Chapter two!

Robin didn't know which was more awkward. The fact that his ex interrupted his.. ahem.. SEXY time or that he wanted to continue with their activity even if Barbara was watching. But, the confused face under him convinced him to carefully get off and explain..

" OH.Don't mind me Bird Boy. Continue, I insist.."

Hahahaha.. Oh, I would, with a great passion.

" OR..You can tell me why you're here Barbara.. Is it to annoy me? "

Starfire stiffened.. Robin has never been so direct to a person before, let alone, Impolite!

Whoever this person is, must have had a LARGE impact on his life..

"Meehh.. I was just in the neighborhood, thought I could use some of the tricks that Catwoman taught me.."

" Being a peeping tom isn't really a pretty trait for a girl you know~ "

"Um.. excuse me.."

"Bringing random girls to your room isn't a good image either~ "

" Perhaps.. we shall lower our voices.."

" She isn't a random girl! She's someone special! "

" Robin.. Please calm down.. I shall make of the tea, yes?" She clutch the end of his cape, begging him to relax. He only returned the favor by snatching his cape out of her hand harshly.. Starfire was stunned. A sharp pain entered her chest, Worry not Starfire.. Surely he did not mean harm..

" SPECIAL? HAH! More like special service Boy Wonder! "

" Settle down now.."

" HAH! You speaking from experience or something? Guess what? She's the person I love."



" YOU TWO! Enough of this nonsense, yes? You shall never argue with an idiot.. Or one can not tell the difference."

That's right, Starfire slapped them BOTH on the cheek and called them idiots! Sure, she loved Robin for his flaws and all, but that doesn't mean he can be rude to this woman, WHO SHE HASN'T EVEN INTRODUCED HERSELF TO YET, And be rude to her.. And yes, Starfire wasn't the type to be impatient towards anyone or even Angry. But, the things this woman said and even the way she spoke as if Starfire wouldn't understand, Made her finally SNAP. She was going to get things straighten out, For ALL of them.


" Star.. What was that about?"

" Robin, You and I shall talk soon enough, till then, May you please leave your bedroom?"

" But Star.."

"Please Robin.. My mind is in that confuse state, so give me time, yes? " With that said, Robin left with a sigh and a glare at Barbara.

"Oh you're so sweet Robin.. Glare at me some more.. " Barbara's Sarcastic tone coming off with a poisonous sting.

" Greetings! I am Starfire! And you are..?" Her voice came off like the first dip of spring. And Barbara hated it.. It was too cheerful for her! Where she's from, the most cheerful thing a person can say to her is, Gimme your money bitch. And that's if she's lucky that day. They were the complete opposite. And she loved that..

" Barbara. But you can call me Babs. "

" Hello Babz. It is-"

"No. No. B-A-B-S. BABS. Not BABEZ. Jeez.."

" Oh.. I am sorry? Babs.. But, Who are you?"

" Batgirl." She sighed, How does this girl not know who I am? Is my costume not obvious?

"I see.. What are you... to .. um.."

" Robin? I'm his ex-girlfriend. You know, his ex-special girl?"

Starfire's heart dropped. Robin has never mentioned his exes to Starfire, saying they didn't matter or affect him; perfectly avoiding the question. She now knew why he was acting so different then ever before. This is a girl who also loves Robin almost as much as her. Almost.

"I see.."

"Is that all you're gonna say? I seeee?"

" I'm sorry, Babs.. I just got lost of the words."

" Lost for words?... Ohhhh.. Robin didn't.. Tell you about me before? Huh?"

".."She nodded.

" Now I SEE.. Let me guess.. Before I interrupted.. You two were in a battle with some villian.. and that villian... I don't know, Made a move on you?"

"…"She nodded again.

"HA.. And then he went home before all of your teammates and you, going straight to his room, and you followed?"

".." She bit her lip and nodded.

" Then you two talked about what happened.. Then he kissed you, right?"

".." She blushed and nodded.

" Then he called you beautiful then he held and kissed you, correct..?"

"…" She stood still..

"Oh.. So he.. didn't call you beautiful.."

" Babs.. How do you..?

Barbara strolled her way across the room to Starfire. She put an arm on her shoulder, symbolizing as either a victory or sympathy. She leaned toward Starfire's Ear and smirked.

" You weren't his first girlfriend.. Only his second." With that said.. Silence became between them.. The room filled with thick air and a murder aura. That was until Starfire broke the slence with her charming smile.

" You may sleep here if you want Babs. I shall prepare a room for you, correct?"

" Wait.. You don't care?"

" I care.. that I do much much more than you know. But, you love Robin.. Yes? So it is not wrong for a woman to visit the man she loves? "


" And Robin.. It seems that some problems were unsettled.. And humans.. Should not live with any regrets. Or they will remorse.. And it seems.. You do not want to live that way.."


" Your room will be in the third floor. Please join us for dinner soon. "

She left a open mouthed Batgirl in the room to prepare dinner. Pshh.. Starfire and Dinner? Yeah rightt. But, Barbara was impressed. She had thought Starfire would beat the living shit out of her.. or at least TRY. Barbara smiled for the first time in a while.

" Heh.. Strange .. Stupid Girl."

Starfire walked towards the kitchen with a filled mind. She was about the enter the double doors before a Strong grip on her hand pulled her against the wall. The moment the hand made contact with, she knew who it was. Robin. She struggled in question but was only answered back with a harder push to the wall.

"Star.. We need to talk"

She sighed. She knew that they needed to talk.. But she didn't want to talk now!

" Robin.. Am I .. Beautiful?"

Robin was dumb struck! Does she not own a mirror? To ease her worries, Robin held her tight in his arms, stroking her long auburn hair. He gazed into her eyes until she looked away from nervousness. He then crushed his lips into hers. His lips molded into hers perfectly. He traced his tounge along her bottom lip. Making her gasp in surprise. Taking this oppurtunity, he slipped his tounge into her sweet mouth, lightly touching her tounge. Starfire didn't know how to respond, this was her first receiving such a kiss! Taking that as a hint, Robin released his mouth from hers, resting his head on her shoulder. She shivered when his hot breath compress in her ear.

" What.. Of course Star. The most beautiful girl I have ever seen.. Why do you ask..?"

" No reason.. And I'm not mad about this Barbara .. In fact.. I'm preparing a room for here next to mine... "

" WHAT? WHY? Star.. I usually don't question the things you do.. but.. Can you handle that girl?" He realeased his hold on her from this fact.

" Of course Robin.. But Robin.. May I ask you something..? " She was nervous.

" Sure. Shoot."

" What was Barbara to you..?" Not nervous of his answer.

" She use to be.. My best friend." But, Nervous if he would lie.

" Ah hah.. I see now. Thank you.. For telling me Robin.. We should go prepare dinner now!Come, Let's!"

Starfire put on her best fake smile and grabbed Robin's hand before he could reply. She pulled him towards the kitchen and began cooking waffles for dinner. Robin watched her trembling back as she cooked, assuming it was the pressure of cooking good food. But, as her tears dripped down nto the pan, she kept replying the same question in her head over and over again.

Robin.. Why did you lie to me?