Disclaimer: I do not own anything from either Twilight nor The Vampire Diaries...yet.

Bella's P.O.V:

I walked into the house after having Him rip my heart out and stomping on it. I saw Charlie pacing in the living room. When he heard the front door close he looked up at me. "Oh, Bella. Are you ok?" He asked. My bottom lip trembled and tears fell out of my eyes. I shook my head and Charlie rushed to me wrapping me up in his arms. "Is there anything I can do for you that will help?" He asked. "I want my daddy." I wailed. He nodded and sat down on the couch. He took me and hoisted me onto his lap and hummed a lullaby. I let the darkness take me into a frightning night.

Charlie's P.O.V: (I shall be making him Australian! :) I am also making him look like Chris Hemsworth Ohh...Me Lickie ;) hehehe)

The poor shelia. I knew that bloke was going to hurt her. Now there is going to be hell to pay with her father. This was going to be fun. I carried her to her bed and made sure to leave the door craked just incase. I went downstairs and shifted to my real form. I grabbed the phone and took a deep breath before dialing the number. It rang and my heart was thumping like it was going to come out of my chest. "Hey, You've reached Damon Salvatore. I'm unable to answer at the moment so call back later. If its important and worth calling you back leave me a message." The tone sounded and I took a deep breath. "Hey Damon, it's Charlie. Somethings happend and I need you to call me back when yah can." I hung up and sighed and called the next person. It rang and then I heard a sigh come over the phone. "Hello?" A male voice said clouded with sleep. "Goodaye Stefan. Where's yo brother?" I asked. "Charlie? Is that you?" He asked. "Yeah it's me. Now where is yo brother. It's urgant I talk to him." I said. He sighed. "Hell if I know. What's so important that you have to talk to him about?" He asked. "It's Izzy." I said. Just as I said that I heard a high pitched scream mixed with crying fill the air. It was Izzy. "Charlie what's going on?" Stefan asked now sounding wide awake. "Look I'm going to have to call you back." I said and I hung up. I ran to Izzy's room and the screams got louder. I burst through the door to see her tossing and turning screaming her lungs out and tears streaming down her cheeks. I grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. Her eyes snapped open and her eyes were looking around wildly. She looked at me and broke down sobbing such heartwrentching sobs. It felt like a punch in the gut. "Shh. It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine." I said. Damon, please hurry.

Stefan's P.O.V:

I was woken up by the shrill ringing of my cell phone. I groaned and grabbed my phone. "Hello?" I mumbled. "Goodaye Stefan. Where's yo brother?" a males voice with a Aussie accent asked. "Charlie? Is that you?" I asked. Why the hell would he be calling me? "Yeah it's me. Now where is yo brother. It's urgant I talk to him." He said. I sighed. "Hell if I know. What's so important that you have to talk to him about?" I asked. "It's Izzy." He said. Just as he said that I heard a high pitched scream mixed with crying in the background. It was Izzy. I sprung into a sitting position and threw off my blanket. "Charlie what's going on?"I asked walking out of my room and towards Damon's room. "Look I'm going to have to call you back." He said and then he hung up. "Shit." I said. I ran into Damon's room to see him asleep. I turned on the lights and threw a pillow at his head. He shot up and glared at me. "This had better be good Stefan or I am seriously going to kill you." He growled. I sighed. I ran my hands through my hair and started pacing. "I just got a call from Charlie. He sounded pretty shaken up. I think you should call him. As in right now." I said. He looked at me like I had three heads and then it clicked. He grabbed his phone and dialed the number. It rang for a couple of minutes and then he growled slamming his phone shut. Must have not answered the phone. He got out of bed and threw on some clothes. "What exactly happened when he called you." He asked. "Well at first he was asking where you were and I asked him why he needed to talk to you so urgently..."I said breaking off mid stream. He looked at me and searched my face. He narrowed his eyes at me. "Stefan, what is it?" He asked crossing his arms against his chest. "Damon...I heard screaming...shrill screaming." I said. "Yeah and..." He said. I took a deep breath. "It was a girl who was screaming." I whispered brokenly. His eyes widened. "No!" He gasped. He grabbed his phone and dialed. He started pacing and running his fingers through his hair. "Hello? Charlie? Stefan just talked to me. Give the phone to her I want to talk to her." He said. There was a moment of silence. What ever Charlie said wasn't what Damon wanted to hear. "I don't care. Wake her up. She need's me right now." He said. I hope she was okay.

Damon's P.O.V: (YAY! Me also lickie :) )

I was fast asleep when I felt something hit me. I shot up and looked towards the doorway to see Stefan. I glared at him. "This had better be good Stefan or I am seriously going to kill you." I growled out. He sighed. He ran his hands through his hair and started pacing. One of his many nervous habits. "I just got a call from Charlie. He sounded pretty shaken up. I think you should call him. As in right now." He said. I looked at him confused. What would that have to do with me? Then it clicked. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. It rang and it rang. I growled slamming my phone shut. I got out of bed and threw on some clothes. "What exactly happened when he called you." I asked. "Well at first he was asking where you were and I asked him why he needed to talk to you so urgently..."He said. I looked at him and searched his face. I narrowed my eyes at him. He wasn't telling me everything. "Stefan, what is it?" I asked crossing my arms against my chest. "Damon...I heard screaming...shrill screaming." He said. "Yeah and..." I said. He took a deep breath. "It was a girl who was screaming." He whispered brokenly. My eyes widened. "No!" I gasped. It couldn't be. She was suppose to be perfectly fine, perfectly safe. I grabbed my phone and dialed. I started pacing and running my fingers through my hair. "Hello?" Charlie answered. "Hello? Charlie? Stefan just talked to me. Give the phone to her I want to talk to her." I said. "Look Damon she finally got back to sleep. I don't think that would be the best idea." He said. "I don't care. Wake her up. She need's me right now." I said. I heard him sigh and start to move. That's when I heard it. The screaming and wailing. My heart clenched. I felt a couple tears fall down my cheek. "Shhh. Bella, there is someone I want you to talk to on the phone. Okay?" I heard Charlie say. I heard the muffled reply of my little Isabella. "Hello?" She whispered brokenly. "Hey baby." I said wiping at the tears running down my face. "Daddy?" She whispered. "Hey baby girl." I said. "Oh daddy. I want to come home. I'm sorry for what I said. I...I...didn't m..mean it. I'm so so sorry." She wailed. "Sh. Sh. Sh. It's ok honey. There is nothing to be sorry about. Of course you can come home." I said softly. "When can I come home?" She asked. "I'll leave tonight and I'll come and get you. I love you baby. Forever and all eternity. Don't ever question my love for you." I said. "I love you too." She mumbled half asleep. "Goodnight baby." I said and hung up the phone. I took a deep breath and turned towards the doorway to come face to face with Elena. I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. "Can I help you?" I growled at her. "Um...no. I was...just wondering where Stefan was. Who were you talking to?" She stuttered. "No one of your concern now get out." I hissed. She ran and I sighed. I doubt I was going to get read the riot act from Stefan this time. He knew just how protective of my little Iza I was. I grabbed my leather jacket and my car keys and left my room closing the door behind me. I opened up Stefan's door. Him and Elena were in a heavy make out session. I cleared my throat and they both looked at me. "Well I'll be leaving now. Stefan I'll be back in a few days. I'm going to get her. " I said. His eyes widened. "Is she okay?" He asked concerned. He always did have a soft spot for my little girl. "I don't know Stef, I just don't know." I said. I closed the door and ran to my car. I started it and flew out of the drive way. Washington, here I come.

Elena's P.O.V:
I walked into the Salvatore boarding house and closed the door behind me. "Stefan?" I called out. I got no answer and so I made my way upstairs. I heard talking coming from Damon's room so I walked in. He didn't seem to notice. "I love you baby. Forever and all eternity. Don't ever question my love for you." I heard him say. There was a moment of silence while he let the person reply. "Goodnight baby." He said and hung up the phone. He took a deep breath and turned and stoped when he saw me. He blinked a couple times. "Can I help you?" He growled. "Um...no. I was...just wondering where Stefan was. Who were you talking to?" I stuttered. Not once had I heard Damon talk like he did to the girl he was talking to. "No one of your concern now get out." He hissed. I turned and ran as fast as I could and ran straight into Stefan. "Woah. Elena? What's wrong?" He said hugging me to him. "I was walking up the stairs looking for you and I heard Damon talking to someone in his room and I thought it was you but it turned out he was on the phone with someone. He was telling her how much he loved her and then he hung up after telling them goodnight. He kept calling girl baby. He turned and saw me and I think he was mad. He kept being rude and finally he told me to get out so I ran and that's when I bumped into you." I said. Stefan nodded. "Yeah. Damon is kind of upset right now. I'd stay away from him right now. He's pretty shaken up." He said. What the hell? Never had I heard Stefan stick up for his brother. What the hell was going on with the Salvatore brothers?