Judgement day

Chapter 1, The storm heralds the arrival

"Twilight dear!". Shouted a concerned Rarity as her dear friend sat in the rain just outside her Boutique. "You're going to get terribly ill if you stay out there!"

The lavender mare seemed un-phased by the chilling cold of the harsh rain or the pleads of her friend. Her deep purple eyes continued to gaze at the near black clouds.

Not willing to stand by and let her friend get ill, Rarity trotted over to Twilight. "Twilight what is the matter?"

"A storm is coming". Replied her hypnotized friend in a dead, cold voice.

Suddenly thunder boomed through the dark clouds that had seemingly appeared out of no where during the usual bright, sunny day of Equestria. However, Ponyville was not the only settlement disturbed by this strange weather….It was happening all over Equestria.

Rarity was scared….she had been scared before….but this was fear. The kind of fear that animals hunt down and tear with claws and teeth.

Lightning struck the ground, inches from Rarity. "That's it Twilight I'm dragging you inside if I have to!"

"He will come".

Twilight suddenly went limp and hit the wet muddy ground. Rarity hurriedly lifted the unconscious mare onto her back and returned to her place of residence.

She was right though…The mare…Twilight as she is called…..However,The storm was before them,…..

And it shall herald his arrival!