"I still can't believe you got detention," said Allison. She sat down at their usual lunch table with Scott while Stiles ranted on and on about what happened in the gym

"All I'm saying is the school should start doing more thorough background checks on these teachers, because Mr. Rittenmier is in serious need of anger-management classes," said Stiles as he took out a sandwich from his brown paper bag.

Right as he was about to chow down he glanced up at the rest of the table and saw that everyone else was giving him the same strange look. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Is there something on my face?"

Isaac nudged Erica's arm and pointed at Stiles. "You know, now that he's mentioned it I think there is something wrong with his face." The two betas laughed while Stiles rolled his eyes and went back to eating.

"What kind of sandwich is that anyway?" asked Boyd, while leaning over to sniff his lunch. Stiles swatted him away from his food and continued to stuff his face. "It's a homemade veggie burger," he stated proudly which earned a disgusted groan from the others.

Isaac shook his head and tapped Scott on the shoulder, "How do you deal with him on a regular basis?" Scott simply chuckled and went back to eating his lunch.

"You know what?" said Stiles. "You're all laughing at me now, but just wait twenty years from now when I'm the only healthy one. You guys will be begging to hire me as your personal chefs so that you can get your fat asses back into shape."

The whole table busted out into fits of laughter while Stiles sat there completely serious.

Once lunch was over the rest of the day seemed to fly by, until 3 o'clock came around. While everybody else entered back into the gym Scott stayed behind to talk to Allison.

"So can you bring your cross-bow with you to this Friday's training session?" asked Scott.

Allison nodded and began tugging on a loose strand of her hair. "Yeah, I guess I can get it, but why do you need it? I thought that you were done helping with Derek's "torture" exercises because whatever it is that you guys are going to be doing sounds dangerous… And I thought you didn't want to see Isaac get hurt."

Scott looked deep into Allison's eyes and tucked the long strand of hair she had been playing with behind her ear. "Please Allison just trust me. I know what I said and that's why I'm going to be there to stop Derek if he goes too far. But it's too late to talk him out of it, he's been texting me all day about this and I know he won't give up until he knows that you'll bring it."

There was a long pause, and then Allison smiled and kissed Scott on his cheek. "Fine I'll get the bow, but tell you're Alpha this: Nobody is allowed to launch a single arrow but me." Scott smiled and leaned down kiss his girlfriend good-bye.

"A-hem, McCall you're late for detention. Get a move on," shouted Mr. Rittenmier from the side door of the gym.

Scott looked down at Allison then back at his angry P.E. teacher. "Right, I'll be there in a second." Allison nodded and checked her cell phone, "I won't keep him from being on time, besides its only 2:56 and I thought detention didn't start till three?"

Mr. Rittenmier glared at the brunette while tapping on his wrist watch. "Don't sass me young lady, I know what time it is. Now get out of here before I give you a detention too."

Allison quickly said good-bye to them and began backing away, "Okay, well I'll just be going now. See you later Scott."

Once she had left Scott entered the gym and stood in line with the rest of his friends while Mr. Rittenmier explained what they would be doing for the next two hours.

"Alright, since you five delinquents decided to wreck the gym I'm going to have you all stay here until this place is spotless. That means I want to see my reflection on every inch of this room. Got it?"

The group of teens nodded in agreement and waited patiently as he passed out brooms, rags, and mops to everyone. After they got their supplies they all began wondering off to different corners of the room when Mr. Rittenmier stopped Stiles.

"Wait a minute Stilinski drop that mop and grab a broom and dustpan. I want you to help Isaac sweep up this place."

Stiles glanced nervously over at the beta who was too preoccupied with work to hear what the teacher had said. "I guess I can do that, but are you sure that you want me to help Isaac? He kind of hates me."

Mr. Rittenmier rolled his eyes and shoved the dustpan into his hands and walked back into his office. "Get to work kid."

Stiles picked up a broom and walked as casually as possibly over to Isaac. He put his headphones in and began sweeping beside him. A few minutes later he began rocking his head back and forth while inccoherently murmuring the lyrics to a song.

Isaac furrowed his eyebrows and glanced over at Stiles. "Can you cut that out?"

The brown eyed teen took out one of his earplugs and glared at the beta. "Why? I assumed that you didn't want to talk to me, so I decided to bring music. If you want peace and quiet go over there and hang out with your werewolf pals. I can do this job without you"

Isaac gripped the handle of his broom tightly, pretending for a second that it was Stiles neck. He continued to sweep, but every so often he would hear the other teen shout out some random lyrics or bump into him while dancing around.

Isaac tried his best to keep his mind focused, but Stiles constant wailing was driving him crazy. He was already pissed off about getting a detention and having to hear Stiles voice for an extra two hours wasn't helping. As the incessant singing continued Isaac finally snapped, "Will you shut the hell up?"

Stiles turned around and gave him an annoyed glare. "What do you have against Call Me Maybe?"

Isaac closed his eyes and counted to ten, but by now he was so sick of Stilinski nothing could calm him down.

"You know what Stiles," he said while throwing down his broom. "I've got a new song for you. It's called: I'll kill you, unless you shut up!"

Stiles looked around the room nervously and backed away from the beta, "…That's kind of a long title; perhaps you should think of cutting it short. Oh! Or maybe you could even change the title to: I would never hurt Stiles because he's such a cool guy and we should hang out and be friends…Maybe."

Isaac growled, causing Stiles to jump back. The beta raised up one of his claws when Scott ran up to shield Stiles giving Boyd the perfect chance to grab Isaac.

"Remember what Derek said. Control your anger; just think of this as another exercise. Be nice to Stiles and we'll all put in a good word to Derek that you behaved yourself," said Erica. "Right you guys?"

Scott nodded and jabbed Stiles in the ribs. "Yeah, yeah, but if he tries to put his paws on me again I'll go right up to your Alpha and tell him everything," said Stiles.

Isaac rolled his eyes and broke free from Erica's grasp. "Okay, but if you dare sing another note I will personally rip your tongue out and feed it to you."

Stiles covered his mouth with his hand and ducked behind Scott. Afterwards they all split up and Scott and Stiles went to clean the bleachers while Boyd and Erica helped Isaac finish sweeping the floor.

"I'm telling you man that kid belongs in the Future serial killers of America Club," said Stilinski. Scott smirked at his friend for a moment then went back to scrubbing the bleachers. "I don't think they have that club here."

Stiles shook his head while watching the three other pack members clean the floor. "Yeah, well maybe they should so we can round up any of the other psycho's in this school and drop them off in the loony bin."

Another half an hour passed by and the five teens had only managed to clean a small portion of the gym when Mr. Rittenmier ran out of his office, blowing on his whistle.

"Detention is over! All you kids get out I have to get home now."

The whole room went silent and everybody exchanged confused looks. "What happened Mr. Rittenmier is everything okay?" asked Scott.

Mr. R nodded and sped past the rest of the students. "I forgot to feed my cats!"

There was a long pause and then the gymnasium door slammed shut. "Well," said Isaac. "I guess we should all leave before we get locked in here. The group nodded in agreement and wondered off to the parking lot.

"I didn't know Mr. Rittenmier had a cat," said Erica as they walked outside.

"Yeah, and I didn't know that people like him were allowed to have pets," chimed Stiles while getting into his jeep. Erica smiled at him and went off to join the others by Derek's car. She arrived just in time to hear the last part of his and Isaac's conversation.

"You're letting him drive your car?" she shouted. Isaac turned around and jingled the keys in her face and she frowned. "Why does he get to use the car?"

The Alpha looked at Isaac and Erica tiredly, and then to Boyd who was leaning up against a nearby stop sign chuckling to himself. "You have no idea what you've started do you?" he asked.

Derek sighed and went back to trying to resolve the storm brewing between his other two betas. "Relax Erica it's just a trust building exercise. Isaac will be driving my car for the next few days and if he returns it in the same condition that I gave it to him in he gets a reward, but if he fails the exercise, which I seriously hope he doesn't. He will be punished."

Erica's eyes grew wider as she grinned. "Ooh, what's the punishment going to be?" she asked happily.

Isaac shook his head and walked over to the driver's side of the car. "Keep talking like that Erica and you'll be walking home."

The other two wolves laughed while the blonde's face turned bright red. She stomped over to the passenger's side door muttering aloud, "If he even tries to ditch me here, he's going to wake up tomorrow a dead man."