Weapon of Mass Destruction

For those who have not read my previous story 'New master, New servant' here is the important details you need to know.

1. Seras is the current trashman of Hellsing.
2. Elena is the new master, a descendant of Integra.
3. It is 100 years later.
4. Alucard has raised a massive army and has taken over nearly the whole world.
5. England, well most of it is one of the few places left not under Alucard's control.
6. Seras has her own fledgling named Peter Wolfe.

Ok think that's all you need to know to start reading this.

Chapter 1 ~ The end of the Vatican

The skull began to crack under the strain, the victim screaming at the top of his lungs as her fingers dug further through the skin, his hands clawing at hers to try and dislodge her from her death grip. Blood gushed to the floor, the red river flowing down skin and clothes to puddle in the road. Soon enough the victim ceased in it's struggles and his arms fell limp. The girl snarled at the body as she released it and fell as nothing but ash.

"Seras!" A sharp voice spoke through a radio, the background held signs of gunfire however the voice was calm and steady, "Seras evacuation complete. We are setting off, get back here." The girl brushed a strand of loose hair from her face as the radio clipped on her ear fell silent. The night was quiet where she was, she glanced up to see the sky, it was clearly night but a glorious crimson covered the sky, only broken by the grey clouds, promising rain. Sure enough a flash of lightning lit the sky, quickly followed by a bellow of thunder. The girl's red eyes flashed, rain did not bother her but she still did not enjoy being out in the water. A slight breeze blew over her battlefield, billowing her short hair about her. Seras was not fond of the memory of how she was the dreaded childe of the most hated enemy. Her old guise was worryingly close to her predecessor, so she decided to change the trend.

Her feet bore solid laced black army boots, leading up to dark camouflaged slacks covering her legs. Buttoned pockets were stitched into the sides. The slacks were completed with a grey leather belt around her waist. On her chest she wore a matching black vest with twin bandoleers that bore bullets, magazine rounds and grenades. The bandoleers bore empty gaps from their use on the battlefield, her arms were bare apart from a pair of dark brown leather fingerless gloves. On her right wrist she also bore a military watch, the green back-lighted digits could be made brighter with the push of a button, easy to tell the time in the dead of night. It wasn't a contraption Seras wore by choice, it was asked of her by her master. 'To work more coherently with the team', as she had put it. On her head bore her radio, it clipped over her right ear, a small device hardly noticeable and was made of a light weight plastic. The radio bore a tiny microphone that could be turned on by the user with but a switch on the side.

The radio also doubled as a headset, a user interface mini screen was situated over her right eye. And was used by all the Hellsing soldiers in battle. The screen helped with pin-pointing shots for both close and short range, as well as analysing weaknesses and resistances. The screen acted as heads up display to the user, as battle info, locations, rounds left in current weapons and even a known map was all situated in the tiny screen. The headset could also be used as a recording device if necessary. Directly sent back to the commander.

Her black semi-automatic pistol, the demon, rested loosely in her right hand, the powerful long barrelled pistol still bore remnants of smoke from a recent firing, the empty magazine case lay on the floor. Long black claws adorned her left hand, that still bore the tell-tale signs of blood as it pitter-pattered to the floor. Her pistol was no longer the only weapon in her arsenal. A sub-machine gun that was attached with straps to her right thigh, and a pure silver 24inch dagger that was held in a sheath on her back.

Seras turned from the sky and began to walk back to her master. Her boots thudded across the unused and broken road, she was in Italy, Rome to be exact. It was a fallen county, another of Alucard's victims. The populace were gone, taken away and probably eaten she thought. Hellsing was here to do the unthinkable back in the days of Integra, they had come to evacuate the Vatican. However it was a massacre even before they got there, monsters roamed the streets devouring few and taking away many to some unknown doom. The blood of both human and monster streaked down Seras's clothes, she absentmindedly withdrew a magazine for her Demon and clicked it in place with the palm of her hand. Satisfied she put her prize pistol back in it's home, a holster situated on her hip.

Seras looked up to where she knew her fledgling was hiding, Peter Wolfe. He was a good soldier but was not suited to the life of a vampire, he did drink his blood but only thought of it as rations and something he just needed to get over with He only had the donated blood, that was running so low that Seras had forego it all together so he would have enough. She relied on hunting and these little expeditions… She growled a little inside, he fit in very well with the other soldiers of Hellsing, too well, they showed him no fear, they thought him as one of them. He even still bore his own blue eyes, a pang of jealously hit her dead heart, she never fit in with humans as a vampire, as much as she had reached out to them they had run from her, avoided her.

She felt distance growing between her and Peter every day as he fled from her to be around the soldiers of Hellsing or Elena. She had wanted to be a good mentor but he was being too… human…she shook her head. She didn't want to force anything on him, she would be no better then the monster the troops already thought she was… There was whispers that she beat him during training, it was absolute rubbish, and even Peter got aggravated by such rumours. And every time he tried to quell such rumours it only seemed to make the situation worse. The soldiers were convinced that Peter being around Seras was bad for him and told him many a time to stay away from her. Peter gave up at arguing back for her, he had started shrugging it off and not responding. A feat that pained Seras' undead heart. She had hoped for a companion that could share her undead life with… but she was wrong. She did not regret changing him, after all, he could be dead right now if not. But he was no vampire to her.

Seras sighed and berated herself, an act she did every time her thoughts trailed along such lines. She needed to stop thinking like that. He would come around eventually… Suddenly her senses warned her of a presence that was far too close. She had grown distracted with her own musings and did not notice him until now, she cursed herself, it was as if her own fledgling's weakness was rubbing off on her. Feeling the alien presence behind her she whirled around pulling out her pistol in the process. However she could not see anything or anyone. She scanned the houses and broken shops for the intruder. "Come out!" She yelled, "I know you are there." A sudden dark laugh broke through the silence, she recognised that laugh. "Alucard…" She whispered her old master's name as though a curse. A shot fired from her fledgling's position and pinged on the floor behind her, her view shot to where it struck the floor, close to it she saw a telltale boot. Seras quickly jumped back and raised her pistol.

A smile was her response. Alucard stood in all his glory in a non-threatening way, his hands were in his pockets, as if he was out taking a midnight stroll. Not leading an army of the undead ransacking the holy city. Another shot fired out and nicked him in the forearm, a few drops of blood fell to the floor before it immediately healed. Alucard peered at his arm, he wore the same look from when he served at Hellsing, that same crimson trench coat, that same cravat hat, the same Victorian style shirt, trousers and riding boots, even down to the yellow glasses on his face. Everything bar the white runed gloves, he bore nothing on his hands, a testament to his freedom. While Seras bore no runed gloves, her runes were burned into the back of her hands, which constantly bled, a wound she could not heal, she kept that info from Elena. A weakness she pretended to not exist. Seras merely wrapped them in bandages every night and wore gloves to hide it.

"Not a very good shot is he?" He mused, as if on about the weather. "However I would ask him to stop what he is doing… or he might have an unfortunate… accident shall we say?" He looked up to where Wolfe was hiding, he was a sniper for many of the forces out there but it looked like his sights were squarely on Alucard right now. Seras looked up to where he was, the tell-tale red dot shined on Alucard's body as he prepared to fire again. She knew he could not harm him.

"Stop…" She sent to her fledgling. The red dot shook for a second but them disappeared.

"Good." Alucard smirked. "My, he is the obedient one. I bet you have him trained very well, a proper vampire by now yes?" He mocked, almost like he knew her answer. Seras said nothing, glaring at him, unsure of what she should do, she could not win if she fought him, but could she manage to get away? And if so wouldn't she just take him right to Elena? Seras decided to risk staying to see what he had to say. "Not answering me? Fine." He chuckled to himself. Alucard walked elegantly over to his former fledgling. Seras stepped back as he got within an arm's reach, well his arm's reach. So he stopped. "I was only wondering how you are doing?" Seras narrowed her eyes at his seemingly innocent question.

"What's that supposed to mean Alucard?" She questioned. Alucard looked at her as if he was hurt.

"Oh come now, how are things down at Hellsing, busy I suspect?" Seras growled at this and raised her hand pointing accusingly at him.

"You know damn well how busy we are, you are nothing but a traitor and a murderer. Now go slink back to whatever hole you crawled from." She spoke firmly to him. Seras half expected him to attack her for that outburst. However he merely laughed as if she had told a funny joke.

"Temper, temper little one." Seras lowered her arm but held a snarl on her lips. "I just thought it was interesting how the Hellsing have come to rescue the Vatican of all people, I may not serve Hellsing anymore but I still find it humorous to see how far the Vatican have fallen to be requiring the aid of the so-called heathens." A slight smile threatened Seras's lips for barely a second as she agreed with him, however before it appeared she pushed the smile away.

"I have nothing to say to you Alucard… I need to go." Seras began to walk away past Alucard, only his eyes followed her at first however as she past him he lunged for her, his fingers snaked around her bare arm in a death grip. His skin, cold to anyone else, was warm to her, a warmth she did not realise she had missed. She whipped her head to his, eyes wide.

"Seras?!" That was her radio, the voice of Elena once again. "What's going on?" She asked with a hint of worry. Seras didn't answer as instead another voice broke through, it was Peter's.

"It's Alucard…" Both Alucard and Seras could hear the conversation only meant for her ears. However he didn't react to the intrusion, he only neared her face with his own. She tried to pull back but he pulled her closer toward him.

The small interface on her right eye was flashing red in danger of the known enemy, the tiny computer searching in vain for known weaknesses.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Seras whimpered, her strength had apparently disappeared. Alucard suddenly jerked her toward him and a flash of fangs appeared in her vision as he bit down on her neck. She screamed out in panic. Struggling to push the master vampire off.

"Seras!" Elena shouted, the shout was muffled into a shout of "Master!" At the exact same time. Just then the tell-tale whistle of bullets shot through the air and smashed into Alucard's head, his head was blown clean in half by the attack, his fangs dislodged from hers as the sharp pain stopped on her neck to be replaced by a stinging pain as her flesh tried to knit back together. However Seras took her chance to get away and fell to the floor. Calling on her powers to morph her form to that of a great white wolf, the wolf bore a collar of runes that ran all across her neck. A quick look back to her ex-master was all she took before she ran off into the street. Quicker then any normal wolf as she leapt over crashed and destroyed cars and over bodies both undead and not. The magnificent wolf was born on powerfully strong limbs, the elegant white fur rippled with her quick movement as her form leapt and ran from car to car. Her form and poise was perfect. Unnaturally so. The bright crimson eyes of the beast glowing the darkness, a stark indication of her unnatural state.

She didn't look back again but Seras knew that he was not following her, still she felt her heart in her throat so to speak as she ordered her powerful limbs to carry her. In the distance she caught a glimpse of her fledgling being picked up via helicopter, Seras pushed her limbs harder to catch up to the vehicle.

Alucard watched as the white wolf darted away, her neck already healed, her fur only marred by dry blood as she sped off. He spied the helicopter in the distance as he began to heal his face, through a cracking and a sick glob sound it was as good as new. He breathed in through his nose, not for air but to smell the last remainder of her scent as she left. Her blood still was on his lips as he licked them, it still tasted glorious, and still a virgin. He chuckled, even as the blood had greatly burned him because of the seals, but he did not care, a lesser creature would not survive biting and partaking of her blood, however he had something special in mind.

Peter stepped onto the helicopter as it stung his sensitive ears, the great metal beast hovered just near his position, a soldier he didn't recognise picked up his sniper gear and held it under his arm. He pointed at Peter to get in to the copter. Peter looked back out into the night for his master. Without the scope he could no longer see if she was ok or not but he hoped his shot was good enough to help her get away. The wind generated from the copter was strong enough so that he had to lean in so as not to be blown over, his clothes billowed around him, he had to hold his dark camo cap on his head, the rest of his clothes were the standard Hellsing dark camo with a bullet-proof Kevlar vest, and night vision goggles. He was told by his master to try and see without them but he ignored her and carried on using them much to her chagrin.

Elena stood in the open side of the helicopter with a headset on, both a radio and to block out most of the sound of the blades.

Elena looked out to Wolfe as he clambered in to the copter, the solder with his gear climbed up next. The soldier sat down and was about to close the side door however Elena held out her hand and stopped him with a stern look.

"We wait for Seras!" She shouted over the din. The soldiers all looked at each other in slight worry, she knew they were not a fan of the 'true' vampire they had enslaved at Hellsing, but she would not abandon her servant. Elena wore the same military uniform as all the other soldiers on this mission, bar the Helmet, she wore the headset instead. Her eyes scanned the broken streets as the monsters started to close in to their position now that Hellsing was moving out, she glanced up, no aerial monsters were close yet, she could be thankful for that. Suddenly the copter jerked up, Elena looked up to try and stop the pilot when all of a sudden a white blur appeared at the side of the copter, claws scrabbled for hold of the metal floor, leaving marks and gashes on the already bloody floor. Elena head the click of guns as they were pointing to the white wolf.

"Stand down!" Elena shouted at her men. They complied as the wolf pulled itself aboard, it was panting in the centre of the floor, the copter jerked once again as it now lifted into the sky. The harnesses of the seats bashed against each other as the passengers rushed to click them on. The same soldier from before pulled the door closed with a thud. Elena sat back down as she watched the great beast at her feet morph to that of her slave. Seras stopped panting and slid into a seat next to Elena and clicked herself in. She did not miss the dried blood around her neck, different from that which coated her front. "Are you ok?" She radioed to her servant next to her. However Seras did not answer and merely closed her eyes. So Elena took that as a yes and looked back out of the window. They were high in the sky, behind her the rain started to fall, it soon caught up to the copter and began to coat the outsides, good, she thought, that will slow any chasing us. She only hoped that saving the last remnants of the Vatican was worth it.

There were only a handful of places left not under the Undeads control. All communication was lost with most of the world except one base in Russia, a few cities in America, a few in Mexico, and a few in Japan. Anything with a viable defence against the dead were left till last to be targeted, the only one with any amount of defence now though was Hellsing, and up until today the Vatican, even with all of Italy gone the Vatican had struggled on, however now only a handful of Vatican personal was left, what was left was being flown to London. However Elena knew that they could not hold out for much longer, Seras was, at the end of the day, one vampire, she could not be in multiple places at once. And not even the strongest that she knew of. This 'Alucard' was, this apparent traitor, however she only thought of him as an enemy, an enemy wanting to do this monstrous act all the while as he was a slave to Hellsing. Elena rubbed her eyes from under her glasses, a habit she could not break while she was under pressure, she noticed Seras opened her eyes slightly to check on her, and then closed them again. Elena found it hard to believe that Alucard could have served Hellsing as Seras did yet still be plotting this vile attack on the world… would Seras be the same? A horrible thought crossed her mind, what if the runes forced a new personality to surface? And that personality was broken when the runes were gone? What if they were nothing but puppets? Slaves to the will of the puppet master? Elena was not sure if she would not harbour the same resentment as this Alucard. She stole a secret glance at Seras' face. Imagining her as a free Nosferatu, a creature cursing Elena's name and siding with this…Alucard. She thought back to when Seras had broke her own chains last time. She was nothing but a creature of madness… something that tried to destroy Hellsing… was that the true Seras?

No she shouldn't think like that…It would only be a few hours till they reached London. She wondered what they would be doing with the Vatican staff… however she knew they would have to help whatever way they could to try and bolster the last of the human forces left.

Alucard strolled into the grand cathedral of the pope, where he sat on his throne at the end of the long hall, growls and shrieks filled the halls as his creatures of the night resided at the edges of the great hall. Rain pattered on the window from outside, light flashed in the gloom of the hall as lightning flared outside. Dead Vatican members lay strewn across the floor, their blood drying on the holy floor. Smashed glass littered the floor and holy symbols lay broken and forgotten. Alucard was proud of his army, once again they had taken another piece of armour off the last of the 'free' humans. Alucard did not see himself as this great monster, he was only setting things right with the world. It had gone askew from the way the world should have gone and for their human crimes, even the humans knew it, they were destroying their own world. It was dying, Alucard was repairing the situation. He was putting things right. Soon the world would be in harmony once again. With him at its head.

The creatures knew their creator had appeared and slunk off, in utmost respect as they knew he wasn't fond of being surrounded by them. A body moved at the end of the hall, the body of the current pope, his breathing was harsh and his eyes were panicked. The old man clutched at his throat, but could not stop the blood from gushing down his once pristine robes. As Alucard stepped near he gargled something but Alucard could not make it out, nor did he really care.

"Your holy city lies in pieces, father…" He drawled the last word harshly. The pope simply looked up at him, a look of pure hate laced his eyes.

"The… Va-Vatican may… be gone…" He forced out. "Bu..but you will see…" He began coughing as he struggled on the edge of death. Alucard grinned at the dying pope.

"I will see what old man? Out with it." The pope let go of his throat, not trying to staunch the blood. He tried to speak however only blood trickled from his mouth before he lay still… he was gone. Alucard shrugged. They always thought they were all high and mighty, however with the atrocities they did in God's name he doubted even they would make it into heaven. After all many of the worst crimes in history were done in 'God's name.'

Right there we go for chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed it. I will at some point hopefully be re-writing my first story, New master, new servant at some point. But for now I will just be writing this. Got a totally new story planned out so that is why I started again.

Ta all.

Re-edited this, hope you like the new chapter.