Princess Celestia was pacing in her study, as she had been for the past hour. She was completely unable to focus on anything other than what had transpired earlier that day. No matter what she attempted to do in order to distract herself; her thoughts were constantly drifting back to the loss of her earring, the pony who took it and how he took it.

It's completely unthinkable; that some thief, a common scoundrel, would dare to get that close and steal from me. That he would dare to-Her thoughts trailed off as she continued to focus on the sensation she felt on her ear. It was as if she could still feel where he had touched her and as she tried to form a picture of what the thief looked like in her mind; her heart began thump, almost painfully, in her chest.

The princess moved a hoof up to her forehead and massaged just below her horn; the site of where an annoying headache had just started.

It's completely maddening; that a simple thief could be bringing such frustrations to the forefront of my mind. And yet, nopony has ever dared to get that close to me. It's like all the ponies regard me as being untouchable, but he wasn't even slightly fazed. He didn't seem to be at all concerned that he was assaulting and robbing his princess. He-he just didn't care; not even slightly. Although, despite all the bravado, it was a fairly impressive stunt.

She let out a sigh and pushed her hoof into her head harder. The headache she had was now being bolstered by the knowledge that her personal thoughts and feelings were betraying the logical answer to the situation. She should be infuriated, beyond that, even. But the reasonable response was being combated by the emotional response which seemed to originate at her ear; where her earring used to reside.

Celestia groaned. She looked down at her desk and the guard's report on the incident. The thief had effectively been invisible to the crowds. Hundreds of ponies interviewed and there was no consensus on his appearance, save his large stature and black cloak. He simply moved to quickly; when he was still his hood was up and when he moved, he vanished from all sight.

He stole an apple...the princess stared in disbelief at the last line of the report. Really? that's what we know about this pony...he stopped to steal an apple before instigating a fight with a guardspony. This is our best lead.

"Attention all ponies, please be vigilant when tending your fruit stands," the princess muttered sarcastically to herself. She then walked towards the door of her study and called on the guard stationed outside. "Guard, I have an urgent order that needs to be relayed among the attendants at the palace."

"your majesty?"

Moments later, the guarded nodded briefly and walked off, while the princess retreated back to her study and took a place behind the desk.

That thief will be found, he'll be brought before me and will answer for his actions. The princess closed and eyes and for the rest of the night, continued to brood over the thief who had slighted her.

"I don't believe you, not even slightly. he's a fool, but not a suicidal one."

An old stallion had just finished listening to what had to be tallest spun tale of all time. He looked at his companion, who remained silent and simply stared at him momentarily, before responding. "You don't believe me, I thought you knew me...rather, knew him better than that."

At this the old stallion blinked rapidly and pulled his head back; as if contemplating the validity of the story. He then narrowed his eyes once more before his composure cracked and he began a round of scratchy, boisterous laughter. This continued for a minute before the old stallion finally settled down and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Well, I suppose it's entirely possible. Yes, you might have just lost your damn mind. But, if that story is true, where is priceless proof, hmmmm?"

The other stallion reached over to a lamp which had been flickering on the verge of darkness; he opened the small valve on it, illuminating the two ponies. The old stallion, with a faded red coat and grayed brown mane, and his companion; a tall pony, adorned in a black cloak. The light from the small lamp crept its way up to the hood of the cloaked figure, revealing his face. He had an ash-like, dark grey coat; nearly hidden under his overgrown, nearly black colored mane. Plastered on his face was a devious grin as he pulled a small satchel from within the cloak. Tossing it on the table, he remained silent and allowed the old stallion to open it himself. Dumping the contents out on a small table, the pony needed only a moment to view the object on the table before he gasped and looked up at the younger stallion.

"Starswirl's bear, you actually did it. This-this is the wildest, most insane and foolhardy stunt you've pulled yet. You robbed the princess in front of the elements of could've been caught! those elements, they would've turned you to stone i wager! And furthermore, who do you think would actually be crazy enough to buy this?"

The thief regarded the old stallion's incredulous look with a smile and gave a small laugh before replying with "that, my old friend, is where my job ends and yours begins." he laughed again and looked down at the beautiful earring with was sitting on the old table.

"Aye, it'll be taken care of. So, what was it like?"


"Being that close to the Princess, I mean."

The thief was silent for a moment, staring intently at the ground. He then looked up towards the inquisitive pony and broke out into a huge grin. "It was incredible-beyond incredible. Easily the most surreal moment of my life and the most terrifying job that the thief has ever pulled." Both stallions laughed at this and took a moment to compose themselves. Then, the thief began coughing and put a hoof down on the table to steady himself. The old stallion spoke up, "That much I believe without a doubt. So, how much longer?"

"Until what?"

The aged pony looked him in the eye before continuing, "No, I mean how much longer can you keep this up?" His tone had hardened; the thief, meanwhile, had pulled a rag from a hook on the wall and wiped his mouth with it. the old pony continued to stare at the younger stallion. Doing this he failed to recognize the tell-tale crimson streaks which stained the rag, hidden by the dimly lit atmosphere. The thief walked over to the wall and leaned on it, taking the weight off of his hooves. He looked back at his companion and nearly choked on his next words.

"I-I don't know," he looked down, attempting to find an appropriate response. None came however and he was forced to continue, "It's getting worse. Even when I'm not sprinting...I can still feel it. I always feel tired, too tired. the only time I feel normal anymore is when I sprint. But my endurance for that is also slipping; things are getting too bad, too quickly. And I don't know what to do." He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, trying to collect himself.

"You can't keep doing this; you know that as well as I do. Something has to change."

"You think I don't know that? But what options do I have, I stop and others suffer, there is no other way than...this." He looked back and received a sympathetic look from the old stallion. He then pushed himself off of the wall and turned to the door, yawning. "regardless of anything else, I think it's time that I get some well-earned rest, don't you think?"

"Ha, you're right on that account, at least. Take it easy for a while, you're working yourself into an early grave. Not to mention, this little trinket should bring in enough bits for us to get by for quite a while, and it'll cover any other expenses as well." He let out a hardy chuckle and continued, "so don't be afraid of getting a drink down at the tavern, yeah?"

The thief looked back at the old stallion and nodded, "that sounds like a brilliant idea, my old friend. goodnight."

"It's morning" replied the old stallion, earning a laugh from the thief before hearing the door close. He hung his head low and let out an exasperated sigh. "Damned idiot, only halfway concerned that he's going to get himself killed." He then looked back at the earring which had been sitting on the table still. He looked at it for a moment before smiling. "Nopony would ever buy you and there's not a griffon in the world who would buy from a let's go find you a minotaur!" He laughed and scooped up the earring in the bag which had previously contained it, then tying it around his neck; he walked outside into the morning sun.