MaStar. Its smuttish. You've been warned. CONTAINS ALMOST SEXUAL THINGS.

Kinda OOC?

She supposed it was silly, really.

After all, Maka was a meister and a fighter. She was supposed to be graceful, coordinated, aware of her surroundings. She was supposed to be able to handle all kinds of situations, able to pull herself out of danger when necessary.

Which is why she was so surprised when she tripped.

Kid, Liz, Patty, Soul, Maka, BlackStar, and Tsubaki had been given the day off by Lord Death for working so hard lately. The gang had chosen to spend it by the pool at the Gallows Manor, where Kid had provided them with all the food, drinks, suntan lotion, and entertainment they could ever ask for.

Patti and Tsubaki were in the pool, splashing Kid and giggling like schoolgirls while he complained about asymmetrical water droplets. BlackStar was shouting about his almightly cannon ball, standing on the edge of the diving board while Soul shoved him and urged him on from behind, saying it 'wasn't cool to be scared.' Liz was suntanning, reading a magazine and painting her nails by the poolside, and Maka was curled up with a book in a deck chair. Music played from the portable stereo they had brought out, the food table was full, and the meisters and weapons were happy and carefree for once.

Maka was deeply captivated by her book, unconciously leaning forward so close her nose was almost touching it, and devoured the words eagerly.

...Souls are known to resonate during a highly excitable or extremely calm situation. However, the two types of resonation differ greatly. One is comparable to an explosion, with both souls so intensely focused and fired up that they can't contain themselves and they start to share energy, passing it back and forth faster and faster in an extremely powerful resonation. The other is soothing and relaxed, with both souls so comfortable that they cannot help but meld together, becoming one...

Suddenly, Maka was drenched in cold water. It dripped off her now-wet strands of hair and onto her book, blurring the words she had been so contentedly reading. Livid, she stood up and turned to face whoever had soaked her, planning to Maka Chop them straight to hell.

BlackStar stood there grinning, his arms crossed over his bare chest and the empty bucket by his feet.

"BlackStar what the hell?" She cried angrily, kicking the bucket into the pool and holding the thick book over her head threateningly. The others stopped what they were doing to watch the two most hot-headed of the group face off.

BlackStar shrugged and smirked. "You looked a little dry sitting here baking in the sun. Lighten up, Maka." He laughed loudly and walked away, leaving the blonde meister standing there, dripping and pissed.

Why does BlackStar have to be so obnoxious? She wondered, wrapping her towel around her bare shoulders and sitting back down. He's always so cocky and loud, I wish someone would put him in his place.

She felt a gentle hand on her shoulder and looked up. Tsubaki stood there, her face a picture of sympathy.

"I'm sorry about BlackStar. He means well, really. He just wanted you to join in the pool fun." Tsubaki said, smiling softly. Maka knew the weapon meant well but couldn't keep the sour look off her face.

"Yeah, well... our ideas of fun clearly aren't on the same wavelength." She growled and looked away, still mad.

"Yeah... Well the rest of us are going to the store, we're out of pina colada mix and Kid apparently needs a symmetrical number of pool floaties. You and BlackStar are going to be here by yourselves, can you handle it?" A look of concern flitted across Tsubaki's face. "You're welcome to come with us if you'd like?"

Maka rolled her eyes at the raven haired girl and shook her head. "I'll be fine, I really want to finish this book."

"Okay, we'll be back in an hour, try not to destroy the place." The taller girl laughed and went to where the others were waiting. They waved cheerfully to Maka, then left. She looked around. Where was BlackStar?

She spotted him sitting on a deck chair just like her, his hands behind his head as he leant back and enjoyed the sun. His tan almost glowed in the sunlight as he soaked up the rays with his eyes closed. Maka's eyes narrowed and a grin spilled across her face, now was the perfect time for revenge against the blue haired boy. She lifted herself from the pool chair silently and crept across the deck, reducing her footsteps and cancelling her soul's wavelength as she approached, so as to not alert the other meister. It would be so easy to tackle him and push him into the pool. Just one more step and-

Oof! Maka went flying, tripping over BlackStar's huge pile of comic books and falling right into his lap. Her fingers grazed the hard muscle of his abdomen and a blush quickly rose up, staining her cheeks a dark pink. She was in BlackStar's lap. Her face was resting against his chest. Can you say awkward? She thought as she wiggled to sit up, unintentionally grinding against the other meister. One warm arm had wrapped around her waist to balance her and keep her from falling and the other one was... in her hair? Maka slowly looked up to be faced with BlackStar lazily grinning as his hand stroked her wet hair.

"B-BlackStar, what are you doing?" She stammered, trying to escape his grip. Deep down, the caress felt good, and she didn't want him to stop, but she wasn't gonna admit that to dumb old BlackStar now was she!

"I told you to lighten up a bit, didn't I?"

"Y-yeah, but-"

"Then just relax!" He smirked. "You're in the hands of a God after all."

That did it for Maka. "Let go of me, you idiot! I don't want your 'godly' hands all over me!" She struggled to get away, but the blunette just held her tighter and leant in, his warm breath brushing over her face so their lips were almost touching.

"Oh, but don't you?" His eyes flashed with lust and Maka felt her soul twist in response. "I see the fire in your eyes, Maka. The desire to be the best at everything you do. The passion. You and I, we're more alike than you think. I've known you since we were kids; let me in." Her heart was racing, butterflies were slamming around in her stomach and her breath came in short gasps as BlackStar closed the distance between them.

The kiss was explosive; fire ignited inside both of the meisters as they fed off each other. BlackStar's hands were roaming up and down her body, trying to feel every inch of her soft, taut skin. In response, Maka moaned against his lips and squirmed as a lust filled shiver ran through her. BlackStar made a noise that sounded like a purr in the back of his throat and his tongue traced her bottom lip, begging for entrance. After a moment's hesitation, she complied, their tongues battling for dominance as she straddled his lap, her slender fingers tracing his muscles, the sculpted, sinewy planes that the blue haired boy worked hard for.

Their souls swelled as their excitement rose, and BlackStar broke the kiss for only a moment to murmur huskily against her lips:

"Soul Resonance." Immediately, the two souls flared against each other, passing the spark of energy caught between them back and forth, magnifying it until all Maka could feel was BlackStar's mouth moving against hers and his hands on her hips. She cried out, writhing in his arms as broke the kiss and embraced her, his head buried in the crook of her neck.

"Do you feel this, Maka? Do you feel the fire between us? All that pent up anger, all that... frustration, can be put to a much better use if you let yourself let go." His voice was muffled but the meaning clear.

Not bothering to reply, she weaved her fingers into his fluffy blue hair, marvelling at the soft texture of it, and the brilliant color. BlackStar pressed a kiss to her collarbone before sucking on the skin underneath. Maka giggled breathily and ran her fingers through his silky hair.

"A-are you making a h-hickey?" She asked, surprised by the shaky tone of her voice. He hummed an affirmation against her skin and her hands slid down his bare back, admiring the layers of hard muscle that curved over his flesh. His skin was just so... warm. Like he had grabbed the sun and trapped it inside himself, and was constantly radiating a warmth from his soul and body. Knowing BlackStar, she wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

BlackStar pulled back to admire his handiwork, grinning with satisfaction. He stood up suddenly, causing Maka to squeal as he caught her before she fell onto the hard pavement of the poolside. The blunette held her close, their souls still quietly resonating as he carried her bridal-style inside. Suddenly, her mind drifted back to her book. Their souls had resonated powerfully almost as soon as their excitement rose, just like the book had said. Interesting. Maka stored the information away for later as BlackStar kicked open a door which led to a (perfectly symmetrical) bedroom.

He laid her down gently on the king sized bed, before crawling on top of her and kissing her bare skin gently even as she caressed his. Maka felt the butterflies churning again and wondered if she was ready for this. She trusted BlackStar with her life, knowing that he had her back always and was a loyal and protective friend, but was she really ready to give him... everything? The blonde meister placed both hands on BlackStar's shoulders and pushed him back gently. He stopped immediately, pulling back to look into her eyes. Although his were clouded with desire, concern shone through too.

"Too fast?" He murmured, grinning cockily as her skin flushed and she nodded.

"Sorry." She looked away, only to have her chin gently pulled back to face him as the blue haired boy placed a careful kiss on her lips before rolling off her.

"Don't be. I've wanted to do that for Death knows how long. Just kissing you is enough for me, Maka." Instead of him walking away like she expected him too, Maka felt BlackStar's strong arms wrap around her waist and his face press into her hair as he spooned her.

"The others..." She trailed off as his fingers started to stroke her stomach gently, making something deep within her clench with an unexpected need.

"A God like me doesn't need to tell commoners of his personal affairs." He growled, his boisterous personality seeping through. But now, instead of finding it annoying, Maka thought it was... attractive. Snuggling back against the loud mouthed meister, she closed her eyes and focused on their souls, surprised to find they were closely resonating. Her mind reached out tentatively just as her soul did and she instantly brushed against BlackStar's mind. It pulled her in, strengthening the already buzzing telepathic link between the two. The last thing she heard before she fell asleep was a strong but fleeting thought from the blue haired meister.


How'd you like it? The next chapter is definitely going to contain full on smut. Just a warning. I LOVE THIS PAIRING SO MUCH. I couldnt resist. I read another fanfic where maka fell on blackstar and I just had to do this :D please R&R if you want another chapter! C: