The scary maze game is a real game that I do not own.

Mokuba was playing a maze game that Jonouchi had e-mailed to him. It was too easy. Mokuba breezed through the first two levels. When he almost completed level three, an image from The Exorcist came up and scared him half to death. He fell backwards in his chair and landed on the floor. He went to go IM Jonouchi.

Mokuba- That was not funny. I fell on my ass.

Jonouchi- I didn't even know you knew the word ass.

Mokuba- That maze game was evil. I will never try it on anyone. Even if they deserve it.

Jonouchi- Why don't you try it on your brother?

Mokuba- Great idea!

Mokuba e-mailed the scary maze game to Seto and went to watch his reaction.

Seto opened the e-mail and clicked on the attached game. It was very easy for him. But when the scary image from The Exorcist came up, he screamed, punched a hole in his computer screen, and got up and ran into a wall. Unfortunately for him, Mokuba had recorded it on his cellphone and posted the video on Youtube.

In two weeks, just about everyone had seen the video, and Seto had tried to remove it at least 50 times. The video was very popular, that is until Jonouchi pranked Anzu with the maze game...

I do not plan to make Anzu VS. the scary maze game.