"How do we do this again?" Romano asked curiously looking at the ingredients with a bit of a frown. His twin brother Feliciano had decided that they should try making banana pudding for their picnic today. He said it was really big in the southern United States, and his friend Alfred Jones in New York had shown him how to make it when he went to visit him last summer.

Feliciano was ecstatic to try it, but Romano was a lot more hesitant. He liked bananas, but he had never been too keen on foreign dishes. Even when Feliciano tried to call it 'Zuppa di Banana,' to make it sound more Italian, he was still hesitant. "Well first, we preheat the oven to 175," he said pointing to the stove.

Romano nodded. So far it was easy. He started the oven and then read the next directions from a little slip of paper Feliciano was holding. "Line the bottom and sides of a pie plate with vanilla wafers and banana." He took Alfred had meant slices and cut the banana into thin even slices. He could not find a pie plate, so he used a trifle bowl instead. They seemed the same to him. Maybe.

He had just finished with the lining when Feliciano was placing the pudding mixture on the stove. "I'll stir," he said and grabbed the wooden spoon from Feliciano's hand.

Feliciano nodded and hummed grabbing ingredients for sandwiches. He glanced over at Romano still humming, and saw he was busy with the pudding. He took the chance and slipped some wurst into their picnic basket. He managed to do it just in the nick of time because Romano turnt around with the pudding right then. He began pouring it over the wafer cookies.

"Only half," Feliciano reminded him, which Romano scoffed at. He knew what to do. Okay. He had not, but he could have guessed.

Romano grabbed the directions once more as Feliciano started on the second layer of wafer cookies and banana. "Do we have to do the meringue?" he asked with a questioning downturn of his lips.

A quick nod was his answer as Feliciano explained they had to do it right other wise it would taste funny, and he wanted it to be absolutely perfect for Ludwig.

Romano had rolled his eyes at that. He grumbled and started on the meringue, which turnt out to be more difficult than he expected. He almost added too much sugar at once.

"Grazi fratello," Feliciano hummed with a beaming smile as he took the glass bowl Romano had made the whipped topping in and spread it on the pie. "Now all we have to do is bake it!"

"Bake what?"

Both brothers turnt around quickly at that. Two young men stood in their kitchen doorway. "Oi! You two bastards weren't supposed to be here until another...," Romano quickly glanced at the kitchen wall clock, "... thirty fucking minutes! Why are you so early?" He scowled furiously and hid the pie behind his back. Feliciano quickly grabbed it, and in a blink of an eye it was popped in the oven in a hopefully smooth and unnoticed manner.

"What did you just put in the oven?" the shorter of the two men asked with a glint in his red eyes.

Okay. Maybe they were not as smooth as they had thought.

A surly frown came across Romano's face. He would have looked even angrier if there was not a flush accompanying it. "Nothing! Nada!" he said going and pushing the two out the door. "Go back outside and wait thirty minutes until we're ready!" he huffed making them to the livingroom. After that, Gilbert dug in his heels and whirled around to meet red eyes with hazel.

"Liar," he said with a smirk.

Romano flushed darker being caught in his lie. He stamped his foot in a frustrated manner. "It's a surprise, so go!"

Before Gilbert could retort to that, Feliciano finally decided to assist him in his arguement. He came in with a hand lazily on his hip and a spoon held in a tsk'ing motion in his hand. "Roma is right! We can't have you two ruining our surprise! We worked hard on it!" He pouted a bit then and stared the two German brothers down.

Ludwig was the first to give. A sigh left his lips and he rubbed back his blond hair with the palm of his hand. He nodded. "Okay Feliciano, but we will be right outside on the swing," he said pointing to their porch.

Feliciano beamed and happily pecked Ludwig on the cheek. "Thank you Ludwig," he said cheerfully now that he had gotten what he wanted.

Romano rolled his eyes and simply pointed at the door. "Bye," he said and then went back into the kitchen.

It was sunny and bright outside, the perfect weather for a picnic. Gilbert sat boredly on the swing next to Ludwig, kicking his feet back and forth. "I don't see why we could not have just found out what they are up to," he said playing with a flower he had found at his feet.

Ludwig shook his head. "No. They want it to be a surprise, and we shoul-"

Gilbert interrupted him with a small whip sound. "You just do not like Feli to be mad at you West," he said with a laugh. He laughed even harder when Ludwig did not reply. He managed to calm down to chuckles, and then finally a small smile pointed to the clouds. "I think the twins are cute when their angry." He said 'twins,' but he was thinking of one in particular.

The rest of their time was spent in silence with the exception of Gilbert pointing at a cloud that looked remarkably like a cat or a dog. He had just pointed out one that held a striking resemblance to his precious Gilbird when Romano and Feliciano came out of the house. Feliciano was wearing that drippy grin of his, whilst Romano's usual sour face was dancing toward a smile. "Let's go," he commanded grabbing Gilbert's hand to lead him to the sandy beach right in their backyard.

Feliciano did the same with Ludwig, swinging the picnic basket in his freehand. He babbled about how much fun this was going to be, and managed to get a small smile from the one walking with him.

Gilbert looked toward Romano and was surprised to find he was looking right back. Romano quickly looked away and directed his gaze toward the sky. Gilbert felt a devious and mischevious grin spread across his features as a wicked idea came into his mind.

There was a small yelp as Romano was lifted and tossed onto a bare pale shoulder. He screamed out vulgarities and insults in vain, his flailing limbs exclaiming his protests coming to no avail. He fell into the warm water with a loud splash and another cursing yelp.

After a bit of floundering, his head bobbled up. He coughed up a bit of salty water and brushed some his bangs from his face. "What the hell Gil-?" he did not get to finish before screaming again as Gilbert dived where he was splashing water all around him and back into his eyes. He rubbed them furiously and then splashed Gilbert right back. "No splashing! Hey!"

Ludwig and Feliciano watched the scene from a blanket on the shore. Feliciano laughed lightly and leant against Ludwig's broad and tan back. "They're silly aren't they?" Romano was screaming still, but now there was laughter mixed in.

Ludwig tilted his head downward, and smiled softly at the lean man sitting against him. "Yes. They are very silly," he said with a nod and a chuckle.

They were silent for a moment. Feliciano was smiling warmly with his eyes focused on their older brothers playing in the Meditteranean. He hummed a wordless song and reached over for the basic. "We made sandwiches," he said. "This one's yours. I put wurst on it. Can you put wurst on sandwiches?" he asked as he handed it to Ludwig.

Ludwig smiled at him, a bit of a flush seen faintly across his face. "Of course you can. It looks very good." He pretended to inspect the sandwich and heartily approve with a nod, resulting in a wide and content smile from Feliciano.

Feliciano tugged out his own sandwich, and nibbled on it still humming. He looked over at Ludwig in thought. He took one more bite from his sandwich before crawling off the blanket to the sand. He flopped down and began making a small mound.

He crawled about, appearing to not notice Ludwig staring at him curiously. He collected seashells, rocks and strands of light-coloured sticks. After a while, he stopped and tilted his head to the left. Then he tilted it to the right. "Look Luddy it's you!" he said making Ludwig nearly choke on his sandwich.

"I... suppose... it is...," he said slowly with a bit of laughter in his eyes. It had straw for hair and blue seashells for eyes. The rest was purely shaped with sand and water and had a not-quite likeness there. Still, it was pretty decent likeness to him. "It actually looks like me."

There was a loud splash as Romano emerged from the water on Gilbert's shoulders. "Hey! Kleine Tomaten says there's pudding! Ow!" He rubbed his head a bit and scowled up at Romano threatening to drop him if he whacked him upside the head again.

So Romano kicked him.

He yelled as he tumbled into the sand.

"I'm breaking up with you!" he scowled sitting up with a huff on the blanket.

Gilbert laughed and grinned at him. "No you're not."

Romano bit into a sandwich angrily because he knew Gilbert was right. His eyes caught on the sand sculpture. "What the hell is that?" He stared at Sandwig plankly and then stood up to inspect it closer. He hardly even noticed that his sandwich had wurst in it due to his own curiosity. He looked at Ludwig, then at the sand sculpture. He went back and forth for a few moments before a wicked smile spread on his mouth. He grabbed two pieces of seaweed and placed them below his nose. "Ha! Now you look stupid as a sculpture and as a person!" he announced triumphantly.

Gilbert laughed loudly at that finding it hilarious. Ludwig, however, looked unamused. He was about to say something about their childish actions when Feliciano intervened. "Zuppa di Banana!" he shouted loudly to catch their attention. He handed everyone a spoon. "It is a lot more fun to eat it all together don't you think?"

Gilbert nodded popping a spoon into his mouth contently. "And yummy too!" He grinned.

Romano was eating it more hesitantly. He still did not trust this weird pudding thing even after he had helped in the making of it. He was still contemplating whether to put the spoon in his mouth when it seemed to take a life of its own and push past his lips. He swallowed before he choked, tasting it on his tongue.


When had Gilbert gotten so close? Romano scooted back a bit. "... Not that bad."

A smirk was playing on Gilbert's lip then, and there was something in his eyes that Romano recognised too well. "Better taste then, hmn?" he suggested and leant in closer despite Romano's protest that 'hey, our brothers are right fucking here' or perhaps 'hey, wait sand on my back.'

Feliciano stifled a small laugh behind his hand as he leant up and pecked Ludwig on the lips. He smiled happily and stood. "How about we take this chance to give them some 'bonding time,' and have our own little walk?" he asked innocently reaching for Ludwig's hand.

Ludwig took it, and found that rare smile and light flush that only showed the most genuine when Feliciano was there. "Sounds like a great idea Feliciano."