Chapter One: Delaware and Pennsylvania

"FATHER!" A girl screamed from a different room.

I sighed, and reluctently turned off the Timberwolves VS the Celtics basketball game, and heaved myself up. "What is it? I was watching a basketball game!" I exclaimed, and pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose.

"Just get over here!" A boy called, then quickly added. "Please!"

I groaned, and sluggishly walked into the room where a boy and a girl were standing with their backs to each-other, and frowning with their arms crossed. I sighed. "What is it this time?" I asked, then crossed my own arms.

"Penn keeps calling me small becuase I don't have that much land area, she should show me respect. I am older and smarter than her." the boy growled.

'Penn' sneered. "So? That doesn't mean anything!" she snarled.

I was getting so sick of their fighting, and more importantly, I was missing my basketball game. "Delaware! Pennsylvania! BOW FACE!" I growled like a drill sergent.

Delaware and Pennsylvania quickly stood up strait, heel-to-heal, with arms at their side. I put my hands behind my back, and started to pace back and forth in front of them. I'm not usually like this, but when someone interruptes my sport games, I get angry. "Now, I don't want anymore fighting for the rest of the week, or else." I growled.

"Or else what, sir?" Delaware asked in his military voice.

"Or else, I'll have you banned from baseball games for a week!" I threatened.

They both gasped. "You wouldn't." They said unison.

"Oh, I would." I smirked.

They sighed, and looked at eachother, and shook hands. "Come on! Hug! Hug! Hug!" I chanted.

They looked at me as if saying: Seriously Dad? but hugged anyway.

"Awwwww, that's my boy...and girl. Now come on, let's go see if the Timberwolves and Celtics are still playing." I said, and went into the living room without another word. They followed me and settles beside me on the couch. I turned on the TV and saw it was a time out, It looked like Minnesota and the Timberwolves' coach was giving them a quick pep talk. While Massachusetts was practically celibrating, and shouting dirty words at Minnesota.

"Come on Hal! Give up! These Timbermutts are done for!" Massachusetts howled. His team laughed.

"Shut up Max!" was Minnesota's only reply. He turned back to his team, and started to get red in the face. One of his players asked something, then he bonked him on the head. "Focus!" he said to them as they ran back on the court.

The Timberwolves were down by two, and there was a minuet left. There was back and forth, there was a second left, and Ricky Rubio had the ball. He tried for a half-court shot. The buzzer sounded, and it made it in. Minnesota lept up from the bench and cheered, while Massachusetts stomped on the court. I laughed.

Delaware looked at me. "Weren't you rooting for the Celtics, Dad?" he asked.

"Nah, I knew Hal was going to win this one. I had money on it," I said, then shouted at the TV. "Ha Bert! You owe me forty bucks!"

Pennsylvania raised a brow at me. "Who's Bert?"

"Someone who owes me money." I shrugged.

A few minuets later the door burst open, and I heard Minnesota and Massachusetts walk into the house. "That was stupid! I totally kicked your ass. Then Rubio had to go and make that amazing shot." I heard Massachusetts say.

Minnesota laughed. "Sore loser." he teased.

"Take that back!"

"No, just stop being a baby and let me enjoy myself."

I heard a vase breaking, then looked over my shoulder to see Minnesota and Massachusetts wrestling on the ground. "Aren't you going to break them up Dad?" Pennyslvanian asked.

I shrugged. "Nah."

"But why? You broke us up when we were fighting." Delaware said, and heaved himself up from the couch.

"So? You were interrupting the game. It's fine now. They're just letting off some steam." I said, and waved my hand.

"Dad, they knocked down you're autographed baseball from Babe Ruth." Pennyslvania said.

"Okay. Someone is going to get hurt!" I said loudly and lept up from the couch.

After I said that, they immediatly stopped fighting. "We did not knock over his Babe Ruth ball!" they protested.

I looked at the table were it was supposed to be, and there it was. Sitting exectly the way I left it. I glanced at Pennsylvania who was grinning from the couch, her chin resting on her fists.

"Liar." I grinned.

"Something I picked up from you." she grinned back.

I walked over and gave her a bear hug. "That's my girl!" I said.

I'm guessing Minnesota and Massachusetts took that opportunity to slip away, becuase when I turned to tell them that they were off the hook, they were gone. I shrugged, and turned on the channel on the TV. "So who wants to watch John Wayne?"

"Dad! Could you come here for a second?" Pennyslvania called.

I groaned inwardly. When Pennsylvania sought me out it was either my opinion on something, or she wanted me to do something for her. I walked into her room and she held a sparkly blue dress up to my face. "Do you think I should wear this on my date tonight?" she asked. "Or do you think it's to flashy?"

I frowned and lowerd the dress from my face. "Date? With who?"

"Andy Joel." she replied shortly.

My frowned deepend. "How come I've never met him?"

"Becuase I didn't want to scare him away." she replied and rolled her eyes.

"Hey!" I protested. "I have feelings you know. I'm not always the super awesome hero to protect you and stuff. So if that boy hurts you, just call me okay?"

"Sure Dad, whatever you say." Pennsylvania said, and kissed me on the cheek.

Pennsylvania was getting ready to leave, it looked like she was giving her make up and stuff a last minuet check. "Honey, you look fine. Just go." I said.

Pennsylvania smirked and crossed her arms. "I didn't know you were so eager to get me out of the house, Dad." she remarked.

I frowned. I sounded eager? "Nah, I was just gonna play poker with the boys."

"The boys? All 44 of them?" she asked.

"No, not those boys. Japan, France, Lithuania, and Italy." I lied. Poker was next week.

"Alright have fun Dad." Pennsylvania said, hugged me, and left.

"Love you Samantha!" I called.

She just rolled her eyes, and waved. Andy Joel pulled up in a black new convertable, Pennsylvania hopped in. He quickly kissed her, then floored it. I narrowed my eyes, then shut the door. I hurried to the nearest phone, then called England.

I tapped my foot impatiently. "Come on, pick up Eyebrows." I muttered under my breath.

"Hello?" England growled irritably over the other side of the phone.

"England! I-I need some advice!" I stuttered.

"America? What for?" she asked, her voice softening slightly.

"Well, Pennsylvania went on a date with this guy, and, I feel like he's going to hurt her. I can't just go over there! She'd be embarrassed beyond belief," I confessed. "I-I need help."

"Yet you don't care if anyone else is embaressed." England muttered.

I frowned. "Shut up. If this is about London, I care about her, a lot. I care about you too."

England was silent on the other end. "England? Still there?" I asked.


"Good. now, do you have any advice?" I asked.

"Um, sorry America I don't. I have to hang up now."

"Oh, well, see ya England." I said and hung up.

I sighed, and slumped down on the couch. "Dad?"

I turned my head and saw Delaware standing there, looking worried. "Are you okay?" he asked and sat down on the couch next to me.

I sighed and shook my head. "No, I'm worried about your sister."

Delware nodded in agreement. "You should be," he said. "She's going out with Andy Joel right?"

I nodded, getting very interested now.

"He's a player. He'll probably want to have some 'you know what' with Pennsylvania in the middle of the date," Delaware said. "I would've tagged along, but Pennsylvania would've been curious of me being there without a date." he said and shrugged.

I was going to say something, then a lightbulb lit up my head. "Idea," I muttered.


"Nothing, just go get Maine over here would you?" I said and grinned.

"Dad! What is it? I was babysitting the Twin Cities, this better be good. If Minnesota finds out that I left them alone he'd kill me. And he wouldn't pay me!" Maine protested as Delaware and I made her follow us.

"Don't worry," I said optomistically. "I told them to behave, or else Grandpa will punish them."

I reached the nearest phone and waited for the person to pick up.


"France! Get your harry ass over here!"

"America? Why?"

"Well, Maine wants a makeover!"

"W-what?" Maine spluttered, then looked at Delaware. "Did you know about this?"

Delaware nodded. "But it's to help out Penn." he quickly added.

"It better not be a prank Colorado, Wyoming, and Minnesota are pulling again. Like last time." Maine grumbled.

"I'll be right over!"

I grinned as France hung up, and shook my head. "It's no prank, but I have to admit, the prank was pretty funny. And Wyoming was right, the bow was a nice touch." I smirked and patted Maine's head.

Maine's brow furrowed. "Dad, after we help out Penn, I am going to kill you."

After France's makeover Maine looked like a different person. She looked like her mother, exept modernized. She had a red dress, lipstick and her curly locks of brown hair tumbled down her shoulders. "You look swell Jenny," I said casually. "The boys will flock over where ever you're going."

"Andy and Penn went to a club!" Delaware called from his room.

I immediatly frowned. A club? God, what was that girl thinking? When I was her age, I went to saloons and drank whiskey 'till I dropp- Okay, maybe not the best example, but you get my point. "What club?" I asked and pushed my glasses back up the bridge of my nose.

"The Black Panther," Delaware said as he came out of his room. He looked very spiffy, well, spiffier than normal. He wore a red flannel, with a gray white long sleeved shirt under that, jeans, and some sneakers. He managed to tame his wild dirty blonde-almost brown hair, he got it from just rolled out of bed, to scruffy and not combed. I glanced at Maine who was staring at Delaware.

"Is that really you?" she asked dumbly.

Delaware nodded and frowned. "Do I look alright?" he asked and glanced at his flannel. "This one doesn't have barbacue stains on it, does it?"

Maine shook her head and walked over to Delaware. "Dang bro! I'd totally go out with you!" Maine whistled and slung her arm around Delware's shoulders. "I mean, if we weren't siblings." she quickly added.

"Um, yeah. So, can we go now?" Delaware asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"Yeah, the sooner we get Penn out, the sooner I can go to McDonalds and celebrate, now let's roll out." I said and grabbed my car keys.

I was parked in the parking lot for the night club 'The Black Panther' and tapped the steering wheel imaptiently. What was taking them so long? I felt something vibrate in my pocket. "OH CRAP SOMETHING'S VIBRATING IN MY PANTS!" I shouted, then realised it was my phone. I rolled my eyes at myself and checked the caller ID.


I frowned, why would London be calling me? I shurgged and answered it. "Hey kiddo." I said cheerfully.

"Hey Dad." London's voice said on the other line.

"What's up?" I asked and relclined my seat a little.

"Well, Mom said you called her today, is something wrong?" she asked her voice holding worry.

"Yeah, Pennsylvania has some boy-trouble. No biggie." I said casually.

"She said you still cared about me and her."

I nodded, then remembered we were talking over the phone. "I do. Very much." I said sincerly.

"Then promise you'll visit more often?" she asked.

"I promise."

Then I saw Delaware, Maine, and Pennsylvania exit the night club. "Gotta go, see you later!" I said.

"Okay, bye." she said and hung up.

I put the phone back into my pocket and unlocked the door so Delaware, Pennsylavnia, and Maine could get in. I just then noticed that Pennsylvania was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"A-Andy ditched me for his e-ex-girlfriend." she sniffed.

I frowned. "How about I go shoot him?" I suggested.

Pennsylvania shook her head. "No, it's alright. I just want to go home." she said shakily.

I nodded and drove home.

"Hey! Charles!" I called to Delaware.

Delaware flinched and turned around. "Yeah Dad?" he asked.

I frowned. "You act like I'm going hurt you or something. I was just going to ask if you want to go to the World Meeting with me." I said.

Delaware frowned. "You never asked me to go before." he pointed out.

I shrugged. This was true. "Well, all the countries are bringing their capitols and stuff, so, I decided to bring you!" I said and smiled.

"But, I'm not your capitol Dad, in case you forgot." he protested.

I rolled my eyes. "Well duh. But DC said he had plans today, so I decided to bring you!"

"Glad to see I'm your second choice." Delaware grumbled.

"Yeah! Let's go now, we can make it on time if we hurry." I said and grabbed my suitcase and Delaware's suitcase.

"Wait! You knew I was coming?" Delaware sputtered.

I nodded and kicked the door open. We hurried to my car, and I put the medal to the medal.

I sighed comfortably and snuggled into my blanket. "How are you taking the flight, Charlie?" I asked.

"I really don't want another drink. Yes, I'm out of collage. No, I have a girlfriend!" he said to the flight attendant who sighed and rolled her drink cart away.

I looked up from my blanket and frowned at him. "You don't have a-"

Delaware covered my mouth. "Shhhhh! They might hear you!" he hissed.

I removed his hand from my mouth. "They?"

"The flight attendants!" he said with an exasperated sigh.

"I wish I had girls flock all over me. You say it like it's a curse!" I laughed.

"I just hope all the girl capitols there won't hit on me. I already had atleast ten girls flirt with me, and one of them was an airport cop!" he exclaimed.

I frowned. "And you didn't even get the digits? Gosh Charlie, I haven't raised you right!"

Delaware was about to say something, but the captain's voice interrupted. "We will now be decending into Moscow, Russia. The descent will take about twenty minuets. The temperature is sixty-four degrees winds blowing to the north. I hope you have enjoyed your flight and continue flying with American Airlines."

"Hello losers! America and son are here!" I shouted as I burst through the door. I saw everyone's head turn and I saw Germany had a slide-show ready and everything. He must be talking about something stupid, like Global Warming. I saw my brother Matthew and England face-palm, Delaware did too.

"Nice of you to finally join us, America." Germany sighed.

"Hey! My plane was late! Don't blame me!" I exclaimed and sat next to England and London. Delaware sat next to me, and he was sitting next to Matthew and his capitol, Ottawa. Delware looked like he was trying not to notice Ottawa gawking at him.

"Now, let's get back to the meeting," Germany said and started about babbling about treaties and such. England glared at me. I held my hands up. "What?" I whispered.

"Why were you late? I know you, you were using the plane as a cover up." she huffed.

"I was not! I was serious that time!" I whispered furiously.

"Dad, sorry to cut into your conversation, but, can I switch seats with you? Ottawa is making me feel a little uncomfortable." Delware whispered and motioned to Ottawa, who had this dreamy look on her face and staring at Delware.

"Sorry dude. Matty'll talk to her." I whispered back.

Delware sighed. I heard Matthew say, "Sorry, she's not usually like this..."

I turned back to England, but just kept looking at Germany's slideshow presentation and acted all interested. Maybe she wasn't, you don't know with England. "I'm sorry," I whispered to her. "I did leave a little late, I was going to take an earlier plane, but I missed it."

She didn't even look at me, or reply. I frowned and leaned back in my seat, I saw London look at me and mouth, Sorry, she's a little crabby today.

I nodded, then mouthed back. Wait, she isn't always like this?

London rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to the slide-show.

"This is going to be a long meeting." I mumbled.

Delware was taking a shower, and I was sitting on my bed watching re-runs of Jersey Shore. Called Jersey Whore by everyone else. Don't get me wrong, it was a good show. Snooki is just misunderstood. Wait, did I mention that we were at a hotel in Russia? I'm surprised that they had even English speaking channels on TV. Heck, I'm surprised they had a TV.

I heard a knock on the door. "Charlie! Can you get the door?" I shouted and plopped down on my bed.

"Little busy right now Dad!" he shouted back.

I sighed. "Gotta do everything myself," I grumbled. I heaved myself out of my bed and opened the door. "I told you already! We don't want more towe-" I stopped mid-sentence when I saw who it was.

"Hello America," England said.

"Oh! Hey England!" I exclaimed.

"May I come in?" she asked uncertainly.

I nodded. "Sure!"

I opened the door wider to let her in and she sat down on my bed. "Just to warn you, Charlie-I mean Delaware is in the shower." I said and jabbed my thumb towards the bathroom.

"Good to know. Anyway, I came to apologize for being rude and not talking to you the rest of the day." England confessed.

I huffed. "Well you should be! I was trying to-"

I was cut off by England glaring at me. I sighed. "I accept your apology." I said.

"Good. Now, I'm going to be leaving. London is probably worried about me." England said and walked toward the door.

"Wait! Atleast let me open the door for you." I said and opened it with a slight bow, just to tease her.

England's face turned tomato red. "Thank you." she mumbled.

Before she walked out the door I put my arm around her. "See you later?" I whispered.

"O-okay." she stuttered.

I gave her a quick peck on the lips, then put my arm back to my side. "Goodbye." England said with a furious blush and walked away.

Author's Note:

God, this took me forever to write. But, it's done now.

So, next chapter is Minnesota, Wyoming, and Alaska.

Bios for Delaware and Pennsylvania:

Name: Delaware
Real Name: Charles Jones
Age: Looks 17
Personality: Delaware is a shy guy, he gets flocked by the ladies and the poor guy doesn't like it.
History: Go to Wikipedia

Name: Pennsylvania
Real Name: Samantha Jones
Age: Looks 16
Personality: Pennsylvania is an outgoing girl, she isn't afraid to go and fight for what she believes in.
History: Go to Wikipedia