I'm sure you are all familiar with my Sophia Jackson now, and are probably expecting her to be telling you this story. So I'm sure most of you are surprised to find that I am not her. Although I hope you are all as familiar with me as you are with her. We made a promise to each other this year during a quest that led us to the Sea of Monsters. If one of us were to fall, the other would jump right after them. And I'd like to say that through our journeys together, I kept that promise. And plan to do it for a long time.

My name is Will Solace. I'm sure you all know me as the devilishly handsome son of Apollo, second in command of Cabin Seven and best friend to Poseidon, God of the Sea's, only daughter, Sophia Jackson.

Before I met Sophia, people didn't expect much of me. I suppose because I was the son of Apollo everyone expected I'd only be good for archery and medicine, eventually becoming a massive player just like my father. Although now I think that they only see me as 'the sidekick', where I can't do anything without Sophia being there.

I don't really mind, but it's difficult to make a name for yourself when people expect you to only be good at one or two things. Sophia has tried to tell them differently, but most think she's being modest.

I've never told her this, but I wish I had been the one to lead previous quests. I get that when we went searching for the lightning bolt she had to lead to save hers and her father's reputation, and when we went to the Sea of Monster's, even though it hadn't been her quest in the first place and she wasn't really a part of the quest, she ended up leading us, more or less at least. I know she can't help it; she's a natural born leader. You can't help but follow her.

But then I finally got a chance to prove myself, although, I wish it had been under different circumstances. I don't know how Sophia does it. And I kind of wish she had been there with me. Unfortunately when you're a demigod, even a child of Apollo, things never come easily.

A/N I'm not 100% sure about this so I wanted all of yours opinion. I've had this story planned for months but now that I've started writing it I'm wondering if anyone will read it since it's in a different POV. If you want me to continue like this I'll have the first chapter up by next Saturday, if not you'll have to wait an extra week so that I can come up with something new. Let me know what you all think