I don't own Duararara!

There had always been something that has bothered Izaya. It wasn't anything big, but it still made the information broker wonder; it even made him a bit puzzled some times. But what was so interesting and puzzling to him? What could possibly be something that even the great Orihara Izaya couldn't really find out? It was simple, really, but then again to the raven haired man it wasn't all that simple. Not with his thinking. But what was the so-called puzzle? Well of course it was Ikebukuro's own monster, Heiwajima Shizuo, Shizu-chan, as Izaya would like call him.
But what was the thing that Izaya wanted so badly to know about him? It was simply everything. Izaya wanted to know all about him. Now you're probably wondering that why would Izaya, the one who hated Shizuo the most, want to know everything about the blond monster? There is a saying: "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer". And that was what Izaya wanted to do. It was his saying. But there was also something else he had always wanted to know: how could someone like Shizuo have friends? Or even people he could call 'friends'?

How could a monster have friends?

So the question that Izaya wanted to find out was actually: was Shizuo human after all? Could a monster like him have some humanity in him? And if he did then how did he get it?

And was Shizuo actually then just a human but with an enormous strength that he got when he was angry? These questions were on Izaya's mind when he went to bed and couldn't get any sleep or when he simply was bored. And today was no different. Izaya was lying on his black leather sofa under the stair case, bored to death and he hadn't found anything to do. It wasn't like he didn't have work, no; he always had work to do. But he wasn't in the mood for any right now.

"I'm so bored!" He wined and listened how his cry echoed silently in his empty apartment. Namie was away to see his dear brother, so the raven was alone. He knew he would die soon if he didn't get anything to do. Izaya sighed and lifted his arm to the air and looked at it. Why were hands so necessary anyway?

"Okay, that's it." He was far too bored. He was questioning the obvious. Or was he? Izaya sighed. "But what to do…" he didn't really feel the need to observe his precious humans at the moment. But he did want to do something big. Something that was worth his time, of course, and that wouldn't bore him easily.

"Oh!" Izaya smirked and quickly got up from the sofa and took his phone. He smiled and that smile turned into a smirk when he started texting. He chuckled as he pressed the 'sent' button. "Hehee…" Izaya hummed something as he skipped over his apartment, taking his phone with him and then his jacket from the sofa and slipped it on easily. "This is going to be so much fun!" Izaya sang and quickly went the stairs up, feeling his keys, wallet and phone in his pockets. And, of course, the "extension" of his arms: his switchblade. With everything important with him Izaya finally was out of his apartment with an evil smirk on his face.

And the text?

'See you soon, Shizu-chan!'


Izaya walked down the street, watching his precious humans walk past him. How foolish and fragile they all were; humans were so easily distracted and controlled. But enough of that, he wasn't here to see his humans. He was here to see his monster, Shizu-chan.

As Izaya walked and walked, finally reaching to Ikebukuro, he couldn't help but to feel excited and he smirked again. What would Shizuo do? Would he chase him around the city? Would he finally surprise Izaya? That could never happen, so no. Even though Izaya couldn't read Shizuo's movements at all and he knew nothing that went inside the blonds head, Shizuo was just too stupid to think about a strategy for himself. That was why he could never kill Izaya. Harm, yes, but never kill.

"So where is the monster?" Izaya asked silently and listened. There were only sounds of the traffic and people chatting, but not the sound the raven was seeking.

So Izaya decided to keep searching. If he couldn't find Shizuo, Shizuo would find him. After all Shizuo was always looking for him if he knew Izaya was close or then coming to Ikebukuro. Shizuo was always so desperate to see him, to kill him.

To crush him.

Izaya kept walking, looking for Shizuo. He continued to listen as well. If Shizuo was somewhere he could hear him, hence the deep listening.
So where could Shizuo be at 7 p.m.? He was at work with Tom, collecting debts. Izaya didn't have a clue where to go, so he decided to go to the park.
The park was a place Shizuo usually took his breaks. Maybe Shizuo was there already taking his break? Izaya smirked at the thought and pictured the situation: he would walk to the park and see Shizuo, who would of course sense him with his animalistic senses and he would smirk too with irritation. Shizuo would take the cigarette that he always had between his lips, between his two fingers and drop it on to the ground, stepping on it; crushing it. After that he would ask Izaya why he was here, maybe something about his text and then call his name, scaring everyone around him. "Izaya-kuuun" he would call him before taking something he could throw in his hands and then throw that something at Izaya, missing of course. How Izaya loved it all.

Before Izaya knew it, he had reached the park. It seemed that Izaya's day dreaming had leaded him there quickly. Izaya was amused by it all. "So where is my Shizu-chan…?"

"Excuse me, but are you looking for something? I can help!" said a women's voice behind Izaya.

Izaya turned around and saw a weird looking woman. "Oh, can you now? But how?" Izaya asked and couldn't help but to smirk again. Human really were so interesting…

"Yes! Just write what you're looking for here, please!" the woman smiled happily and gave Izaya a pencil and then opened her big writing board. Izaya smirked more and shrugged. It was fun so why not? So, he took a clean paper and wrote down 'I'm looking for… Shizu-chan, a.k.a monster' and drew a heart next to it.

"There… That should do it!" Izaya smiled and then gave the pencil back. The curly and blond haired woman, whose accent was weird but kind of funny, began to talk about how many people already had written something on her writing board booklet. Izaya didn't bother to listen to her much, but instead began to look over other people's writings. They really were amusing, at least some of them: 'my laptop' 'money' 'Kizzy (my cat), 'brain' and then the last one that made Izaya jump and then laugh a little. You would never guess what it was; 'the flea, a.k.a Izaya'. And it was just before Izaya's writing… Which meant Shizuo was just on top of Izaya.
After realizing that, Izaya looked bored and disappointed. But, at least that meant Shizuo was here at some point.

"Hey, you… Do you remember the last person that wrote here before me? And if you do, then where did he go?" Izaya asked and looked at the woman again, giving back her writing board.

"Yes I do, actually. He was blond and very handsome!" She smiled, "oh, he's here, actually, just behind you! Are you his boyfriend?"

"Izaya-kuuun…." Shizuo sang with his deep voice, making a shiver ran through Izaya.

"Huh, my boyfriend?" Izaya asked and then laughed. After Shizuo was close enough to hear him, Izaya turned around and looked at Shizuo, smirking. "Oh yes… He's my boyfriend alright."

"Huh?" Shizuo glared at Izaya and the glanced at the woman.

Izaya was far too amused to let his chance pass by him easily. So, he skipped over to Shizuo and smiled at him, what looked like he smirked to Shizuo, and then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "…" After that Izaya couldn't control it anymore; he started to laugh while Shizuo looked confused and angry as hell. "No, we're not a couple. We actually hate each other-"

"IZAYAA!" Shizuo roared and glared at Izaya with pure rage in his eyes. He sure was angry now. "What the hell did you just do?" Shizuo shouted angrily at Izaya, making the blond haired woman ran away in fear, screaming.

"Oh? Don't tell me you don't know what a kiss is, Shizu-chan?" Izaya chuckled mockingly.

Shizuo grunted and huffed, looking around and walking over to a trash can. "Didn't I already not to come in Ikebukuro? How many times do I have to repeat it to you flea? And why in Hell did you just do that?" Shizuo spat, taking the trash can, and glared at Izaya with all his hatred. It looked like the poor trash can would soon brake in Shizuo's strong grip.

Izaya smirked loving the way Shizuo only saw him in his hatred and seemed to lose all his reasonable thinking, if Shizuo even had that kind of ability. Probably not. "You know, Shizu-chan, that's never going to work" Izaya started to walk backwards and ignored Shizuo's question "it never has worked!" At this Shizuo threw the trash can in his hands at Izaya, who easily dodged it.

And so their game of cat and mouse began again.

"Aren't you being a little slow, Shizu-chan? Want to take a break?" Izaya sang at Shizuo who was taking another vending machine from the ground.

"Aren't you talking about yourself, flea?" Shizuo roared the last word, the name he called Izaya, and threw the vending machine at Izaya as hard as he could and then quickly grabbing the nearest street sign. Izaya dodged easily the vending machine but just when he had dodged it and turned to look how close the monster was, Shizuo swung the street sign at Izaya, nearly hitting him. If only he had been a couple inches closer to him, he would have hit him, making him fly God knows where.

"Oh! That was close Shizu-chan!" Izaya laughed, throwing a couple of small knives at Shizuo. "Starting to use you brains at last? Oh… Do you even have those, Shizu-chan?" Izaya chuckled and sighed. "Shizu-chan is so fun to play with…!" Izaya smirked and began to ran away from Shizuo again, Shizuo roaring and cursing at Izaya as much as he could.

"I'll kill you, flea!" the blond haired man yelled and threw the street sign at Izaya.

"That's what you always say but it doesn't seem like you can do it!" Izaya yelled back and laughed again, throwing few knives at Shizuo again. How had he, again, thought that there was something human in Shizuo? It seemed that every time Izaya was bored he thought about rather stupid things.

And it was always Shizuo he thought about; well, the blond man was a complete mystery to him after all.

"Are you his boyfriend?" Izaya remembered the question that the woman had asked him a while ago. Why would she ask such a thing?

The informant turned to look where Shizuo was when he turned to an alley. Surprisingly, it was a dead end. Izaya ran lazily to the wall and sighed. He turned around and saw Shizuo glaring at him with a street sign in hand, breathing a bit heavily.

"Are you getting tired, Shizu-chan?" The raven asked, knowing the answer he was going to get; after all, he felt the same.

"Tired?" the blond asked and laughed, taking a step forward, "not in a million years, flea! I'm just so close to kill you, since you have no place to run, and that makes me feel excited." Shizuo smirked and with a quick movement he sent the street sign flying towards Izaya. Of course the raven easily dodged the throw with just simply stepping aside. The sign made a big noise when it hit the wall. The sign then dropped with bang on to the ground.

"Not even close Shizu-chan" Izaya sighed and smirked back at Shizuo who now was walking closer to him. "And you're not going to kill me…" he took his knife from his pocket and pointed the blonde with it. "I'm going to distract you."

"Are you now?" Shizuo asked and glared at Izaya, trying not to jump on him and strangle him in a few seconds "and how are you going to do that?"

"Now, now Shizu-chan…"

"And don't call me that, flea!"

The black haired information broker chuckled, "if I told you how it wouldn't probably work. Though I doubt it."

Shizuo seemed to ignore Izaya as he launched himself towards Izaya, ready to grab him wherever he could. But of course, as talented as Izaya was, the raven just reached his arms towards Shizuo as well and grasped his shoulders. The feeling of Shizuo's strong back and shoulders made Izaya shiver a little; the feeling was foreign to him. And for a second their eyes locked, looking into each other's eyes. They both had passion – and as normal people would call it – lust in their eyes, but most of all want to kill the other.

"Wee!" Izaya laughed and made himself turn and then land on the ground perfectly, holding his arms straight above his head. "Okay Shizu-chan, I surrender!" Izaya chuckled, quickly and quietly saying, "just kidding."

Shizuo groaned quickly turning himself, trying to grab Izaya but was too far away from him. "Damn it…!"

"And you said you could catch me and kill me today! Shizu-chan you really are fun to play with…!"

"Shut up flea! And my name is Shizuo Heiwajima!" Shizuo roared, "and if you are so god damn intelligent, why can't you understand that?"

Izaya laughed took his switchblade back from his jacket's pocket. "But 'Shizu-chan' is a cute name. Don't you think so too?" Izaya smirked and looked at the former bartender into his honey coloured eyes, "Shizu-chan."

"…" Shizuo looked back into Izaya's eyes, pure range in them. "You're so dead…" he sighed, taking the already broken and gnarled street sign from the ground next to him. "Izayaaa!" And so he swung the sign at Izaya, who again dodged it easily and began to ran away from him, laughing.


The sky was shaded beautifully with orange, purple and pink; it was the calm evening sky. Izaya was sitting in front of his computer on his favourite chair, looking out of the big window. He was keeping a short break from working, which he had done over 7 hours without stopping. The black haired informant was thinking about his work and what he would do after he was done working. Would he tease his customer? Saying, 'you know what? I'm not giving you the information after all'. The man would probably beg for him to give it.

"What are you daydreaming about again? Can't you finish your work first?" Namie spat and gave him few files that Izaya had asked her to get.

"Oh don't be boring, Namie! I was just taking a short break! Even I need those sometimes…" the raven whined, looking at the woman he didn't like all that much, with a pained expression.

Namie scoffed at this. "Just finish your work so I can leave here."

"Say… Namie," Izaya began after a while, "do you think Shizu-chan is human, at all?" Izaya wasn't sure himself why he was asking such a question.

"About that Heiwajima again?" Namie sighed, "Isn't it your job to think things like that?"

"My job?" Izaya let out a short laugh, "I think everyone should think about it! But then again only I need to know him…" Izaya muttered the rest knowing that Namie would say something about him being into Shizuo. And things like that made him feel disgusted.

"If you want to know something so trivial about him, why won't you just hire someone to stalk him or something?" The already pissed off woman began to walk away from Izaya's desk. "Or you should just place cameras into his home."

Again the raven laughed, this time truly amused by Namie's words. "Place cameras into his home? Hire someone to stalk him?" Izaya tried not to laugh so much. "Dear Namie, I am not a stalker…"

"Well stop complaining about it then! Just continue to working already..." She kept a pause and then turned to Izaya, smirking and knowing just what to say. And Izaya noticed this and glared at her, also knowing what she was going to say. "Or do you…" she began, seeing how Izaya was already getting angry, "… want to know everything about Shizuo because …"

Izaya glared at Namie and then smiled quickly, "are you sure you want to say it?"

That didn't seem to scare Namie at all. Instead it seemed to amuse the woman and she continued her sentence, "Because you actually like him?"

That made Izaya glare at Namie with almost furious eyes. "Namie… Do you remember who pays your pay check?"

Namie shifted a little and then glared at Izaya. "It was a joke…" she sighed. Izaya knew that bringing up money would shut her up somehow. Still, she wasn't the type who could be blackmailed easily and Izaya knew this. Still she wondered why the Heiwajima was such a big thing to him – or why it was such a sensitive topic. "But why do you want to know so much about him anyway… He's just another man who just has anger issues."

"Big anger issues. And he is not "just" a man. He's a monster with one's strength." Izaya added.

"Whatever. Talking about him with you is impossible since you seem to deny everything that might be normal about him." Namie walked away, "just do your work and let me out of here!"

Izaya sighed, mumbling something about Namie being a bitch and that he should fire her soon.

As the informant started to get back to work, he thought about Namie's words. A stalker after Shizuo… That wasn't fun at all, because he wanted to be the one to stalk him! Just thinking about it made Izaya feel sick. Stalking Shizuo like he was obsessed with him or something and Izaya didn't want that. Plus it was impossible, since Shizuo would probably sense him somehow. What about the camera thing then, would that work? It amused and thrilled Izaya somewhat. He imagined himself watching Shizuo from his laptop when Shizuo was in his own apartment, doing daily activities. Did Shizuo even have an apartment? Did he live on the streets? Izaya wouldn't be surprised if it would be like that, since Shizuo would smash everything in the apartment easily, breaking everything. And thinking about Shizuo doing something normal didn't seem possible to Izaya and he shook his head.

"…" Izaya remembered that he did, in fact, have a camera that could be connected to his computer. He had once used it even. "I am curious…" Izaya chuckled a little. It certainly wasn't a boring idea, not at all. "It's settled then!" Izaya sang and felt thrilled again. "First I need to find out where he lives…" Izaya muttered to himself, already turned to his computer and typing into his search engine 'Shizuo Heiwajima'.

Oh yes… This was certainly going to be interesting.

So here is the first chapter! I actually wrote this really fast because I just suddenly wanted to write a Shizaya fanfic... I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! I would be happy if I could get some reviews, really. They make me so happy ;u; ~