A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Stressed out with family but Here it is. I hope you enjoy. Please be sure to read the end note.

Special Thanks to: kiloARi for motivating me to finish this chapter. here it is on Saturday like I promise.

Maya POV:

I was sitting in the bed with my lap top in my lap looking for plane tickets online. I decided a few weeks ago that a vacation away from the drama would be perfect for us. Mrs. Fields has already agreed to watch the kids for a week when we leave all I have to do is book everything.

Emily loved Paris when she went to the Olympics but she didn't get to site see and really get a feel for the place. She always said she wanted to go back and her wish is my command.

I booked two tickets for the second week after the kids get out for summer vacation. Emily walked into the room and I closed my laptop walking over to the door to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to grab something off the printer." I walked downstairs grabbing my recite.

"Mama, can we have ice cream?" the twins asked and I looked at them with a knowing smirk.

"Emma, do your mom already tell the no to ice cream?"

"Yeah she said its almost dinner time." I looked back at the twins and shrugged my shoulders.

"Your mom said no."

"but you can say yes." Jayden said with a smile and Hayden did her puppy dog eyes.

"No sorry kiddos." I lean down kissing both of their heads turning on my heels heading back upstairs to put the recite up. "Lets go out for dinner tonight." I mention walking back into the bedroom.

"I don't mind cooking."

"I know but you are always cooking don't you want a break?"

"yeah, where are you thinking?"

"that Italian place."

"I heard its good."

"yeah get ready and I'll work on the kids."

the next few weeks went by extremely fast. It was finally time to head to Paris and I already packed our bags. All I have to do is get Emily in the car and to the airport. She still has no clue that I was taking her to Paris.

"Why are we heading to the airport?" she asked confused looking over at me. I smiled and laughed.

"Because we have a plane to catch."

"Catch where?"


"Paris? Baby you're taking me to Paris?"

"yes, we need a vacation and you were sad because you didn't get to see the entire Paris." Emily screamed and kissed my cheek.

"If you weren't driving I would attack you with kisses." the drive to the airport was filled with Emily smiling and talking about how excited she was. I was happy I could make her dreams come true and that's all I need.

The plane ride was smooth. Em and I both manage to sleep the entire plane ride there. We walked into the hotel we would be staying at for the next week and to say the website didn't do this place justice. The view from the balcony was incredible. I sat down on one of the chairs on the balcony and just looked at the city. It was beautiful and breath taking. It was about eight p.m. here and I order room service so we could go to sleep even though neither of us is tired. I walked into the living room portion of the suite and found a bottom of wine. I grabbed a glass, pouring some and going to my bag grabbing a cigarette out of my bag. I don't usually smoke but I do when I drink.

I lean back in the chair relaxing in the cool breeze. I take a puff from the cig when Em's voice screamed me.

"Are you trying to die young?" she grabbed the cigarette from between my fingers putting it out. She did it every time I smoked. she hated the fact that I picked up that habit when I stopped smoking weed. "You quit weed only to start with cigarettes?"

"I was drinking, I don't walk around smoking."

"I don't like it at all." I nodded my head and pulled her into my lap. I kissed her cheek and breath in the smell of her natural scent. she grabbed my glass and took a drink.

"I ordered some room service."

"thanks, I'm starved."

"I'm going to go take a shower but the food she be here in a few minutes." I kiss her lips softly, getting up and descending to the bathroom. When I get out of the shower Emily was sitting on the bed waiting on me. "You're not going to eat?"

"I was waiting on you." I dig through my bag looking for my brush that I threw in my suitcase and realize my pack of cigarettes are gone.

"Em, what did you do with my cigarettes?"

"Threw them away."


"I don't want you smoking." she crossed her arms doing her best pout. I rolled my eyes brushing my hair and putting it up into a messy bun to dry.

"Let's eat." we ate the burgers I order and snuggled on the couch watching some TV.

An hour went by and all I can hear is Emily breathing and I can feel her heart beating against my stomach. "Are you asleep Em?"

"No." she lean up and I kissed her lips. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah." I turn the TV off sitting up against the arm of the couch and she turn to face me crossing her legs Indian style.

"My coach from the Olympics contacted me about two weeks ago." I nodded my head and she continue. "They want me to start training again."

"I thought you told them you didn't want to anymore after you didn't make trials that one year."

"Yeah but he said that I need to get my passion back and I agree. I miss swimming, I miss the workout I get from it."

"Do you want to do it?"

"Only if it is okay with you."

"why wouldn't it be okay with me?"

"because I would have to stop working and focus completely on my goal. I don't want to have all the financial burden on you."

"Baby, do it. I would never stop you from going for your dream, your passion." I lean forward giving her a hug the cupping her face and kissing her. "We are financial stable." I kiss her nose and look back at her eyes. "Call your coach tomorrow and tell him yes." I kiss her forehead getting up and grabbing her hand. I bite my lip and started to walk slowly backwards towards the bed room.

I sat down the bed and slowly ran my hand up her shirt tracing the skin of her lower back. she pushes back and I scoot back on the bed and lay down with her climbing on top of me and connecting her neck with my neck. our kisses started to pick up speed until we both were basically ripping each other shirts off.

We haven't been connected like this for about a month now. Hayden was sleeping in our bed because she kept having nightmares.

Emily laid with her head on my shoulder kissing my neck and I hummed at the feel. I started to draw circles on her side and her doing the same but to my stomach. "That was amazing." she whispered out and I smiled.

"And its not the last of it."

"Is this just a vacade to have endless amount of sex?" she asked in a husky voice and I laughed softly.

"I didn't think about it that way but now that you said it, yeah." she softly hit my thigh and I laughed pulling her closer into my body. "I'm joking. I can have endless amount of sex anywhere." I kiss her forehead and close my eyes.

"what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"I have some ideas."


"you will see when they happen. now go to sleep, I have plans in the morning." she groans but eventually I feel her breathing even out and then I fall asleep as well. When I woke up I was spooning Emily from behind. I took this as an opportunity to start my plan.

I started pecking the back of her neck and slowly working my way down to her shoulders. Emily started to stir and I started to make the kisses more open mouth. I went back to her neck and started to suck right behind her ear.

"My." she moans and I smiled flipping her over climbing on top. I quickly attached our lips, slipping my tongue inside. her hands grip my waist as my fingers start to get lost in her hair. When she bucked her hips up into me I couldn't help the smirk that started to play on my face. she started to kiss my neck and buck her hips again but this time I lifted my hips up.

"Maya!" she whined and I unattached my fingers in her hair and rolled off her.

"I'm going to take a shower, busy day today. Oh and since you are up can you order room service I'm starved. Thanks babe." I smirked closing the bathroom door, locking it and leaning against it.

"You are such a freaking TEASE Maya Anne Fields- St. Germain!" She yelled and I laugh turning on the water.

"Oh if you think I'm a tease now wait till I come out the shower." I said more to myself than aloud. Once I was done showering I wrapped the towel around my waist and pulled my hair so it was over one shoulder. "Time for the game to begin." I whispered before opening the door. I walk out the bathroom only to be frozen in place. Emily is standing by the bed in nothing but some lacey yellow hipser with a matching yellow bra. She was biting into a strawberry and was making it look sexy.

'I might lose my own game.' I swallowed the lump that rose in my throat before walking over to the food. "Looks good." I said picking up a strawberry biting into it and licking my lips afterwards. "Juicy." I put the strawberry down and go to my suitcase pulling out Emily's favorite underwear to see me in. She said it drives her crazy and that I look absolutely hot in it. Which I have to agree but then again I make everything look hot.

I started to hum and glanced over my shoulder realizing I had Emily's full attention. I dropped the towel pulling on my lacey black boy shorts and my black matching bra. I turn around and I can see the lust in Emily's eyes. I pull on a tank top and squeeze into a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Emmy, lets eat before it get cold." I rasped out and I swear I heard her groan. we ate out French toast and Emily went to take a shower. A cold one I bet. she walked out and decided she was going to copy what I did but instead of me paying attention to her amazing athlete body that I have memorized every inch of, I was going to stare at my phone in my hand and act as if her body was screaming for me to touch right now. I thought it work until Emily's voice pulled me away from my phone.

"Mayan, can you clasp the back for me?" I looked up and swallowed. 'You can do this Maya.' As if a miracle happen my phone started to ring as soon as I clasp her bra. I looked at the caller i.d. and it was Emma.

Hey babe


what's wrong

Daddy's getting married

okay… what you want me to do about it

stop it

how? why?

I don't like Lisa and I know you don't either

it doesn't matter whether I like her or not she makes him happy and that's all that matters

but she doesn't make me happy. I hate her!

hate Is a strong word baby you shouldn't ever hate anyone

okay I strongly dislike her with a fire burning pit deep inside of me. is that better?

much. But Em, what do you want me to do

tell him you love him

how would that work

make him think you're jealous and he will leave her. daddy still loves you

I love your dad too but not like that. I love him in respect.

I know that but he don't have to know that

Emmy, your dad is getting married face it and stop trying to destroy it

UGH can you give the phone to my mommy I laugh shaking my head. she always pulls that 'My mommy' crap when I don't give in to what she wants. "Ems, Emma wants you." I hand her the phone and she puts it to her ear.

Hey baby isn't it late there

I'm sorry he is getting married but you are going to have to get over that

I know you don't want her to be your stepmother but it's not like you have to deal with her all the time

She will not ever be you mother you already have two I doubt we will like a third

I will not say that to him ever

Listen, your mom and I cannot stop him from getting some type of joy out of his life. but if you want to stop them from getting married talk to your dad. Maybe he will change his mind about marrying her if he sees that you don't like her. But I hope you have a great reason why you don't like her.

Well if you reason are not good enough for him you will have no choice but to accept his decision. You don't have to like it you just have to accept it.

I love you too. Goodnight baby girl

I will tell her

She hung up the phone and handed it back to me. "Tell me what?"

"That you suck and that she should have called me in the first place because you are no help. Oh and that she loves you and goodnight."

"Oh well thanks end it sweetly."

"she's your daughter." A few hours passed and I was taking Emily to our first stop. The London Eye. It was a hug ferris wheel. After spending some time on that we went to have lunch under the Eiffel Tower. I laid down a blanket and we sat on the grass. Emily leaned into my side with her head on my shoulder.

"this is beautiful." I whisper and she nodded her head.

"Oh I forgot to tell you something last night."

"what's that?"

"My coach, he wants Emma too." I turn my head to look at her and she moves to face me. "He seen her swimming one day babe and she said she is the next gold medalist. She is a prodigy of her mother."


"I know we are not biological mother daughter but—"

"she is your biological daughter and I don't ever want to hear you say that again."

"okay." she said sheepishly before continuing. "he said she was breed for this and for the fact that she is thirteen and is swimming with the advance group and has been since she was ten shows how amazing she is."

"I don't want to ruin her childhood."

"sweetie, she can still go to public school but he training will be immediately after school. she has three years to train before she can even got to trials."

"lets talk about it with her and if she wants to do it then she will." Emily squealed before kissing my cheek.

the rest of the trip in Paris was spent eating at different places, shopping, enjoying the sites and spending as much time together as possible. I miss when it was just us and it hasn't been that way since high school.

I was lost in love back then. Wondering around lost in love with this amazing girl that took my breath the first time I saw her and now twenty years later she still takes my breath away. I lost her after high school and my heart was taken. Then I got a piece of it back when I had Emma. She was like a piece of that love I once knew. That day at that club my heart was there fully and my breath was taken again. But now I can truly say I found love alone the way. And that love is here to stay FOREVER!

End Note: This is the End. I'm ending it here. Sorry! I know some are going to be disappointed to see this end but I think we all know it is time for it to go. the story was getting dull and boring.

I didn't lose interest in this story, that was not the case but I just ran out of ideas.

But while writing this chapter I got new ideas but decided to make a sequel.


Tell me what you think. What you want to be in the sequel? What you want to see?

You can PM me or review on one of my stories. I hoped you all have enjoyed reading Lost in Love.

Thanks For every follow, favorite and review you have all gave to me and this story. I appreciate every single last one of you.