A/N: Hello! I'd just like to thank all the people who have read/reviewed/favorited my stories! It means a lot to me, and I hope I can continue to write things that you will enjoy reading. And special thanks to the wonderful linbachviet, who is translating my other Reborn fic (Worthy) into Vietnamese!

Originally, this was going to be longer and actually have more of a plot, but I felt the need to just write some happy 5927 fluff.

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn or its characters.

"Are you tired, Tenth?" Gokudera's voice is low—a whisper, a breath. Tendrils of silver hair brush Tsuna's face as he leans close to ask.

"Yeah," Tsuna admits sheepishly, a faint blush on his cheeks.

They're curled up on Gokudera's couch watching some sci-fi movie Tsuna's never heard of, and he's starting to lean against Gokudera's left shoulder as he weaves in and out of sleep.

"Sorry," he murmurs. "I know you wanted to watch this with me, and spend time together...I'm just..."

"No, no, I understand, Tenth! Please don't force yourself to stay awake on my account!"

Tsuna hums and shifts, trying to get more comfortable.

Gokudera smiles at the sleepy boy and moves them both sideways on the couch, Tsuna lying on top of him. "Is this better, Tenth?"

Tsuna nods into his chest. "Much better." He looks up and smiles. "And stop calling me Tenth. There's no one else here." He punctuates this statement with a small kiss on the tip of Gokudera's nose that makes the other boy go red.

"It's a habit," Gokudera replies, hand caressing Tsuna's face with a feather-light touch. "Sorry, Tsuna-kun."

Tsuna lets the honorific slide, because he remembers how much work it took to come this far, how long it took him to be able to convince Gokudera that he truly wanted to be with him, that he could touch him and talk to him without apologizing for himself. He smiles and interweaves their hands. "Thank you, Hayato-kun."

Gokudera still blushes every time Tsuna uses his first name, but he finds it sweet. "What are you thanking me for?"

"For being you." Tsuna lowers his head again and smiles into Gokudera's shirt. "You're also a good pillow."

He laughs and wraps an arm around Tsuna, whispering, "Go to sleep, then."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not." He presses a kiss to the top of Tsuna's head. "We'll go out for lunch or something tomorrow. Wherever you want to go."

"A date?" Tsuna murmurs, half-asleep.

"A date." Gokudera sighs in contentment and lets his own eyes slip closed. "Good night, Te—Tsuna."

The only response he receives is soft, steady breathing and the reassuring feel of Tsuna's heartbeat, perfectly in synch with his own.