Title: Change Your Mind

Rating: T (May change later)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: This is my first story so any comments/tips would be helpful. This is set during junior year of high school and is going to be eventual Faberry/ Brittana. It's completely AU btw :-) Hope you guys like it!

(Rachel's )

December 6th, 2010

Dear diary,

These last few weeks have been so very stressful on our family, dealing with the aftermath of the accident and legal issues. Finally, everything's been finalized and Britt is legally apart of the Berry family. She wants to return to our hometown in Lima, Ohio and go back to public school. The private school we'd been attending here in Massachusetts was great for performing artists and I finally found a place I could call home. I really don't want to leave and return to that hellhole in Ohio but if it makes Britt happy again I will.

Sincerely yours,

Rachel B. Berry

Closing my journal I try to let all of it soak into my brain and prepare myself for what's to come in a matter of days. Glancing over to the other side of my room and seeing Britt's body shaking in her sleep, I quickly decide that this isn't all about me.

Walking over to her and laying myself down on the bed, I start to rub soothing circles on her back. Softly humming an old lullaby in her hair, I feel her start to calm down and drift into a deep sleep. Closing my eyes, I feel myself drift off into a dream filled with happy memories from the past.

(Rachel's dream)

Turning onto her back, Rachel felt cold water splash on her face as she lay out on a tanning chair. Rachel sat up and glared at Brittany who was attempting to get Lord Tubbington into the pool, "Watch yourself Britt's, I know where you keep Sir Quacks-a-lot and we all know how much Lord Tubbington misses his special friend." Rachel smirked at the disgusted look on Britt's face and laid back down onto the chair.

Brittany shook her head quickly back and forth, "Please don't Rae, I had to wash him like a thousand times the last time Lord Tubbington found him. Still with the disgusted look on her face she continued, "I was so scared for him…. I've never seen Lord Tubbington act so mean towards someone who isn't you Rae."

Rachel quietly laughed at Brittany's innocence, "Trust me Britt's that cat wasn't mad. He was –" A soft hand moved in before Rachel could finish her statement and covered her mouth before anything inappropriate could be said.

A tall older version of Brittany towered over Rachel and slowly removed her hand from Rachel's mouth, "It's time to eat ladies hurry before your dad burns them even more Brittany, and Rachel please do your best to filter your mouth at dinner." Rachel laughed and said a simple "ok" before she joined Britt at the patio dinner table.

(End of Rachel's dream)

Feeling the sunlight hitting her eyelids, Rachel slid out of Brittany's bed and found the early riser had already packed up her side of the room as Rachel was sleeping. Groaning as blood rushed to her head she made her way to the bathroom and did her daily morning routine.

Throwing on some short shorts and a baggy sweater she grudgingly made her way down the steps towards the kitchen. Watching her dad's prepare breakfast while Britt packed up living room stuff, Rachel decided to help Brittany. Today would be their last day spent in this house which had been her home since 7th grade. As she picked up an old school picture of her mind flashed back to the last time she was in Lima.

(Start of flash back)

Monday October 29, 2007

Walking down the main hallway of William McKinley Middle School, the one and only Rachel Berry stopped at her locker and dropped her books off at her locker while trying to sneakily read her phone.

Opening up the instant messenger and checking for any new messages she sighed in disappointment when it was empty. Ever since August she had been chatting with a girl by the username "SkySplits" who she had met on a poetry site for teens.

Over time they developed a great friendship and knew each other's deepest secrets and flaws, despite never actually seeing one another in person. Rachel knew she was in love with the poet even if she never actually met her, even if "SkySplits" only knew her as "XxBroadway1DayxX".

Rachel sent "SkySplits" a video clip of her performing at a local community production yesterday along with a message declaring her love for the poet. Rachel never got a response which was very unusual since she always received a good morning message from the poet before school and "SkySplits" was online when she sent it.

Closing her locker and walking to her next class, Rachel saw various papers scattered around the hallway and out of curiosity picked one up. Seeing her instant message history filled with her secrets and the love letter she wrote printed out on this sheet of paper was more unexpected than the ice cold slushy she felt hit her face when she looked up.

Gasping at the freezing sensation and trying to wipe out the stinging corn syrup and ice out of her eyes; Rachel was in utter shock and confusion as a group of jocks dumped empty cups on the ground. Running as quickly as possible to the nearest bathroom, Rachel hurriedly washed her face in the sink and tried the best she could to get the slushy stains out of her favorite animal sweater.

Looking into the mirror she saw the picture of her performing attached to the love letter she wrote to "SkySplits". Written under the love letter was "Rachel Berry is a dirty Lesbian" that was all she managed to read before her vision was blurred by tears.

In her mind she wondered if "SkySplits" went to her school and immediately regretted her declaration of love online. With shaking hands Rachel fumbled for her phone and tried as best she could to dial her daddy's number. Sobbing into the phone all Rachel managed to get out was, "I need you daddy. Please hurry. I love you." Stuffing her phone into her backpack Rachel waited in a toilet stall for her daddy to come.

(End of flash back) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A/N: Did you guys like it? If so let me know.