This is a new story, with a little kid in it. Of course. I don't own PJO, though I really wish I do.


Katie coughed once, sniffed twice, and then got back to gardening. She pushed her brown hair off of her green eyes and sighed. She was tired, but she was also the only one working in her garden. The rest of the Demeter cabin was in sick.

Katie was the only one who was in any condition to even try to work in the garden, and there was absolutely no way that she was going to let it grow out of control. Even in her weakened state, the plants thrived under her touch.

She coughed again, and then decided to call it a day. She went back to her cabin to tend to her sick cabin mates. Chiron had asked them to heal in their own time instead of using ambrosia or a healer so that they could gain better immunity and be able to survive during winter or if they just got sick outside of camp.

Katie helped her siblings, and then went out for dinner. As she walked, the ground seemed to swim between her eyes. Suddenly, her world went dark.

When she woke up, she was in an enormous bedroom. There was a woman – the most beautiful woman Katie had ever seen, sitting calmly on a throne. She smiled down at Katie, and she almost grew dizzy again at the sight of the lady's dazzling smile.

"Hello, Katie." The lady spoke. Her voice was like thick honey, oozing on top of Katie.

"Hello, Lady Aphrodite." Katie managed a weak bow.

Aphrodite smiled slightly. "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I know you and your cabin are having health issues. I have decided to help you, whisk away your siblings to an Olympus hospital for a month, and fix you all right up. However, there still needs to be one child of Demeter in camp. I thought, perhaps, I could give you a crash course in fixing up your health, and leave you at camp while your family let's nature take its course."

Katie grinned. "I would like that very much, Lady Aphrodite."

Aphrodite beamed. "This won't hurt a bit, but it may have some unusual side effects. You'll wake up in the Big House.

Katie's smiled dimmed just a little. What did she mean by unusual side effects?

Before she had a chance to ask, once again, she saw nothing but black.

She woke up in a bed in the Big House. She sat up. Why did the room look so big?

Katie glanced at herself in a mirror hanging on the wall, and screamed.

She looked like a baby! She was four years old! What was happening? Why was she four years old?

Someone opened the door, and Chiron trotted in.

"Ah, Katie. I see you've woken up, and discovered that when Lady Aphrodite means fix you up, she means turn you several years younger and wait for a few weeks while you grow up. You'll be fine by the end of the month." Chiron explained. "You need to rest now. I'll come back later, after we figure out who will take care of you while you gain your age back."

Katie lay down sleepily, silently trying to cope with the fact that she was four again.


Chiron had called the entire cabin inside the Big House and had explained what had happened to their arch enemies, the Demeter cabin. Now, everyone was sitting in a shocked silence, trying to get the fact that Katie was a little girl wrapped around their minds.

"So, I am asking you to take her in for a few weeks. Just a little while, really." Chiron finished.

Everyone turned to look at Travis, because they all knew about his secret crush on Katie Gardener. Connor has a big mouth.

"I guess, it wouldn't be too bad. I mean, she's four, right? How much trouble could a four year old Katie Gardener be?" Travis muttered.

Everyone nodded. Yes, Katie was a sweetheart. She wouldn't be too much trouble.

"But, Travis, you are so in charge of her." Connor voted.

Everyone nodded. "Your idea." They agreed.

"Whatever. You guys will help me, right?" Travis asked.

Everyone looked away guiltily. Travis frowned.

"Glad I can count on my family." He grumbled.

"Is it a yes?" Chiron asked.

"Yes." Travis sighed.

Chiron turned to go inside, presumably to tell Katie. A minute later, a loud scream was heard throughout the camp.

"NO! NOT THE HERMES CABIN!" Katie shrieked. Travis winced visibly.

"I'm sorry, Katie, but the Athena cabin just didn't have time, the Poseidon cabin is on a quest right now, and the Apollo cabin is scared of you. They were the only people we knew you would be remotely comfortable with." Chiron reasoned.

"Anything but them. I'll stay in the Big House! I'll live alone! Not the Hermes Cabin!" Katie howled. "I'll stay with the Aphrodite kids! Please!"

Chiron dragged in a kicking and screaming Katie. Travis couldn't help but stare. Her thick brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her big green eyes were filled to the brim with tears that were threatening to spill over any minute. She was wearing a blue T-shirt, and jeans, with sneakers. She looked cute as a kid.

She stopped screaming when she saw them, but she still held her place.

"Hi, Kit-Kat Katie." Travis waved.

Katie glared at him. "Don't call me that."

Travis chuckled slightly. Her threatening gaze looked adorable on her small face.


She was going to be stuck with Travis Stoll! This was a nightmare! How was she going to cope with this? Wait, a second. This was Travis Stoll she was going to be with. As in, the guy who always acted so immature, she got frustrated when she just saw him. So if he had to take care of her, why not make it as miserable for him as possible?

Katie slightly brightened at that thought, but she didn't let it show on her face.

"Come on, Katie. Do you have any clothes you want to bring or pack?" Chiron prodded her gently.

"None that fit." Katie snapped.

"Well, I think Drew from the Aphrodite cabin can deal with that for you." Chiron suggested.

"I don't like Drew." Katie said flatly.

"Perhaps, Travis could take you shopping?" Chiron looked over to him, who shook his head quickly.

"Well, maybe you can find something from one of your sisters?" Chiron recommended.

"None of them are four." Katie reminded him.

"Well, perhaps you can go to training practice, which is where the Hermes Cabin should be right now?" Chiron proposed.

"Do you have a sword for someone my size?" Katie muttered.

"Why don't you just go with the Hermes Cabin back to their cabin?" Even Chiron was starting to sound exasperated.

Katie grabbed onto his leg.

"No! Don't make me go!" She cried.

"Katie…" Chiron started gently. He looked up and gave the Hermes Cabin a helpless look.

"Well, that's all fine and cool, but I want to get home. Hey, maybe I should take the shortcut, since all of the Demeter kids won't be here to stop me…" Travis started out the door.

Katie may have a lot going on, but nothing was going to stop her from protecting her garden.

"TRAVIS STOLL! DON'T YOU DARE GO NEAR MY CABIN!" Katie screamed. She hurled herself after him.

He kept an eye on her distance, always slowing down when Katie dipped in her speed. He went fast enough so that Katie couldn't catch up, but slow enough so that she could keep him in sight. The rest of the cabin followed the little girl slowly.

"Brilliant idea, Travis." Travis muttered to himself.

Katie dashed after Travis, until they reached the Demeter cabin.

"Don't cut through!" Katie panted hard. She finally reached him, and caught her breath.

"Being a kid take out the stamina you had?" Travis teased.

She stuck out her tongue at him. "You would know."

"Come on. Are you sure you really don't have any more clothes in your cabin?" Travis asked.

"Of course I'm sure." Katie confirmed.

"Let's go head over to the Aphrodite cabin, then." Travis stated.

"No! I hate Drew. I'd rather stay in these clothes for the rest of my life then ask her for a favor." Katie grouched.

"Fine, you don't ask her for a favor, I'll ask. In fact, I'll do all the talking. You just stand by the side and wait in case she needs measurements." Travis suggested.

"No." Katie said stubbornly.

"Or you could head over to my cabin and wait for me to come back with somebody to take your measurements." Travis continued.

Katie sighed. "I'll come with you."

"Good. Hey guys, you can head back to the cabin. It's free time now. We're going to head over and see if we can find Katie any clothes." Travis informed the rest of his cabin.

"Have fun." Connor winked. "You just love her, don't you, Katie?"

"I hate her." Katie corrected absently. She hadn't noticed that Connor had been teasing.


Katie was really upset about having to go to the Aphrodite cabin, because the full way she kept confirming what she had to do.

"So then I'll stand on your right, kind of out of sight, and wait. If she doesn't need any measurements, then I'll try for her to not see me. If she does, then I'll let her see me, but I won't say anything." Katie mumbled.

"Just relax Kit-Kat Katie. Let me do the talking." Travis reassured her.

"That's what's scaring me the most." Katie grumbled.

One knock at the door was all it took before it was thrown open by an angry Angelica.

"What do you want?" She snapped.

"We're here because this certain young girl doesn't have any clothes that really fit her, and we were hoping that someone here could help get her something to wear." Travis smiled brightly.

Angelica flipped her long, golden hair over her shoulders and beamed, the rage from her eyes fading away.

"I'd love to. I'd don't need measurements, just give me two minutes." Angelica ran back inside, shutting the door on their faces.

"At least it wasn't Drew." Katie breathed a sigh of relief.

Travis shook his head, looking down at her. His mop of curly brown hair hung in his brown eyes, stubbornly refusing to move.

"I could always call Drew for you." Travis teased.

Katie stuck out her tongue childishly.

"Here!" Angelica stuck out her head, handing Travis a pink bag, embroidered with the letter K on it. "The bag used to be Kathy's, but she says you can have it."

"Thank you." Travis smiled at her.

"K for Katie." Travis said, as soon as they were out of earshot from Angelica.

"Shut up." Katie grumbled.

They walked back to the Hermes Cabin silently. Katie didn't have anything to say, and she could tell Travis knew that anything he had to say wasn't important.


Her plan was simple, really. It was all about getting Travis back for all the pranks he pulled on her. She would act really childish, as much as she could. She would make his life miserable, doing everything in her power to contradict him. Of course, Katie wasn't exactly very good at being mean. She kept telling herself she was waiting for the right minute to begin, but she knew it wasn't true. She had no idea how to start, and the only person she would ask for help was the person she was trying to irritate.

Right now, she was going through her bag of clothes. She had pretty much taken over the bathroom, which wasn't too much of a problem for the Hermes Cabin, since it was full of boys who weren't the least bit ashamed to go to a different cabin and ask to use their bathroom. Katie was actually the only girl in the cabin.

Unfortunately for her, every piece of clothing fit, and also unfortunately, it was all pink. None of the clothes were good enough for gardening in, and none of them were the usual, dark, non-attention catching colored clothes that she normally wore. Although, she had to admit, the clothes did look nice on more, almost morphing into something that she looked good in, she was four. Who the Hades was she going to try to impress at this age?

I just wanted to try it out. Sorry that this one is so long. Let me know if you want me to continue this… I'll do my best!