A/N: Hello all! I don't know if any of you noticed, but Imprinted was deleted. I don't know if/when it will be reposted, but I know I still wanted to write. Here is the new story that I'm working out. It was inspired by Jori week. Hope you all like it. R&R!

Tori POV

The girl has always fascinated me, but I had no clue why until recently. She went from being the biggest gank to me at school to my best friend every other time I saw her. She changed moods so fast it was like I had a permanent case of whiplash. Three weeks. That's how long it took me to figure out why she acted that way towards me and I have to say, when it finally clicked, I felt like the biggest idiot in the world. Jade has a way of doing that to me though. This makes no sense, right? Let me start from the beginning.

Three weeks ago...

"VEGA!" A loud voice shrills behind me.

I sigh. Why must she yell if I'm right here. I could just ignore her and keep getting my books, but then she'd just annoy me more. Might as well get this over with.

"Hello to you too, Jade." I replied as I turned to look at her.

"We need to talk, Vega."


"Not here."

I sigh again because I know what's coming next. Hold out your wrist. In 3, 2, 1.

"Hold out your wrist."

See. I held it out and she took hold then proceeded to drag me into the janitor's closet. I swear the one or two times he's ever here, she boots him out like this is her bedroom.

"Are you even listening to me, Vega?"

Crap! She was talking.

"Um … No. No, I wasn't. Look, Jade, can we make this a long story short type of things?"

She scowled at me and I really wish now that I'd been paying better attention.

"I asked you if you were doing anything after school today."

After school? What the chiz?

"Um, no. I was just going to work on the music for the lyrics that have been in my head lately. Why?"

She looked down. The look on her face told me that she wanted to say something, but was debating with herself. It typically doesn't go well in these situations. Ever since her last break up with Beck last month, the girl has been on a warpath when it comes to me. I was about to ask if there was something wrong when she finally spoke.

"D-Do you think I could come over? Maybe I could help or something."

I was shocked to say the least. She seemed so unsure of herself. That isn't the Jade West I know. I mean, we don't know each other that well with her hating me and all that, but I've never known Jade to hesitant or vulnerable unless it involved Beck or her Dad.

"You, Jade West, want to help me, Tori Vega, with something?"

"Well … Like yeah. It could be fun or something. Do you not want me to come over or something?"

My mouth was just kind of hanging open. I heard her question, but the gears in my head were spinning faster than I'd ever thought possible. She sighed and looked up at me like she was physically exhausted with my lack of answering her, but I couldn't help and be kind of resistant to the idea no matter how much I wanted to spend time with her.

That may be a little confusing, but here's the deal. Ever since the debacle with Ryder Daniels I spent a lot of time to myself trying to figure out exactly why it was that things keep going wrong with the guys I date and I came to three conclusions. One: I have horrible taste in guys. Two: I always try so hard because people expect me to be with typically good looking guys. Three: I am totally a lesbian. We'll revisit that last one more in depth later.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her. Shaking my head I realized I had yet to answer her question.

"If you didn't want to hang out with m-"

I interrupted her before she even finished.

"Yes! I mean, yeah. You can come over and help me with the music."

She smiled. Jade West genuinely smiled at me. I smiled back. Before either of us could say anything else, the bell went off and we were officially late for first period. I still had to get my books so I made a move for the exit. Just as I reached for the handle, she reached out and stopped me from leaving.

Looking at her over my shoulder, she said, "Don't worry about getting a ride from that harpy you call a sister. Meet at the Asphalt Cafe and I'll take you, okay?"

She still had that smile and it was so contagious. I nodded my head and she let go. Walking to my locker, I couldn't really believe that just happened. Jade West was willingly hanging out with me after school to work on my song.

Then it finally hit me … My song!

It's about her.

I banged my head on my locker and thought about how incredibly screwed I was.

A/N: Well, there you have it! Chapter one. Let me know what you think. Update will be at least once a week if not more. Until next time, my fellow furry friends. :)