A/N Another little tumblr drabble :)

Title taken from the movie "Moneyball"

Kurt was sitting Lima Bean, trying to concentrate on the paper he was meant to have done by the next day. He was doing it there instead of trying to do it at home where there was not only the possibility of Finn and Puck distracting him but also Blaine. Blaine had seamlessly integrated himself into the New Directions inner boy circle and although he was glad for Blaine, Kurt couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He knew that they didn't do it intentionally but Kurt always felt left out amongst them especially seeing as he was never invited to any of their catch-ups. Granted he didn't really want to spend his time playing Call of Duty or talking about girls but it would be nice to be asked.

Staring morosely at his paper, he took a sip of his mocha without looking and when he looked up he was staring into the eyes of one Sebastian Smythe.

"Seriously?" he asked in surprise before he could stop himself. "Do you live here or something?"

"No Hummel," Sebastian smirked. "I live in a house. A nice house I might add, with a very big bed."

"You are disgusting," Kurt told him pointedly. "Please leave me alone, Blaine is not here for you to hit on so you can leave."

"Who says I'm here for Blaine?" Sebastian asked, eyes glinting.

"Um you do," Kurt grimaced. "Every single time we see you."

"Not this time though," Sebastian's voice took on a different tone.

"Then why are you here, Smythe?" Kurt sighed.

"For you."


"You heard me," Sebastian grinned. "I'm here for you."

"What do you want then?" Kurt asked irritated. "Another chance to try and screw up my life?"

"Actually…." Sebastian said looking Kurt straight in the eyes. "I was rather hoping to screw you."

Kurt choked on his coffee.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh sorry, that was a bit blunt," Sebastian flashed Kurt a bright smile. "Are you free tonight?"

"Oh my god," Kurt groaned. "Are you hitting on me?"

"Why yes I am," Sebastian said lightly. "Well? Are you free?"

"Um," Kurt was shocked. "For one thing I have a boyfriend-"

"Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you." Sebastian interrupted smirking.

"-and secondly, you don't want me, you just want to humiliate me, I'm a gay-face remember?"

"Oh come on," Sebastian rolled his eyes. "You're hot and we both know it, I was just saying that to make you angry, you look hot when you're angry."

"You-you!" Kurt spluttered.

"So I'll pick you up at seven?" Sebastian smiled.

"No way," Kurt spoke firmly. "You have treated me like crap and i honestly don't understand where this is coming from, you are an ass."

"I'm hurt!" Sebastian said grinning wider. "Although I love it when you talk dirty."

"Oh shut up! I'm leaving!" Kurt groaned in frustration.

"Oh yeah, make that sound again…" Sebastian said appreciatively.

"God." Kurt shoved his books into his bag and stood up.

"Look Smythe," He said fiercely. "Leave me alone."

"Can't do that babe," Sebastian said standing up.

"Yes you can," Kurt inhaled a breath. "You're never going to speak like this or of this ever again."

"Can't do that, sorry." He didn't sound very sorry.

"Why not!" Kurt smacked a hand on the table.

"There's one thing you need to know about me, Kurt." Sebastian leaned until his lips were at Kurt's ear and whispered "I hate to lose more than I love to win."

Kurt shivered and Sebastian smirked.

"See you soon," He whispered into Kurt's ear and before Kurt could react he had left.

"Not likely," Kurt whispered into empty air, clutching his coffee cup.