I know that all of you are probably mad at me right now for this, but it has to be done. I just didn't like where my other story was going so I looked it over and I'm starting fresh. No more magical voodoo things that aren't real in the original series. This time it's going to be my way and not just some copy stupid magical "Rose has special gifts thing" that I was going to do.

This is the new modified version of Walls Stronger Than Ever and I really hope that you guys like this because I've spend the past two months preparing this for you guys.

Well I'm going to stop wasting your time I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing (dramatic sigh)

Previously on Breaking Her Walls

"You will go and you will never come back nor will you contact Dimitri while you are gone." I knew that she knew that I was using compulsion on her, but she wasn't strong enough to fight it. Tears were leaking down her eyes as she simply nodded.


Rose pov

Everything was fine, or at least that's what I was told. This wasn't how things were supposed to turn out. I was supposed to be with Dimitri right now walking up that stage. A cold smile made its way up to my face as I thought about Dimitri, my one and only love.

He would be mine soon, all mine.

"Are you ready Rose?" I turned and smiled.

Everything was ready.

Dimitri pov

It was graduation day today, but I felt anything but happy. Everyone else felt the same way as I did even though they hadn't been friends with Roza long they still felt like she was one of our big happy families. Then our Aunt got involved and ruined everything. Ever since then the Conta twins have been following us around like sick puppies and it really was sickening.

I didn't necessarily hate them, I just hate what they're doing. Today was the supposed announcement of our engagement, but the gang had purposed a plan of sorts to get us out of it. The whole school had found out about the situation and was supporting us fully. It seemed that they only people who didn't know about our plan were the twins and our Aunt herself.

"Prince Ivashkov," I was taken out of my inner ramblings when I heard someone say my name, or my official title, I looked up to see Rose's Mom staring at me with hopeful eyes. "Do you really think that this will work?"

"I hope so," I said it more along the lines to myself but she still bought it. honestly I haven't seen or heard of Rose ever since she left. The bond has been numb and void so I hadn't been able to communicate with her all which really infuriated me. I had tried so hard to get in contact with her, but nothing was working. I think that I saw Janine leave and the rest of the gang walk into the room with solemn looks in their eyes.

"Hey Dimitri," Christian said to me. The girl's said their goodbye to their boyfriend's before leaving the room. They guys gave Adrian and I their condolences and told us that everything was going to work ut in the end and by the end of the month. Rose and Sydney would be with us, and everything would turn out okay. We would all get our happily ever after.

"Come on guys it's time for us to go," Eddie said as we all started walking towards the auditorium for graduation. I had on a simple dress shirt and dress pants for formal occasions, but it was something that Tatiana had picked out for me so I immediately hated it because of that reason.

"Today," Kirova began giving me a wink. Of course she knew about our plan for today, "We celebrate the graduation of the class of 2012 from St. Vladimir's Academy." First came the moroi starting with the beginning of the alphabet. I watched as Lissa went up and got her diploma giving the first real smile that we've all seen in months.

Too soon it was my turn to go up.

"Dimitri Ivashkov," Kirova called out. I stood proudly and walked up to the podium where Kirova gave me my diploma and Alberta gave me a wooden cross. She gave me a hug and whispered into my ear.

"Good luck Dimitri and don't worry we'll get Rose back to you," she said and I hugged her back. I sat back down in my seat as all of the other moroi and dhampirs were called up and named as graduated. Then it was time for our speeches. Adrian and I went last and I was the one taking the podium since I was the one most affected by it.

"As you all know Adrian and I are in arranged marriages with the Conta twins over there," I pointed to them. They both had huge grins on their faces like they just won something big. God if only they knew what I was about to say next. "However we are declining the marriage."

"What!" I saw Tatiana and the twins getting up in outrage.

"I will never love anyone other than Roza she is my world and I will not let you," I pointed at them, "or any other person in the world tell me that I can't be with her. I love her more than life itself and if I didn't have her then I would kill myself, or worse." No one needed to know what "worse" meant. "I will never love them," I snarled. Everyone except for my Aunt and the twins were cheering as everyone got up on their feet, but that was before a shrill alarm cut through the room and everyone froze.

It was a strigoi attack.

Panic that was evident everywhere I could see there was panic. The guardians and the newly graduated novices were out and ready to defend us with stakes. They were all surrounded in a big circle between all of us and I was close to the edge with the rest of the gang.


It was too quiet all you could hear was the blaring alarm of the strigoi alarm. It was deafening, but nothing was happening.

It happened too suddenly.

All of the windows shattered and I could see dozens of strigoi running into the building until they were all surrounding the circle of guardians and the novices. They were all barring their fangs at us. Then all heck broke loose. All I could see were the guardians fighting the novices until I felt Mason grab my shoulder. All of the novices were leading the moroi out of the building and into the church next door.

I left the room and saw that multiple guardians were going down, but a majority of the strigoi was almost gone. I would've stayed there until I felt someone grab my shoulders. Their hand covered my eyes so I assumed that it was Mason or Eddie that had come back to help me and didn't want me to see the bloodshed. I don't know if my stomach could handle it. The running continued and soon I felt myself growing in confusion. This wasn't normal the church was supposed to be right next door to the auditorium and yet it seemed like the running was going on forever.


I got no response.


Still no response.

"Guardian Petrov?"

Okay now I was starting to get scared.

"Any guardian?"

God how desperate was I getting. Using only very few of the moves that Roza taught me I struck out the persons (what I hoped to be) their ankle. Obviously the person wasn't expecting this move because they curse out and let go of me. I took off in a mad dash before looking at all of my surroundings. The woods, I was too deep inside of the woods way outside of the wards for my own liking. A twig snapped from somewhere near me so I whipped around and tried to find the person.

Another twig snapped from behind me. I know it was useless but I picked up a sharp wooden stick and held it in a defensive position just like Roza had taught me.

Suddenly I was on the ground with a strigoi pinning me there. The strigoi was fast and lunged her face into my neck but I used all of my remaining strength to shove the makeshift stake into her chest. She gasped in pain as I shoved her off of me and started running with tears streaming down my eyes.

It was impossible.

It was impossible.

It wasn't true.

This was all a dream.

I had no idea where I was running to I had just taken off in a mad dash away from her. Unfortunately my feet led me to a clear field.

Another twig snapped.

And another.

And another.

And another.

The figure stepped out of the darkness as the moonlight highlighted each and every one of her features. That brown hair that I loved so much was the only thing that I recognized in this monster. Her skin was chalk white pale, but what really hit home was her eyes.

Those deep brown eyes were now rimmed in red.

"You have a horrible aim Comrade."

Well what did you think?



Was it better than the other version?

Please give me everything you've got and I hope that you review.

Love to all