From friend to boyfriend

Chapter 1

Bella POV

You may not know me. My name is Bella Swan. I am your average teenage girl, a little on the quiet side, always blending in to the background. I have three best friends Edward, Jasper and I can't forget my gal pal Rose.

We have been bets friends forever, since we were like two. Nothing has ever come between us and now that we are starting high school and me and Edward have started to date, I hope that won't mess up the friendship we four have going on.


Stupid alarm clock! Thought as I swung my arm over to hit the snooze button on my alarm clock. About two minutes later I hear my door open and footsteps come closer to my bed.

"Awake, awake, sleeping beauty." A velvety voice said to me.

Edward! I should have known! We have only been dating for a few weeks, but waking me up to make sure that I got to school on time has become his new mission. Sure I liked him, but couldn't he give a girl a break?

"Okay, I'm up" I said as I threw the covers off me and I headed towards my closet.

Edward followed me for some unknown reason.

"You can wait for me down stairs" I told him without turning away from my closet. He did as I said and I heard his footsteps on the stairs.

Edward has been my friend forever, but I am starting to realize that he is a clingy boyfriend. I haven't had much experience at dating, but I feel smothered by him!

I changed into a blue t-shirt and my comfortable jeans and went down stairs to eat breakfast.

When I went into the kitchen I saw Edward sitting at the table with Charlie, I mean my Dad. It looked like my Dad was staring Edward down.

I went to the cabinet and got out a bowl and put cereal in it and got milk out of the fridge and poured it in the bowl. Then I sat down at the table beside my Dad. Once I finished I put my bowl in the dishwasher.

"Come on Edward we are going to be late for school." I said as I garbed his arm and dragged him out of the kitchen and out my front door.

"Okay, I'm coming. Stop pulling me" Edward said to me. I ignored him and pulled him until we got to his car.

"Have a good day at school Bells" I heard my Dad call after us.

"Thanks!" I yelled back at him.

Edward opened his passenger door to his Volvo for me, ever the gentleman. As I got in he got in the driver seat.

It took us about five minutes to get to school since Edward drives like a maniac. It also helped that there was no traffic, since this is Forks, Washington. Not many people live here, I think it is because of the weather.

It rains all year long, with only a few sunny days here and there. I can't even remember when I used to live with my mom in Phoenix, Arizona, so I don't really miss the sun.

We pulled up into the school parking lot and again Edward opened my door for me. We started walking towards the school, it had started to rain, when we saw our friends Jasper and Rose, and they are twins.

I waved at them "Hey Rose, Jasper! How are you guys?" I asked them as me and Edward came closer to them.

Rose smiled and waved at me "We are good Bella. It is just a typical day of school. Nothing exciting happens in Forks." she said to me.

I turned to look at Jasper, but his eyes had wandered from my face down to where Edward had just taken my hand.

His face turned angry and a second later it was replaced with an impassive stare. Jasper had been acting like this since Edward and I have been going out. I don't know what his deal is and I did not have time to ask him because the bell rang.

"Well we better get to class, I will see you guys at lunch" I told them, and then I turned to Edward and gave him a peek on the lips.

"See you in second period" I said to Edward.

"Yeah, I will miss you tell then" Edward replied.

"I will miss you too." I said back and started to walk to class.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jasper's face turn angry again. But he abruptly stomped off towards his class before I could analyze what it meant.

Oh, well. I will talk to him some time about his attitude problem, but not now. I thought as I entered my first period class. This was going to be a long day especially since we had just come back from two weeks of a fun, winter break.