Whoa, last chapter already. That was quick.

Thanks to these reviewers- Sherra-Kaiki, Ten-Faced, Troubled Windchimes, rockitty99, Nerumi H, and delcatty546.

Bras, Tampons, and Other Enticing Things;

Epilogue: Ring and Lui are Born

The birth is more painful than Rin thought. It is mainly painful because she doesn't know what to expect, and her body is tense. It's this sort of situation that she wishes her mother were here. A dull ache thumps on Rin's lower back. Her muscles are tightened, although the nurse told her to keep relaxed. How could I? Rin thinks in panic. Len and Gumi are on their way, but she's not sure if they'll make it in time for the double birthing. Hurry up, just come out, she begs silently.

Rin had just realized at midnight that Ring and Lui were going to be born any second then, so she hurried to the hospital to the emergency room. Oliver was away on some business—he said he'd be back by morning—but Rin couldn't afford to wait and left a voice mail on his cell phone. Oliver had responded immediately, and Rin was glad of it, and said he'd be back as soon as he could.

The chances are rather dim.

The first rays of light peek over the horizon—two-thirty in the morning—but Ring and Lui are still reluctant on coming out.

Rin's backache intensifies, and so does a headache. The doctor comes in leisurely and places a hand on Rin's bare stomach before saying calmly, "There will be about thirty minutes until the twins will come out."

"I feel sick," Rin replies hoarsely.

"That's natural. There's a bucket right next to the bed where you can, you know…," pointing at the blue bucket residing next to the hospital cot. "Take a few deep breaths. We have some books if you want to keep your mind off of the labor."

"Thank you." Rin takes a book from the stack the doctor is holding out and flips it open.

The story is of a girl and boy growing up with an overprotective mother. Tears fill Rin's eyes without her knowing it as she is reminded of her own childhood. Reading the book, she's lost in the realistic fiction world, and twenty-five minutes pass before Rin realizes that she has to go to the bathroom. The pressure on her bladder is rather great, especially since she's carrying two lives within her own.

"The babies will come soon," the doctor tells her. "It might be better if you don't get up right now."

Rin nods, but the inside her is panicking again.


They're coming. She tries to suppress her growing excitement, but it seems to spurt out of her.

The doctor knows this too. "Mrs.—er…"

"Hibiki," Rin corrects.

"Yes, Hibiki. Please keep still." The doctor pulls the sheets aside and lays a hand on Rin's stomach again, this time with more pressure. "I don't think you have to go through the cesarean procedure."

Rin is quite a bit relieved at that, because she isn't looking forward to having her abdomen cut open by a knife. Still, it hurts, and she wonders just how long it would take Len, Oliver, and Gumi to arrive. The spasms she's just been experiencing have been gradually increasing intensity, and it is extremely uncomfortable. Is this how Mom felt when she was birthing us? Rin wonders. I am never going to do this again.

It's almost three.

Rin suddenly remembers her mother's death almost a year ago…maybe even more than that. Isn't around three the time she died?

How things connect each other…

For some reason, now, Rin knows that Ring and Lui are coming now.

"Make it quick," she pleads the doctor.


It wasn't as bad as she thought. Her vagina is sore, perhaps even bloody, but Ring and Lui are in her arms. Rin finds herself panting in relief that it is over.

A phone rings. "It's for you," the doctor tells Rin, holding it out to her.

Rin presses the phone against her ear. "Hi, what?" she asks, knowing already who they are.

"Rin! Are they out yet?" Gumi asks breathlessly. "Never mind, I can't wait to see them! Ring and Lui, I mean. Len, Oliver, Miku, and I are going to pick you up from the hospital, okay? Miku's practically beside herself, she's spazzing. Your dad is too. But he has to take care of Orangi and Banana and Roda-Rolla, so he can't come. Anyway, I hope you're okay! It's rough, but you'll be glad you did it later!" Gumi finishes in one breath, and hangs up.

Rin hangs up as well, laughing quietly to herself. In the east, against the sun's rays, she can almost see her mother gazing affectionately at her.

"We have a whole lifetime ahead of us," she tells Ring and Lui. "I'm proud to be your mommy."


So I did a bunch of researching for this chapter because I didn't know enough about birthing to save my life. I got a whole Wikipedia article, which wasn't too helpful, and a welcomebabyhome page, which was very helpful indeed.

I'm not going to do a whole thankyou ceremony like I did with Lemon and Strawberry Cake, but whoa. Thank you for all these reviews. I believe I did pretty well with the ending this time. Although "I'm proud to be your mommy" is kind of like... I might change that line later.

Off to brainstorm next chapter of Secrets and Whispered Confessions...

Thank you for sticking with me and reading and reviewing and everything~

~Unyielding Wish