Batman Beyond: Two-Face II

Chapter 1: The Man Who Led a Double Life

By ShadowHawk

Author's Notes: This is a Re-edited first chapter, enjoy it.

Disclaimer: We don't own the characters used.

Location: Gotham City - Night

Gotham City has been dubbed many of things: Cesspool, Hellhole, The Most Dangerous Place on Earth, War zone, Disaster Area, and Crime-Ridden, but for many Gotham city was home.

At docks before the old LexCorp Warehouse, a guard looked out the window. "Hmmm, unusual," He thought to himself.

He watched as a hover-truck came up, this seemed highly odd due to the fact it was past closing hours and no one was scheduled to make any drop-offs, especially in the middle of the night. "We're closed," He said in a pseudo firm voice using his authority as a guard to it's full extent. Out stepped ten men armed heavily in weaponry he had only seen in action movies.

But one man stood out the most. At first sight the guard felt his stomach turn and all the macho bravery he had managed to muster falter. He was a strong looking man, no one could argue with that, but his face was the most unnerving thing he had ever seen. The right side was handsome and strong, the type of handsome he felt he wouldn't have minded knowing the man while the left side of his face was disfigured, as if he were scrapped across the face constantly with a cheese grater. His Armani suit was split-down-the-middle to match his face with one side orange on the right and purple with a black grid pattern on the left. His dress shirt was white on the right and light blue on the left with a half orange and half purple tie as well.

"We don't care." The disfigured man said. In a smooth manner he pulled out a blaster from within his halved colored jacket and shot the guard once in the chest, killing him. With the same smooth and uncaring manner he turned slightly to face the direction of his goons. "Take what you need."

The ten walked in as another guard, who had cautiously watched the happenings outside, walked out and pulled out his gun. "Freeze!" He shouted readying to recite their rights of arrest.

"I think not." The disfigured man said. He shot the new guard as well, but this time in the stomach, so the man won't die as quickly as his co-worker. With a choking pained cry the guard fell onto his knees holding his pained belly.

The ten walked on towards a vault as the disfigured man smiled, making his horribly twisted face look even more hideous as he grabbed the shot guard. "The code, you bastard!"

With a shaking bloody hand the guard typed in the numerical code for the vault. "T-t-there, you son of a b-itch." He managed to stutter out from his trembling bloody lips.

The disfigured man dropped him carelessly on the cold floor before the nearest desk ignoring the remark. The injured guard slowly crawled closer to the desk to press a button underneath. A loud buzzing alarm sounded. With a satisfied smirk his body fell limp.

"What do we do, boss?" One of the thugs asked.

"Wait," He said in a low secure voice. "Batman will show. I'm counting on it."

Another part of Gotham City...

The Batmobile hovered as Batman looked at a screen awaiting any signs of trouble. Suddenly, Bruce Wayne's voice came over the commlink in the cowl. "McGinnis," Bruce said. "There's a robbery at the LexCorp warehouse on the docks."

"I'm on my way," Batman replied dutifully. He quickly turned the Batmobile around and started towards his destination speed over there.

A few minutes later Batman arrived at the docks. He brought the Batmobile to a sudden halt and quickly jumped out. The disfigured man looked out a window at the sound of the Batmobile. "Ah, good," the disfigured man said. "He's arrived."

"But, sir," one thug began. "He's the Batman. He'll kick our asses."

"Have faith in my plan," the disfigured man said. At that moment, Batman crashed though the window making a grand and noisy entrance. "All right," Batman said in an assertive tone to the many goons and their leader. "Drop it."

"Kill him," Stated the disfigured man calmly. The thugs ran up to Batman. The Tommorow Knight kicked, catching one in the face, another in the groin, he elbowed a third in the stomach. The fourth attacking goon kicked Batman, but Batman quickly recoved to knee the guy in the face breaking his nose. The fifth received a kick in the chest.

The remaining four to pile on Batman, finding individual attacks were pointless. But Batman burst free throwing two men against the wall and the other two out the window.

"Bravo." The disfigured man commented.

"Who are you?" Batman asked. "I know you ain't Harvey Dent."

"You're right." the disfigured man said. "I'm his successor. Call me Two-Face. I'm the original's sole successor."

"Yeah, right," Batman replied as he kicked at Two-Face. Two-Face dodged pulling out a taser and shocked Gotham's dark knight.

"ARRRRRRRGH!" Batman cried out in pain.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You've been beaten," Two-Face laughed almost insanely.

Batman kicked Two-Face. "Give it up!" He demanded. Bruce's voice came over the commlink. "Terry, be careful," He warned. "If this guy is trying to be the successor of the first Two-Face, he's very dangerous."

"I've noticed," Batman replied flatly.

"Noticed what?" Two-Face said. He pulled out a coin from his pocket. "Ah." He flipped the coin and it landed on a scarred side on his hand. "My kind of day." Two-Face smiled happy at the kindness of lady luck as he fired twin silver and black guns at Batman.

Batman ran dodging managing to avoid some shots, but some hit their target. They didn't pierce the costume, but they did hurt. With another on target shot Batman fell in pain, but still alive.

"Time to go boys!" Two-Face ran past Batman laughing. "Have a blast Bats!" He threw a grenade behind him at the fallen vigilante Batman and ran out.

Batman jumped onto his feet grabbing the grenade as he ran out. He pitch out of the nearest windows letting it blow up safely over the docks, not hurting or destroy anyone or anything. He walked out and saw that Two-Face escaped.

The Police soon came to deal with the leftover work. Leaving Batman to walk out to the Batmobile and drive off with nothing else to do.

Location: The Batcave - Night

Bruce Wayne was looking at the Batcomputer when the Batmobile drove in. "That was poor," he remarked not looking onto his successor.

"How was I supposed to know he'd shoot at me like that?" Terry McGinnis replied, while pulling off the dark mask.

"You still could've tried to stop him," Bruce stated, firmly.

"Hey!" Terry shouted in his defense. "He tried to blow up that warehouse! I saved lives."

"Still, he'll be back." Bruce said matter-of-factly. "Be prepared next time."

The Next Day, Hamilton Hall High School...

Terry stared at the school's computer. He sighed heavily at the information he had thus far gathered. "Harvey Dent reformed and returned to his law practice," Terry thought. "Dent was scarred on the left side of his face, the guy I fought had scars on the left side as well. But who is he?"

Location: Two-Face's Hideout - Day

Two-Face paced back and forth flipping a silver coin every now and then. Sitting at a table before him was Delia and Deirdre Dennis a.k.a. the Dee- Dee twins. Who watched with anxious eyes, whatever reason he wanted them meant more thrill jobs they carved. Two-Face flipped his coin once more before turning towards them. "The two of you are exceptional fighters and will make a great addition to my gang. I believe you girls are stronger than all of the men I have working for me now. I promise you I pay well." He smiled the dim lights of the room illuminating his deeply scarred face and casting the better half in pure darkness.

To be Continue.