"Japan… wake up!" someone yelled at me.

" P…Prussia?" I groggily realized, "Prussia, you're okay!" I said as I slowly remembered the walls around me and the bed beneath me as the safety of our base in this awful mansion.

"Of course! The awesome PRUSSIA is always okay!" Prussia boasted, "But… the way you said that makes it sound like you thought I wasn't."

"…I… saw you die." I said quietly after a long silence.

"You… what?" Prussia looked at me like I was insane.

"When we broke the first clock, I saw a memory. It was the time I found you, when you pointed your sword in my face." I explained.

"Oh, ja… sorry about that." He chuckled.

"Except this time, I forgot to lock the door. The thing burst in and was about to attack me; I thought I was done for. But at the last second, you jumped in front of me…" I could feel my voice waver.

"Tell me I beat the shit out of it?" He questioned.

"Hai… you did… but it got you pretty bad, too." I winced as the image of his broken body played in my mind over and over. "I insisted on patching you up and taking you with me, but you said it was over…"

"Did I… say anything strange?" Prussia wondered.

"Strange? Well… you tried to make me feel better by quoting a death scene from Romeo and Juliet… and…" I can't tell him that!

"And what?" He demanded.

"… It's nothing…" I lied, too afraid to tell him the only good thing from that nightmare, for fear of spoiling it.

"Obviously, it's something, if you intentionally stopped yourself." He observed.

"… Smartass." I remarked.

"Exactly… so tell me!"




"You have to!"

"No, I don't."


"Fine… but don't yell at me when you think it's stupid…" I finally gave in.

"I was the one who said it, wasn't I?" He scoffed.

"... You… asked if I was an angel… right before…. you said I was shining… like a beautiful angel…There. I said it." Picturing the memory in my mind, I couldn't help but smile as my heavy heart lifted a little.

"I… said… that…" Prussia seemed to be shocked.

"Hai, but it was just a dream." I nodded, while worrying inside that the worst would come true.

"You stupid idiot." He remarked under his breath.


"What the hell makes you think I would find that stupid?" He whispered.

"I don't kn—" My answer was muffled to silence as something warm reached my lips… Prussia… Prussia was kissing me…

"When… you were still unconscious… I heard you talking in your sleep…" Prussia said, breaking the kiss too soon for my liking. "You… said… you loved me."

"Hai," I confirmed, feeling my normally pale face flush, "that is correct."

"Well… ai..aishi? Aishi…te...ru… Aishiteru, Nihon." It was now his turn to blush.

"Ich… li…ebe… dich, Pre…u…ßen." I said, and promptly laughed, almost certain my German was a thousand times worse than Prussia's Japanese.

"What a beautiful laugh…" He said softly in my ear before kissing me again.