, not one detail must be spared. Understand, brat?" Naruto swallowed, his head nodding furiously when he felt the grip on his wrist tightening.

"Yes, Tsunade-baa." He squeaked, his male pride shattering to smithereens. It does that to you when all your life you see females dominating males. His father was not any different. Namikaze Minato feared making his wife angry. His grandfather cowered before this lady before him. There has to be some universal law out there that states that women should never be offended.

"Good. I'm glad you see it my way. Now, sit down boy and get to it." Naruto hurriedly nodded and did as was told. His grandmother's eyes never left his, and he just knew it would be a long long night.


The heat of the celebration was at its peak as only an hour is left before the candidates of the prince's consort was announced and introduced to every noble, and clan present. The boisterous chattering and colorful dances were getting frequent, hoping to alleviate the excitement and anxiety the multitude of people were feeling. Itachi surveyed the vicinity from above, his eyes taking into account his brother's entrance from the side door leading to the one of the gardens.

A grimace appeared on his face. It seems Sasuke has yet to choose his candidates. A quick glance at his parents, and he knew, they knew as well. There was already a scroll in his mother's hand, and an inked feather by her side. They were already prepared with their own list of candidates, and it didn't bode well for Itachi. If Sasuke didn't decide by the stroke of midnight, the candidacy for his wife will be decided for him.

A sudden prickling at the hairs on his neck had him glancing to the side. Hatake Kakashi was staring at him, his hand gesturing to his brother. Itachi nodded in understanding. There was no option left but to intervene. Sasuke was not in his right state of mind, and deciding such an important change in his life could destroy everything Itachi had been striving to prevent all this time.

His decision was set, and if a confrontation was needed to settle this matter, then so be it. He snapped his fingers, and a masked man suddenly appeared behind him. Dressed in a uniform identifying him as a soldier under the first prince's command, the man kneeled before his master and bowed his head in respect.

"Your orders, my siege." His words were uttered in quiet awe. His whole form was tense, and alert. Itachi nodded in acknowledgment.

"Take over my post. You have my permission to kill anyone suspicious." The young monarch's gaze was back on his brother, yet his order was uttered with finality, and left no room for objections. The masked man placed his hand over his chest, his eyes closing at the command.

"It shall be done splendidly, my lord." There was silence, and he knew he was alone. He quietly stood, and watched as his master conversed with the royal prince. His mission has begun, and just as he promised, anyone deemed dangerous will be killed without mercy. His lord's words were absolute, and disobeying Uchiha Itachi was the same as forfeiting one's life.

Kakashi stared, his eyes not even blinking at the sudden appearance of Itachi's most loyal servant. There was something unsettling him since his charge's disappearance. Sasuke had been gone for about three hours or so, and though he was indifferent to everything around him, the kingdom's greatest adviser had worried for him. Yet, his worries were unfounded as soon as the second prince entered the hall again. Though as quickly as he analyzed the prince for any injuries, his visible eye narrowed at the sudden change in Sasuke's aura. There was something there—different, if he had to describe it.

The clan he was born in was known to produce only the best, geniuses in their field, and they dared not to disappoint. Though a tragedy had ended their legacy, it cannot be denied that Hatake Kakashi was one of the kingdom's finest warriors.

His intellect was just as sharp, but his 'accursed eye' was what made him truly feared. He was the only individual in the world, outside of the fire race to possess the Sharingan. However, all that was history. Kakashi's form went rigid as both princes disappeared behind one of the many doors leading outside the main hall. His hunch was just confirmed when Itachi had glanced his way before they left completely. Something had changed.

In the span of measly hours, Sasuke's manic aura had died down to a dull hum. The change was massive, and even without his eye, he could clearly see it in the prince's demeanor. His chakra channels were stable and the usual power radiating off Sasuke due to his lack of control had died down.

Kakashi's instincts were prickling at him, telling him—forcing him to know what caused this but he fought against the urge to do so. Itachi does not take well to intruders. As of now, anyone outside their brotherhood is considered as an outsider. And the first prince was one of the people he would never want as an enemy. Just like any other Uchiha, Itachi bore grudges, and he does so for a very very long time.

Kakashi sighed, his body trying to adjust from the sudden spike in his chakra. It would be quite disastrous if he suddenly alerted the guests with his unnecessary chakra outbreak. The assassin watching from above would not deem him any less of an enemy if he does. His job was to observe, and anything other than that initial goal was highly unacceptable.

From the shadows, Kakashi observed from a hunter's point of view. Every move was analysed, every face committed to memory, and every sound taken into account. So far, he had yet to detect any malicious intent, as well as unidentified guests. The constant buzzing of the people was just getting to him, and the boredom coupled with it, just made it worse.

There was no actual need that he should be here, but he would never miss knowing who would make his charge's life miserable. It was his personal duty to accomplish that. A languid smile settled on his lips. Sasuke needs to loosen up as much as he could. As his future adviser, Kakashi needed to make it possible. Though lost in thought, he didn't miss the sudden flash of yellow, no, gold registered at his periphery.

Kakashi quickly stood, his whole form tense and ready. The watchman from above seemed to be just as tense, and by the many kunai in his hands, it won't be long before the man strikes. Quickly stepping into the hall, his head moved from left to right, looking for that distinct color. It was absurdly rare. Even the Great Healer herself did not have that bright mane. Yamanaka Ino of the Yamanaka clan, did not possess that color as well, and in the record of their empire, not one else possesses such vibrancy.

It was a well-established fact that aside from bloodline limits, skill sets, and other abilities; physical attributes set apart every clan, or race. Ordinary civilians and soldiers were exempted though, for they do not possess the chakra to be considered in his radar. Very good examples were the Uzumakis' crimson hair, the Uchihas' ebony locks, and the Harunos' pink hair. It was the blood formula and the gene composition which made every clan different from each other. Intermarriages among tight-knit clans were still encouraged in this day and age. Thus, traditions were preserved well.

The Great Healer was a different case, as well as Yamanaka Ino. Lady Tsunade, though a part of the Uzumaki clan, had diverged from the usual clan feature due to being a mix of the Senju and the Uzumaki. The Senju clan was an exception due to their varying mix in race. While Yamanaka Ino was the daughter of a clan member who was half-blood an Uzumaki. Ah, found him.

How bold. Kakashi deadpanned. He didn't know if that person was an idiot or not, but to bear an eye-catching color without hesitance was idiocy. The stares and mindless gossip of the people near the blond didn't bother him. The moron just kept on eating without a care for the world. Silently, he walked up to him, his steps silent and his chakra cloaked. It was never wrong to be too careful. Raising his right hand, Kakashi moved in for the kill.


"Brother." Sasuke hissed, his temper alight. "Why am I being forced to be in your presence, when in half an hour, my doom is to be decided?" There was bitterness in his voice, but what surprised Itachi was there was anger burning in his brother's eyes. It had been so long since he saw any kind of emotion underneath those eyes. Intrigued, he stepped forward, two fingers raised before settling on Sasuke's forehead.

"Silence." Itachi retaliated, and for once, his brother didn't make a fuss. An eyebrow rose in question, but he remained silent, and let his chakra probe Sasuke's body. Closing his eyes in concentration, he felt for the chakra points and channels connected to the retinas. Everything seemed fine, and from the visions directly projected in his mind, he had no need to worry. Deciding to probe further, Itachi let loose another wave of chakra inside Sasuke's body. However, this time, the flow was directed towards their bloodline limit. Just as soon as he did, he was blocked, and his chakra was forced out. His Sharingan swirled as he opened his eyes, alarmed and confused.

"Sasuke. What did you do?" Itachi couldn't hide the disbelief in his voice. He was baffled, and quite displeased at what he saw. Sasuke knew this was coming, it was just a matter of time before his older brother and his adviser find out. Unfortunately, nothing gets past them. They were among the best warriors of the land, as well as the pride of their generation. Though he would never admit it to their faces. The royal prince frowned and leaned against the wall, his arms crossed, and his gaze firmly set on Itachi's.

"I encountered an outsider at the west garden." Sasuke started, carefully gauging his brother's expression. It remained blank as always. He turned away from him, choosing to stare at the crimson curtains of their windows.

"His intent was to seek an audience with the Great Healer. He claimed that Lady Tsunade was his grandmother, and that he was an Uzumaki." Itachi listened carefully, his eyes analyzing every movement his brother was making. He could see the slight anxiety hidden behind those eyes, as well as relief, but it was still a worrying fact.

"You have not answered my question, little brother." Sasuke flinched. Itachi was getting impatient. He sighed and ruffled his tresses, his frustration clear for his brother to see.

"Even I am uncertain, Itachi. After almost engaging him in battle, my eyesight had worsened, and the pain became unbearable. When I came to, he was gone, and my eyesight had been restored." It wasn't in Itachi's nature to express any sort of emotion. However, if he was, he would be openly gaping at Sasuke. It was unheard of. This phenomenon or whatever one might call it, was deemed impossible.

It was known among all Uchihas that once their sight deteriorates, the only way to remedy it was to have another set of eyes to be transplanted. To restore their eyes to their perfect condition was a feat not even the Great Healer can do. Repairing the damaged tissues and constrained muscles were possible, but to restore their eyesight to a hundred percent was still being researched. Therefore, activating the Sharingan prematurely was highly forbidden until the day of the rite of passage.

At the 18th year, the components of their bloodline limit would have adjusted to every chakra point, channel, and pathway in the body. The strain in the eyes, and the brain would become endurable, and the eyesight of the user would not be affected. All this time, Itachi had known Sasuke was using it for almost two years without guidance, and in secrecy, but for this to happen...His eyes widened for a moment, realization clear in his blood-red eyes.

"He sealed your Sharingan, Sasuke. He healed you as well." The words were foreign in his mouth, and the disbelief expressed on Sasuke's face confirmed his doubts. It just wasn't possible.

"But that's impossible, Itachi! The Great Healer herself confirmed this!" My thoughts exactly. Itachi's level gaze watched as Sasuke stood and faced him. He was about to answer his brother when another thought came to mind. Ah, the ball.

"We will discuss this later with Lady Tsunade herself. For now, I warn you that the candidates for your wife had already been chosen. Any changes you have in mind should be done now."

Itachi stared at him meaningfully, daring him to argue. Sasuke sighed and turned away. The usual boiling anger, and heady frustrations in his chest were gone, instead, he only felt calm and indifferent The turbulent emotions he had been suppressing, were quiet ever since he woke up from his light slumber moments ago.

He turned to Itachi again, his eyes clear and alive, much to Itachi's surprise. For months, he had been trying to rile his brother into actually reacting as a human should, not some doll with dull and dead eyes. Now, here was Sasuke, doing the seemingly unattainable so easily.

"I will intervene when I deem it so, brother." Sasuke turned away from Itachi as he headed back to the celebration. His whole body felt light, and all his thoughts were clear. He knew what he had to do, and if this search for his soon-to-be wife would be the way for him to find his Sun, then, so be it.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he watched Sasuke enter the grand hall. There was something strange with the way his brother was acting. For one thing, he wasn't making a fuss, and another, he actually accepted the inevitable decision for his candidates.

It was highly suspicious, and he knew, Sasuke was scheming something. Every Uchiha was manipulative, and quite deceitful. Itachi was not spared from those displeasing characteristics, and as an Uchiha, Sasuke was just the same. A moment's pause, and he followed after his younger brother. In a flurry of leaves, the hall previously occupied by one lone male was now empty.


Naruto looked around him, his eyes sparkling like the ocean as he wandered around the hall in amazement. Countless people garbed in expensive clothing merrily celebrated among themselves. The lights from the chandelier, the music from the orchestra, the buffet of exquisite food, the many servants serving the guests, as well as the grandeur of the decor seemed like he was in a fairy tale. His mother had always told him stories, but hearing was not the same as seeing.

It was the first time he saw things like these. Gatherings filled with laughter and joy were foreign to him. All his life, the only gatherings he had the misfortune of attending were funerals. Unknowingly, this festive event just made it all the more clear of how misplaced his presence was. I do not belong here. His chest tightened, making him quickly shake his head. Naruto can't do this. Lounging with thoughts of grief and pain were for people who had the luxury of time, which unfortunately, he did not have.

His primary concern at the very least was that roasted pig at the very end of the buffet table. His mouth watered at the sight, and he quickly set to work. A plate of cleanly sliced pork was quickly in his hand as he tentatively bit into the morsel of meat. Naruto's eyes closed in delight as the burst of flavors invaded his mouth. Delicious. He thought in absolute bliss. He didn't expect anything less from a celebration hosted by the royal family. If he could, he would definitely give his compliments to the chef.

However, nothing could beat the combined efforts of his parents in the kitchen. They whipped up the best dishes known to man. Naruto's bright eyes suddenly dimmed at the thought of his parents. His appetite suddenly dwindled to nothing, and he set his plate on a nearby table.

His mind was suddenly plagued with his mission, and his impromptu identity. He was now posing as a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, the adopted grandson of Lady Tsunade Senju. It was the most effective, as well as safest route for him to continue living in the palace. No one would question his sudden appearance when he was under the wing of the Great Healer herself.

It had been a gamble on their part, but Naruto needed to stay in the palace for as long as necessary. He had sworn on his grandfather's grave that he would set his parents free, and clear the name of the Namikazes. Uchiha Madara's lie will cease in this lifetime, and he would do anything and everything to ensure the fruition of his goal.

Naruto sighed. If only he knew where to start, then, it would be whole lot easier. His ears suddenly perked up, and the hairs on his neck stood on end. Muted steps were approaching him, and without a second thought, he turned around, his hand gripping the offending hand poised to touch him. Brilliant blues narrowed in warning, and his grip was deathly but the offender only stared at him with bored eyes.

The massive, golden, tree-shaped clock situated at the center of the hall had the crowd anxiously staring at the prince sitting at the throne just below the king and queen's own. Only a quarter was left before the designated time of announcement, and the mood for the celebration had gone down considerably. While every individual in the room was set on one goal, Kakashi had something else in mind, and now he was quietly paying the consequences.

If there was one thing that he could ever be surprised about in life, it was this young man before him. Kakashi was not expecting this kind of greeting at all. The grip around his right hand could break any normal person's bones, and the glare directed at him was misplaced against such rare but pleasing features. Outlandish gold hair, and the finest cerulean blue eyes against a slightly tan face. It only heightened his suspicions about this person. This young man was not from around here.

"Who are yo—" Kakashi was immediately cut off as the grand bell from the tower outside chimed, and the cheers and shrieks of excitement from the crowd washed out his voice. In a moment of surprise, Naruto flinched, and it was only the distraction Kakashi needed to break free from his hold.

Kakshi glanced at the front for a brief second before turning to the blond only to realize his target was no longer in sight. A small sigh escaped his lips. Well, at least, he tried. His form hunched as he shrugged and hid in his corner again. The show was about to begin, and he would make sure he would witness everything.

Fugaku stood from his seat, a scroll in his hand. Sasuke walked towards his father, and kneeled on one knee before him, his right hand on his chest. The king nodded in acknowledgement before placing a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, the prince gracefully stood in response. For one fleeting moment, Fugaku's eyes widened as his son stared him in the eye. It was the first time in two years since their eyes met. This sudden change rattled him, but he quickly regained his composure, and turned to his people who were watching them in anticipation.

"My people, the time has come for my son to announce the worthy candidates to be his wife." The crowd's applause and cheers shook the entire hall.

"Listen well, and be blessed. The decision has been made, and the royal family shall accept all of the royal heir's choosing." Fugaku uttered with conviction as he handed the scroll to Sasuke. Fugaku nodded at his son, who nodded in return, and the message had been clear. It's all yours. The king sat back on his throne, his fingers once again laced in Mikoto's.

Sasuke walked forward, stopping only at the edge of the podium. With deft fingers, he unfolded the scroll, silently reading the contents. A small smirk settled on his lips, making every eligible woman and a few men swoon at the sight. He removed his gaze from the list, and raised his hand. The multitude gathered hushed, giving way to silence the royal prince had requested.

"Glorious people of Fire, I, Uchiha Sasuke, the rightful heir to the throne have chosen..." Sasuke paused in his speech, and with a mocking smile on his face, ripped the scroll; letting the pieces fall unceremoniously on the carpeted floor.

"...none." The king and queen stared at their son, appalled. Gasps and mutters of disbelief filled the hall. Sasuke took everything in stride. He raised his hand once again, and reluctantly, the whispers died down, and silence reigned once more.

"Know that I have chosen none, however." Sasuke paused once again, reveling in the way the crowd strained to listen to his every word. It won't be long before he was truly the king of this land, and by then, every individual would have no choice but to obey him. But first.

"As by royal decree, a king must rule his land with his queen. And thus, I ask that every clan, race, and family to choose their own representative to send to the palace." Sasuke walked down one flight of stairs and stopped at the middle.

"As the future king, my wife needs not name, power, or wealth. My Sun shall be dubbed so through inert character, capabilities, and beauty of self." The crowd listened attentively, captivated by the prince's soulful speech. Kakashi watched his charge, surprise and awe clear on his face. Was this even the elfish and rotten prince I have been talking to just hours ago? Mikoto's eyes watered as her hand trembled against Fugaku's. They shared a glance, hope blooming in both their hearts.

"I beseech you, people of the will of fire. Gender, race, appearance, and influence will not decide who my heart chooses. Let it be known that tonight, I issue a challenge." Sasuke stared at the crowd, his eyes hard and determined. Everything will change this very night. He will not settle for anything else.

"Capture my attention, my heart, and my loyalty with your strength alone. To be my consort, you must clear my tests. Defeat all adversaries, and take your rightful place beside me. This, I ask of my future wife. That is all." Sasuke finished his speech, and silence lasted for only a minute before the crowd's applause and cheers reverberated throughout the grand hall.

The council of elders stared at him in awe, clearly not expecting the royal prince to be so insightful. They had been doubtful at the choosing of the heir, for in their eyes, Itachi was the rightful heir to the throne. And with the way the second prince was indifferent to all affairs in the palace was no less than infuriating, the council was not convinced. However, it seems that they were wrong, and with just a span of minutes, Sasuke had earned the respect and admiration of the people.

He had also guaranteed the side of many who were once opposed to him. Such humbling words, and gentle side yet to be seen until that moment, had enraptured every individual that very day. Itachi stared at his brother in pride. Truthfully, he couldn't comprehend this sudden turn of events, but it seems, all his worries had been misguided. Sasuke was not as unstable as they all assumed to be.

Kakashi's penetrating gaze did not falter from Sasuke. He was still speechless, and his mind was grappling at the fact, that yes, it was his student up there, and not anyone else. It seems they would be having a very long conversation later on. A quick glance above, and he was met with Itachi's red stare. Yes, it would be a very very long conversation indeed.


"You—You ingrate! How could you be so careless! Not to mention undeniably stupid! Have you no brains, boy?"

Tsunade roared, her delicate face marred by the angry scowl on her face. Well, he was not expecting this when he came back from his venture in the palace. Naruto tried all he could not to duck and cover, and run away as fast as he could, but the seal around the room was preventing him from doing so. Instead, he frowned defiantly at her, his arms crossed, trying to act strong.

"Fine, I'm so—"

"Sorry will not cut it, you brat! Do you even know what you did? Not only did you mess with a person's bloodline limit—and of all people, it had to be the royal prince!—you also used a highly forbidden jutsu long forgotten in this lifetime!" Naruto glared in retaliation, and shouted back.

"Then, you expect me to do nothing while he was grovelling in pain on the ground? It was you who taught me that healers must heal without bias!" Tsunade's eyes flashed in anger, her clenched fists banged on her rosewood desk hard, splitting the fine piece of furniture in half. The halved pieces crumbled soon after, and Naruto tried not to flinch at the sudden display of Tsunade's manic physical strength.

"I expected you to be wiser and to act with more caution! And what you did was far from healing. The Seal of Lotus is of a different nature altogether. You know this, yet deliberately executed the jutsu without thinking of the consequences! You even used it on one of the people who would kill you on sight when they find out who you really are! I dare you to deny my accusations!"

Tsunade bellowed, releasing a wave of chakra which shook the whole west wing of the castle. The occupants of that wing only shook their heads in dismay. It seems that another unfortunate soul was at the receiving end of their lady healer's wrath. They uttered a small prayer in their heads before going about their way. God bless thy pitiful soul. Naruto suddenly felt a shiver down his spine. He looked up and saw Tsunade give him a look which had him turning away in shame.

"This is unfair, Tsunade-baa. I only wanted to help, and if I did not intervene then..." Tsunade sighed, and ruffled her neat ponytail into a knotty mess. She sat heavily on her chair, not even sparing her destroyed desk a glance. Someone will replace it again in the morning, just like the previous day, and the day before yesterday, and so on.

"...he would become blind by the end of two to three months. I know this, and he knows this as well. But what was once lost, cannot be saved, Naruto. And restoring the royal prince's eyesight was something I deemed impossible when I diagnosed him awhile back."

She chanced a gaze at him, and was satisfied to see the sudden pale complexion of her grandson. She nodded at him, reinforcing the idea in his head. Naruto needed to know the severity of the situation he unknowingly landed himself in. If the Great Healer herself was unable to cure the prince, then, who else could? Naruto's eyes widened, his whole body getting tense, while sweat gathered at the back of his neck. He was irrefutably doomed, and he has yet to stay in the palace for less than a day!

"Good, you finally understand. Healing is a means of repairing, Naruto. As healers, we are able to use our chakra to repair tissues, muscles, broken bones, replenish blood vessels, as well as many others. However, as healers, we know more than anyone else that we are unable to restore what is forever irreparable. As such, if a major organ is destroyed beyond repair, we cannot possibly just restore it to its perfect condition or produce another organ out of thin air. Tell me, brat, do you think once a heart is dead, we could heal it and make it come alive?" Pondering over the question for a minute, Naruto finally nodded.

"Yes, so long as the valves and chambers are intact, and the arteries are not severed. That is why some, if not most, heart transplants are successful." Tsunade nodded her approval. She really did teach him well.

"That is correct. Now, if the heart was crushed and cut into pieces, do you think we could still heal it?" Naruto stared at her, his eyes widening by the second, and his mouth opening slightly. Tsunade sighed as she massaged the temples of her forehead.

"This situation is exactly the same. Restoring an Uchiha's eyesight is deemed impossible because of the constant strain their bloodline limit induces on their eyes. Their eyes are unable to recover since their Sharingan has already incorporated itself in their chakra system. It takes eighteen years before the Sharingan becomes accessible to the clan members, therefore, using it prematurely is forbidden. Sasuke is a selfish fool and in spite of this well-laid out rule, he did the opposite. The only way for him to be fully healed is either through transplant or to seal off his ability permanently, which for the former is impossible, since a clan's bloodline limit is their pride. And there is only the assurance of preventing further deterioration, not restoring their eyesight before the start of their vision loss. Thus, transplant is the only option left, which in your case—" Naruto flinched when Tsunade fixed him with a glare before continuing.

"—made the impossible possible. Do you have any idea how shocked we were to find out that not only are his eyes healed, his Sharingan is also sealed?" Naruto looked away from her, a petulant pout on his lips. Tsunade's eyes narrowed, as she stood and paced around the room.

"I had to give an immaculate lie just to convince them that the jutsu was still in its trial stage, and would only be possible to be performed once, since the user could very well die from chakra exhaustion. Sasuke, being the imbecile he was, wanted the seal removed, which I can't, not when the Seal of Lotus is also a blood seal!"

She exploded for the last time before flopping on a nearby couch, utterly exhausted. Naruto stared at her in doubt, torn between wanting to hug her grandmother, or staying away a five-mile radius from her. The former won, and within seconds he was within her embrace. Tsunade sighed, and caressed the golden spikes of hair tickling her chin.

"You are aware, right Naruto? Your mother's seals are different from your father's. And the Seal of Lotus is definitely Minato's. It is a relic of the Namikaze clan. And for everyone alive today, it does not exist." Tsunade paused when she felt Naruto's hands tightening around her body. Her honey-coloured eyes softened.

"You cannot use it out in the open, not when your very existence is taboo. You are a secret—my, and the whole of the Uzumaki clan's secret. Know that your bloodline limit must remain a secret as well. Do you understand, Naruto?"

She called him tenderly and felt a smile form on her lips when Naruto nodded into her chest. Tsunade sighed, and closed her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling, her mind blank, her fingers combing through Nauto's golden locks. It wasn't long before the complete silence and her gentle ministrations lulled her grandson to sleep.

He had a tiring day, and sleeping comfortably for once was something he deserved. Tsunade carefully untangled herself from Naruto's hold, and carefully laid his limp form on the couch. She watched him sleep for awhile when she felt something crawling inside her clothes, and settling on her shoulder.

"Katsuyu." The slug opened its mouth, revealing the white scroll inside its body. Tsunade pulled it out and quickly unrolled the scroll to read its contents.

"They send their greetings, my lady." Tsunade nodded in response. She burned the scroll once she was done reading it, and turned to her summon.

"Have your clone seek Shizune out. Make haste. The plans are already in motion." The slug nodded, and without a moment's notice, another slug appeared on the floor, before disappearing in a puff of smoke. Tsunade's eyes nodded in satisfaction. There were a lot more things that needed her attention, and this sudden challenge the royal bratty prince had issued, would be her biggest problem yet.

She just hopes that the 'child of prophesy' would not blow the palace into pieces once the inevitable happens. She glanced at her grandson, her eyes soft as she took in the innocence Naruto so easily projects. Her eyes grew determined and she vowed in her heart that she will never let this precious child get hurt. Never again.

Not like Dan, or Nawaki, or Jiraiya.

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Completed: August 18, 2012