I took a break from Assassin's Creed and my oc's for a bit to write this piece of shit. Just a short little drabble for your enjoyment.

Warnings: Mentions of mpreg, previous mpreg, beastiality, and Loki being a whore.
Rating: Mature
Disclaimers: If I owned Marvel, this would have been canon.

"This has happened before, Brother. I do not see why you are so concerned."

Voices had carried through the tower for nearly two hours. One began excitedly but grew more and more desperate as the second began more and more exasperate.

"Last time, you were a horse. There was no…unnatural…danger."

"My very nature is unnatural, Thor. You know this."


"I want this."

There was a silence as Thor took in his brother's form. Loki had brightened since Odin ordered for him to serve his rehabilitation with the Midgardian Avengers. The humans had accepted Loki hesitantly into their company, but he seemed to grow on a few, Bruce Banner and Tony Stark especially.

"Who did this?" Thor finally asked gruffly, running his fingers through his blonde hair. It was already messy from continuously repeating the action through the night. Loki didn't answer, wouldn't look at him. The dark haired god of mischief only cradled his, for now, flat stomach. Thor huffed and nulled the question with another. If Loki wanted to defend his latest lover, Thor would not push the issue though he urged to Mjolnir into the mystery man's skull. "Does he know?"

"Not yet," Loki conceded. "I had wished to see your reaction before I told…" He paused as if he was to say the name but thought better of it. "…him." He ended, slightly choked.

"Will you not tell me the name, Brother?" Thor pressed, leaning forward; his wrinkled flannels, unbuttoned for comfort, opened wider to the white, ribbed tank beneath. Loki's eyes focused on the point above Thor's heart, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"I suppose you would find out eventually," he told the god of thunder. "It's…"

Lips and teeth nipped at his neck incessantly, begging for the god beneath them to moan, groan, move, anything. A tongue joined in, lapping at the newly formed bruise before the teeth replaced it again to darken it. Slender, long fingers netted into brown hair, and the mouth was pulled away.

"What's wrong?" a voice asked the god.

"Anthony, we need to talk."

There was a shift, and weight was lifted off Loki almost immediately as Tony Stark rolled to the side to look at his lover properly. They were both shirtless, the arc reactor lit the room enough that neither man had to strain to see. Cotton sheath legs were still tangled; they couldn't let each other go even for an instant.

Tony's hand came to rest on Loki's face. "What is it?" he demanded not unkindly.

Loki looked into Tony's eyes, measuring the emotion, debating one final time if he truly wanted this. "I suppose it is now just a legend here, but do you recall the tale of Sleipnir the Eight-Legged?" Tony shook his head. Unlike his father, he was not well read with Nordic mythology. Even when he began his affair with a biggest myth of all, he always allowed Loki to tell the stories of Asgard, relying on the frost giant's judgment rather than a professor's translation.

Loki Laufeyson prepared himself to speak his piece, nuzzling the still resting hand. "There was a time when I was rather proficient in shape shifting. I used to sneak to Midgard as a human woman or eavesdrop as a bird. Once I disguised myself as a mare and went to rest in my father's pasture. A stallion was there as well. He…well…He mated me, and I later gave birth." A gasp ran out from Tony.

"Gave birth? As in…"

"I was Sleipnir's mother, aye," Loki nodded. "Odin rides him now as a battle horse, but that isn't the reason for this 'story time adventure', love." With that, Tony hushed as Loki continued. "I fathered three others, possibly more. The guardian of the dead, Hel. The sea serpent, Jörmungandr. And the wolf, Fenir, he-who-will-devour-the-sun." He paused to allow the human sometime for absorption. The engineer nodded after only a few seconds.

"It appears that I have not lost the ability to bear children, though."

For once, his genius of a midgardian was lost for words. Iron Man's alter ego laid next to his former enemy, gaping as his tired, sexually frustrated mind worked away at what the god was trying to put into words.


Loki gently took the hand away from his face and guided it down his naked chest to his abdomen. The flesh was still taut from battle prep and exercise and acrobatics but the barest roundness was easily felt by the man who made a point to memorize the trickster's body. Tony suddenly lurched forward, hand still cradling the mostly flat abdomen, and kissed Loki full on the mouth. The loving caress grew heavier as the god of mischief rolled them to lie onto of Tony.

The air grew heavy as the raven haired man kissed his way down the Avenger's chest, licking the face of the reactor embedded in Tony's chest. As he toyed with the waistband of the human's sweats, Loki paused in his worship of the body before him.

"By the way," he said with a nip along Tony's navel—this produced a moan that made the frost giant grin—"Thor knows. He wants to speak with you in the morrow."

Tony Stark would have been remiss to say his erection did not wilt at the thought.

Review, please. It helps the writing process.